
Alphabetical listing of co-authors reflects equal authorship unless otherwise noted.

* First author, non-alphabetical authorship. + Student co-author.


* School-Based Healthcare and Absenteeism: Evidence from Telemedicine (with Steven W. Hemelt), Education Finance and Policy, 19(2): pp. 252–282. [Working Paper Version]

* Can Community Crime Monitoring Reduce Student Absenteeism? (with Robert Gonzalez), Education Finance and Policy, 18(2), pp. 319-350, 2023.

Comprehensive Support and Student Success: Can Out of School Time Make a Difference?  Education Finance and Policy, 17(4), pp. 579-607, 2022.

Are Power Plant Closures a Breath of Fresh Air? Local Air Quality and School Absences (with Emily Pakhtigian+), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 112, 2022.

The Effect of Coal-Fired Power Plant Closures on Emergency Department Visits for Asthma-Related Conditions Among 0-4 Year-Old Children in Chicago, 2009-2017 (with Emily Pakhtigian+), American Journal of Public Health, 111(5), pp. 881-889, 2021.

Community Monitoring and Crime: Evidence From Chicago's Safe Passage Program (with Robert Gonzalez) Journal of Public Economics, 191, 2020.

Public Health Regulation and Mortality: Evidence from Early 20th Century Milk Laws, Journal of Health Economics, 56, p. 126-144, 2017.

Working Papers: 

When Does Crime Respond to Punishment?: Evidence from Chicago's Drug-Free School Zones (with Robert Gonzalez and Ranae Jabri+), Revisions requested at the Journal of Urban Economics.

Are Friends of Schools the Enemies of Equity? The Interplay of Public School Funding Policies and Private External Fundraising (with Lisa Barrow and Lauren Sartain), Revisions requested at Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

Ending Early Grade Suspensions (with Ezra Karger), Under review. 

In Progress:

School-Based Support for Children's Mental Health: Evidence from North Carolina