
Formal Education

Doctoral Degree (2012 - 2016)

European PhD Program in Computational Logic (EPCL), a joint doctoral degree program.


Awarded degree:  a joint doctoral degree (PhD) from both FUB and TUD, which is equivalent to Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat) in Germany, and Dottore di Ricerca in Scienze e Tecnologie Informatiche in Italy.

Thesis:  Verification of Data-aware Business Processes in the Presence of Ontologies.

Supervisors:  Diego Calvanese (main), Marco Montali (co-supervisor), Franz Baader (external supervisor).

Master Degree (2009 - 2011)

European Master in Computational Logic (EMCL), a double degree master program.


Awarded degree:  Master of Science (from TUD), and Laurea Magistrale in Informatica (from FUB).

Thesis:  Automated Service Synthesis in the Weighted Framework.

Supervisor: Diego Calvanese.

Bachelor Degree (2004 - 2008)

Institutions:  Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia

Awarded degree: Sarjana Ilmu Komputer (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science).

Thesis: Implementation of the Principal Type Algorithm and the Type Inhabitant Algorithm from TAλ Type Theory Using Definite Clause Grammar in Prolog.

Supervisor:  Lim Yohanes Stefanus.

Selected Honors and Awards

[2016]  Summa Cum Laude predicate from the Technische Universität Dresden for the completion of my doctoral study within the EPCL (European PhD Program in Computational Logic) program.

[2011]  First rank in the 27th cycle of Free University of Bozen-Bolzano PhD scholarship selection.

[2011]  Best thesis project in the 10th anniversary celebration of Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.

[2009]  Erasmus Mundus scholarship awardee for European Master in Computational Logic (EMCL), and I ranked second among the awardees. Erasmus Mundus scholarship is provided by European Union.

[2008]  Cum Laude predicate from the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, for the completion of my bachelor study.

[2008]  Top 10 in Software Design Competition, Microsoft Imagine Cup Indonesia 2008. In this competition, my team and I developed an information system named WORTH (What’s On eaRTH). WORTH provides information about the pollution condition in a certain area and the impact of the pollution in the long run. Through this information, people are expected to be aware of his/her surrounding condition and encouraged to preserve their environment. This system also suggests some actions that a person can take in order to reduce the pollution rate at his/her surrounding area (e.g., planting a certain number of trees). Moreover, this system also helps people to share a story about the environment condition in a certain place and to give suggestions for enhancing the quality of their environment.

[2007]  Scholarship to attend the Summer School of Computational Logic and Logic Foundations of Computer Science at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam (Asia-Link Project).

[2007]  First place in the competition of solving Sudoku puzzle as a satisfiability problem at the Faculty of Computer Science - University of Indonesia. The competition was held by Prof. Steffen Hölldobler from Technische Universität Dresden during his visit.

[2007]  Second runner up in most outstanding students award in the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia.

[2007]  Finalist in Software Design Competition, Microsoft Imagine Cup Indonesia 2007. For this competition, my team and I developed a distributed application to help busy parents to educate their children through story telling activity. With this application, parents can tell stories from a distance (e.g., at the office) and have intense communication. This idea came from the fact that childhood education is very important, and the reality that numerous parents are too busy to give childhood education such as storytelling. Whereas, according to the literature, storytelling is an excellent method to conduct childhood education.