Current Position

  • Assistant Professor in Economic Policy (SECS P01) University of Rome Tor Vergata – Department of Economics and Finance (January 2008 - onward)

  • Qualified as Associate Professor as a result of the Italian National Scientific Qualification 2012 (art.16 of the law 30 December 2010, n.240) in the Disciplinary Area 13- Economics and Statistics in - SECS P01- Economic Policy and SECS P02- Political Economy

  • Board Member of CEIS- Center for Economic and International Studies

  • Faculty member of the PhD in Economics, Law and Institutions of the Department of Economics Law and Institution of the University of Rome Tor Vergata

  • Faculty member of the Master in Economia della Cultura : Politiche, Governo, e Gestione of the University of Rome Tor Vergata

  • Secretary General of ICABR: International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research

Previous Employments:

  • 2005-2007: Economist at Unit of Evaluation of Public Investment of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development

  • 2001-2005: Consultant FAO and World Bank


  • P.h.D. in Economics, (Dottorato di Ricerca), University of Rome “Tor Vergata” - Italy (2003).

  • B.A. in Economics, (Laurea in Economia e Commercio), University of Rome “Tor Vergata” - Italy (1997).

  • Baccalaureat B – Economics - French School Lycee Chateubriand de Rome


International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR), International Association of Agriculture Economists (IAAE), European Association of Agriculture Economist (EAAE), Italian Association of Development Economists (IDEAs), Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA), American Economic Association (AEA)


Food Policy, Agricultural Economics, Journal of Agriculture Economics, AgBioForum, Agricultural and Food Economics, International Journal of Biotechnology

Research Advisor

PhD Students PHD in Economics, Law and Institution

  • Adriana Paolantonio: Adaptation to Climate Change and Real Options in Small Holder Agriculture- 2013

  • Federica Alfani: Non Economic Measurement of Economic Welfare - 2013

  • Giovanni Federighi: Essays on Estimation of Agriculture Efficiency in Developing Countries (September 2014)

  • Eleonora Porreca, Neighbor Effect and Adoption of New technologies in Agriculture, (ongoing)

  • Diletta Parisi, Soft Traits and Agriculture Productivity (ongoing)

  • Caterina Sucameli, Drivers of Technology Adoption in SSA: infrastructure and education (ongoing)

Master of Sciences Students (Italian and English Courses)

  • Sonia Sarra: L’uso delle rimesse degli emigrati in Albania: l’investimento in istruzione (The use of Remittances in Albania) - 2008

  • Lucia De Luca: L’impatto Dei Flussi Migratori E Delle Rimesse Sulla Produttivita’ Agricola Cinese (Migration flows and agriculture productivity in China) - 2008

  • Gianvito Caroli: La commercializzazione dei Prodotti Geneticamente Modificati in Italia (Commercialization of GMOs) - 2013

  • Federica De Vita: Il ruolo dell’informazione e delle emozioni nelle scelte razionali dei consumatori (The role of information and of emotions on rational choices of Consumers)- 2013

  • Diletta Parisi, Malnutrition in Burkina Faso - 2014

Undergraduate Students

  • Lawrence Bartolomucci: L’urbanizzazione nei PVS: teoria economica e implicazioni di policy. Il caso del Mozambico (Urbanization in developing countries: economic theory and policy implications: Evidence from Mozambique) - 2009

  • Martin La Fata: Analisi della Componente Speculativa e Tendenziale nella Crescita del Prezzo dei Beni Agricoli (Analysis of the speculative component of food prices) -2009

  • Paolo Morini: Roman Perspective of GMOs (2010)

  • Giuseppe Salvi: Nuove Frontiere della Neuroeconomia (New frontiers in Neuroeconomics) -2012

  • Sara Alessandrini: Funzionamento del Mercato Agricolo nei Paesi dei Balcani (Agriculture market in Western Balcans) - 2012

  • Alberta Pelino, Agriculture Intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa - 2013

  • Francesco Serrao, La Turchia tra crescita e integrazione : il caso del fair trade (Turkey: growth and integration: the case of fair trade) expected fall 2014

Conferences And Workshops

Presentation of papers at National, European and International Associations

  • EAAE: European Association of Agriculture Economists

  • Conferences: Budapest (Hungary) 2007, Berlin (Germany) 2010, Congress: Zurich (Switzerland) : 2011

  • IAAE: International Association of Agriculture Economists Congresses: Beijing (China) 2009 and Iguassu (Brazil) 2012

  • AAAE: African Association of Agriculture Economists Congress: Hammamet (Tunisia) 2013

  • IATRC: International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium: Conferences: San Diego (USA) 2012 and Seville (Spain) 2013

  • AIEAA: Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics Conferences: Campobasso (Italy) 2010, Trento (Italy) 2012, Parma (Italy) 2013

  • ICABR: International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research Conferences: Ravello (Italy) in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013

  • AAWE: American Association of Wine Economists Conference: Bozen (Italy) 2012

  • World Bank: Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Conferences: Washington DC (USA) 2012, 2013, Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Western Balkan Countries, 2010

  • Beeronomics: The Economics of Beer and Brewing Conferences: Leuven (Belgium) 2009, Munich (Germany) 2011

  • Choconomics: Economics and Politics of Chocolate Conference: Leuven (Belgium) 2012

Invited Speaker

  • November 2013: World Bank Seminar on Agriculture in Africa: Telling Facts from Myths – Washington DC April 2013 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty – Washington DC

  • March 2012 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty – Washington DC November 2011 University of California Davis Beeronomics Symposium

  • November 2011 George Washington University: Seminar on Behavioral Economics

  • July 2009, The 2009 Pre-G8 Summit Conference Global Financial Crisis: National Solutions, Geopolitical Impacts

  • May 2008 Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Social Accounting Matrix and Impact Evaluation

  • May 2008 University of Trento: Land Market in Eastern European Countries

  • October 2007: FAO workshop on “Rural farm and Non Farm Linkages”, October 10-11, 2007, Rome

  • March 2006: FAO workshop on “Governance, Coordination and Distribution along Commodity Value Chains” organized by the FAO in Rome on March 4-5, 2006.

  • 18th Symposium and Global Learning Opportunity, Farming Systems and Poverty: Making a Difference: Rome –Italy 12 – 16 September 2005

  • June 2005: World Bank Workshop on “Revisiting the Role of Agriculture in Poverty Reduction in SSA”, The World Bank, Washington DC, USA - June 27-28th,

  • March 2005: World Bank CEM/PA consultations workshop on March 8-11th, 2005 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Consultancies and Grants

Consultant for the following Organizations

  • IFPRI,

  • World Bank (Development Economic Research Group),

  • FAO

  • Italian Ministry of Economic Development

  • IPI: Italian Institute for the promotion of small and medium enterprises


  • FAO - CEIS: Knowledge Products to Support Effective Policy-making for Climate Smart Agriculture and Social Protection: US$ 99770

  • FAO - CEIS: Smallholder agriculture in transition: Behaviour, constraints and policies in Ethiopia, and Kenya: US$ 123430

  • World Bank – CEIS: Land and Poverty March 2013: US$ 12000

Conferences and Workshops Organization

Organization of PhD Workshop

  • Short Course in Econometrics with Joshua Angrist (MIT), Ravello June 12-15, 2015.

  • Second ICABR- PhD Workshop on Theoretical Models, Empirical Methods, and Data Collection for Analyzing the Bioeconomy – Nairobi Kenya June, 17- 2014:

  • First ICABR- PhD Workshop on Theoretical Models, Empirical Methods, and Data Collection for Analyzing the Bioeconomy – Ravello Italy June 18, 2013

Member of the Scientific Committee and LOC


  • ICABR: 18th Annual Conference on Bioeconomy and Development, Nairobi (Kenya) June 17-20, 2014

  • ICABR: 17th Annual Conference on Innovation and Policy for the Bioeconomy Ravello June 18-21, 2013

  • ICABR: 16th Annual Conference with the EAAE, and the AAWE: The Political Economy of the Bioeconomy, Ravello June 24-27, 2012

  • ICABR : 15th Annual Conference “Sustainability and the Bioeconomy”, Rome June 26-29, 2011

  • ICABR: 14th Annual Conference on “Bioeconomy Governance: Policy, Environmental and Health Regulation, and Public Investments in Research”, June 16-18, 2010

  • ICABR 13th Annual Conference on “The Emerging Bio-Economy” , Ravello, June 18 – 20, 2009

  • ICABR: 12th Annual Conference on The Future of Agricultural Biotechnology: Creative Destruction, Adoption, or Irrelevance? , Ravello, June 12-14, 2008


  • 2014: Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty : Washington DC, March 24-27, 2014

  • 2013: Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty: Washington DC, April 8-11, 2013

  • 2012: Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty: Washington DC, April 23-26, 2012:

  • 2010: Conference on Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Western Balkan Countries , Brussels December 14-15, 2010


  • EAERE: 18th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Rome June 29-July 2nd, 2011

Villa Mondragone International Economic Seminar

  • “After the Crisis: Rethinking Global Governance, Development and Growth”, Rome June 22-23, 2011

  • "Recovery after the Crisis: Perspectives and Policies", Rome June 23-23, 2010:

  • "The Economic Crisis and Long term Growth” Rome, June 24-25, 2009

  • "Europe, Climate Change and Energy Policies: a New Industrial Revolution?” , Rome, July 1-2, 2008