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Here are the requirements for attending SAT/PSAT English Enhancement Class (SEEC).

  1. Be on time every time. The class always begins on time.
  2. You are expected to take notes. So please bring a notepad.
  3. Complete the assigned homework by the designated deadline because all the late submissions will be ignored.
  4. Feel free to ask questions in class or via email. There are no dumb questions in SEEC.
  5. Check class email weekly for homework and check class schedule at the end of a month.
  6. Always review the class content.
  7. Pay the full tuition for the next month by the 21st of an earlier month.
  8. Vocabulary requirements:
    • Memorize one column of roots/words each day and four columns (two pages) each week. Review all words in the four columns on Friday.
    • Give yourself hints beside the words of how to remember them, for instance, grouping synonyms, antonyms, or words with similar meanings. If your book is not heavily noted, you are not doing the job right.
    • Put a small check mark by all the words that you are very sure that you know already.
    • You will test yourself on the two pages every week every weekend. You are expected to have an 80% success rate in all the tests.