

Satyajit Pramanik is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at IIT Guwahati.   His research agenda is centered on the development of mathematical models to solve challenging applied-mathematics problems. He works on projects related to flow through soft porous media, miscible viscous fingering with and without chemical reactions, premelting dynamics, and flow through soft porous media. 

He graduated from IIT Kharagpur in 2011 with a first class in M.Sc. Mathematics degree and was awarded the Institute Silver Medal being adjusted the best graduating student in M.Sc. Mathematics. He earned his PhD in Mathematics at IIT Ropar in 2016 from and was awarded the Best Thesis Award in Mathematics (2018). He worked as a postdoctoral research assistant (2019-2020) at Oxford with Chris MacMinn, a postdoc (2016–2019) with John Wettlaufer at the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA), Sweden. He has also worked as visiting researchers at TU Wien (2014–2015) and ULB Belgium (2014). His Erdös number is 5.

You can find my CV here.

Postdoctoral Researchers

Ph.D. Students

JRF/Project Staff

We are looking forward to welcome interested and highly motivated postdocs to our group. 



IIT Gandhinagar

Dr. Ayan Chanda (Sep 2021 – Aug 2022) - currently, he is a postdoc at IIT Kharagpur. 

Dr. Gautam Kumar worked as an institute postdoc at IITGN – currently, he is a postdoc at Honk Kong University.

Master Students:

IIT Gandhinagar

Asmita Kushwaha (M.Sc.) 2021-2022

Lokesh Sharma (M.Sc.) 2021–2022. 

Bhanupratap Singh Rajawat (M.Sc.) 2021–2022

Milton Biswas (M.Sc.) 2020–2021. 

Tulsa Pujhari (M.Sc.) 2020–2021.