Satoshi Kawakami
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyushu University, Japan.
Neuromorphic Computing Laboratory
kawakami [at]
Research Interests
Processor Architecture, Manycore/Multicore Processors, Speculative execution, Model Predictive Control, Neural Network, Nanophotonics, Single-Flux-Quantum Circuit, Quantum Computer
Pick up papers
Kenichi Kitayama, Masaya Notomi, Makoto Naruse, Koji Inoue, Satoshi Kawakami, and Atsushi Uchida, "Novel frontier of photonics for data processing - Photonic accelerator -,” APL Photonics, Vol.4, No.9, pp.090901, Sep. 2019.
Koki Ishida, Ilkwon Byun, Ikki Nagaoka, Kousuke Fukumitsu, Masamitsu Tanaka, Satoshi Kawakami, Teruo Tanimoto, Takatsugu Ono, Jangwoo Kim, and Koji Inoue, "Architecting an Extremely Fast Neural Processing Unit Using Superconducting Logic Devices,” In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), pp.58 - 72, Oct. 2020.
Koki Ishida, Ilkwon Byun, Ikki Nagaoka, Kousuke Fukumitsu, Masamitsu Tanaka, Satoshi Kawakami, Teruo Tanimoto, Takatsugu Ono, Jangwoo Kim, and Koji Inoue, "Superconductor Computing for Neural Networks” in IEEE Micro, vol.41, Issue 3, pp. 19-26, May-June 2021.
Satoshi Kawakam, Yusuke Ohtsubo, Koji Inoue and Masamitsu Tanaka, "Late Breaking Results: Single Flux Quantum based Brownian Circuits for Ultra-Low-Power Computing", In Proceedings of Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2024.
IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) ICD/CAS/CPSY domestic conference, student TPC, 2016-2017
CF (ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers) TPC member, 2020
ASP-DAC (Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference) TPC member, 2020-2022
IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan) SIGARCH, Secretary, 2021-2026
IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) ICD, Secretary, 2022-2027
LSJ (The Laser Society of Japan) Optical Computing, Secretary, 2024-2027
xSIG (cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infrastructures, and programming), PC member, 2023-2024
xSIG (cross-disciplinary workshop on computing Systems, Infrastructures, and programming), Program Vice-Chair , 2025
IEEE Special Issue Proposal for Design & Test Magazine, GE, 2023
IEICE Transactions (D): Special Section on Forefront Computing, Editorial Board, 2023 - 2024
SiPC: Silicon Photonics Consortium, member, 2023-
Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu, PC member, 2023-2024
IEICE (The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) Kyushu section, Secretary, 2025-2026
IEEE Computer Society Fukuoka Chapter, Treasurer, 2025-2026
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Editor, 2025-2029
Room 550 West 2nd Building, 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan