Teaching and students supervision

PhD Students:
Not yet.
Bachelor and Master students co-supervisions and supervisions. All supervisions are for Math students.

2023: Co-supervising with Madalina Deaconu à M2 IMSD Stage.

2022: Supervising a Projet 3A for a M2 student of école de Mines de Nancy, co-supervising with Madalina Deaconu a M2 IMSD Stage, co-supervising with Antoine Lejay and Lionel Lenotre a M2 Student of Master 2 from Paris Sorbonne.

2021: Supervising of two couples of Master 1 students for TER, a Master 2 IMSD student for Projet Long, a Projet 3A for a M2 student of école de Mines de Nancy.

2020: Co-supervising a Bachelor thesis in Statistical Mechanics and an Academic reading and writing (sort of pre-master thesis) on Erdős-Rényi graphs

2022-2023 Université de Lorraine
2021-2022 Université de Lorraine
2020-2021 Université de Lorraine
2019-2020  at Universität Potsdam
Spring Semester 2017 at Polytech'Lille
Fall 2016 at Polytech'Lille
2014-2015 at Universität Potsdam