

Writes values to Arduino using an ArCOM serial port

  • Accepts scalar values or arrays

  • Accepts signed and unsigned integers of 8, 16 or 32 bits.

  • Returns an error if data is out of range for the intended data type.


MyPort.write(Data, Datatype, Data2, Datatype2,...)


  • Data: A MATLAB variable containing data to send.

  • Datatype: A string specifying the data type:

    • 'uint8'

    • 'uint16'

    • 'uint32'

    • 'int8'

    • 'int16'

    • 'int32'

  • DataN, DatatypeN: Optionally, additional scalars or arrays of data can be added as pairs of additional data and datatype arguments.

    • Instead of a list of separate calls to ArCOM, this allows more efficient transmission: the data vectors will be packaged into a byte string, and transmitted with a single write call to the underlying interface.




These examples assume a port has been created with:

MyPort = ArCOMObject('COM3', 115200); % Use your actual port and baud rate

% 1. This sends a 32-bit unsigned integer to Arduino. Arduino is connected to an ArCOM serial port in the current workspace, named MyPort.

MyInt = 3141592;

MyPort.write(MyInt, 'uint32');

% 2. This sends a 100-sample sine wave (range: +/- 10,000) to Arduino as signed 16-bit integers.

MyWave = int16(sin(.1*(1:100))*10000);

MyPort.write(MyWave, 'int16');

% 3. This sends an 8-bit op code, a 32-bit time and a 16-bit sample with a single call to the underlying serial interface:

opCode = 56;

time = 102423;

sample = 5001;

MyPort.write(opCode, 'uint8', time, 'uint32', sample, 'int16');