
Becker Lab, University of Alabama

2018 – present

My postdoctoral research is focused on the ecology of the amphibian skin disease chytridiomycosis in Brazil, including virulence of hybrid pathogen strains, ecology of the amphibian skin microbiome, and host-pathogen responses to climate warming.

Vertebrate Ecology Lab, James Cook University, Australia

2014 – 2017

I focused my dissertation research at the intersection of emerging wildlife diseases and global climate change, specifically thermal ecology of the amphibian disease chytridiomycosis in the Australian Wet Tropics, pathogen responses to the natural body temperature regimes of rainforest frogs, host immune responses to temperature shifts, and impacts of disease on host thermal tolerance.

University of Georgia Marine Institute, Sapelo Island, Georgia

2013 – 2014

At the University of Georgia Marine Institute, I managed one of the world’s largest manipulative field studies investigating effects of sea level rise on freshwater tidal marshes (plants, invertebrates, water chemistry, sediment dynamics) in support of the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research network.

Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichauway, Georgia

2012 – 2013

At Ichauway, I led state-wide field surveys to estimate density and abundance of the gopher tortoise on private lands in Georgia, in cooperation with Georgia Department of Natural Resources. I also participated in a field study on impacts of invasive fire ants on reptiles and small mammals on a longleaf pine preserve.

Maine Chytrid Lab, University of Maine

2010 – 2011

My Master's research included an electron microscopy study on the morphology of fungal infections in amphibian skin and a mesocosm experiment on the role of disease-resistant bullfrogs as vectors of the amphibian chytrid fungus.

Maine Natural Areas Program


State-wide surveys for rare and endangered plants and natural communities throughout Maine.

University of Maine


Surveys for pond-breeding amphibians and stream salamanders in Western Mountains of Maine.

Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts


Radio telemetry study on movement patterns of spadefoot toads, long-term monitoring of amphibians and reptiles in ephemeral ponds and dune ecosystems of outer Cape Cod.

La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica

2006 – 2007

Mark-recapture study on effects of rainforest leaf litter dynamics on amphibian and reptile populations, disease monitoring of amphibians and reptiles.

Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia

2005, 2006, 2007

Long-term monitoring and protection of loggerhead sea turtle nests, ArcGIS mapping for feral hog and shorebird management plans.