

Returns an ArCOM interface object

  • Chooses the best interface by default (MATLAB/Java, Psychtoolbox IOPort or Octave)

  • Creates a serial port object

  • Opens the serial port


myPort = ArCOMObject(Port, BaudRate, [interface])


  • Port: The name of the serial port as it is known to the operating system.

    • In Windows, this will look like 'COMX' (i.e. 'COM3').

    • In OSX, this will look like '/dev/tty.usbmodemXXXX' or '/dev/tty.usbserial'

    • In Linux, this will look like '/dev/ttyACM0'.

  • BaudRate: The same baud rate used in your Arduino sketch (i.e. 9600, 115200, etc).

  • Interface: An optional string argument to force use of a specific interface (i.e. MATLAB/Java instead of Psychtoolbox/IOPort). Options are:

    • 'java'

    • 'psychtoolbox'


  • An ArCOM object with the following fields:

    • Port (the handle to the serial port, opened using the chosen interface)

    • UseOctave (0 if running in MATLAB, 1 if in Octave)

    • UsePsychtoolbox (0 if false, 1 if true)

    • Interface (a byte code for the interface used: 0 = MATLAB/Java, 1 = IOPort, 2 = Octave)

    • BaudRate (the baud rate of the port)

    • ValidDataTypes (a cell array of strings listing supported data types)


% This code opens two serial ports using ArCOM, in a MATLAB environment with PsychToolbox installed and ArCOMObject.m in the MATLAB path. One port is forced to use MATLAB's native serial interface.

MyHappyPort = ArCOMObject('COM3', 115200);

MySadPort = ArCOMObject('COM4', 115200, 'java');