
(please report any broken links)

Journal Articles:

[J33] - Z. Yang, S. Ontañón (2021) An Empirical Survey on Methods for Integrating Scripts into Adversarial Search for RTS Games. IEEE Transactions on Games. [pdf from IEEE]

[J32] - P. Kantharaju, K. Alderfer, J. Zhu, B. Char, B. Smith, S. Ontañón (2020) Modeling Player Knowledge in a Parallel Programming Educational Game. IEEE Transactions on Games. [pdf from IEEE]

[J31] - J. Zhu, D.H. Dallal, R.C. Gray, J. Villareale, S. Ontañón, E.M. Forman, D. Arigo, (2020) Personalization Paradox in Behavior Change Apps: Lessons from a Social Comparison-Based Personalized App for Physical Activity. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (CSCW1), 1-21, [arXiv preprint].

[J30] - Santiago Ontañón (2020) An Overview of Distance and Similarity Functions for Structured Data. Artificial Intelligence Review. [in press] [arXiv preprint]

[J29] - Grethlein D, Winston FK, Walshe E, Tanner S, Kandadai V, Ontañón S (2020) Simulator Pre-Screening of Underprepared Drivers Prior to Licensing On-Road Examination: Clustering of Virtual Driving Test Time Series Data. J Med Internet Res 2020;22(6):e13995. DOI: 10.2196/13995, PMID: 32554384. [online version]

[J28] - Forman, E.M., Kerrigan, S.G., Butryn, M.L., Juarascio, A.S., Manasse, S.M., Ontañón, S., Dallal,D.H., Crochiere, R.J., Moskow, D.M. (2018). Can the artificial intelligence technique of reinforcement learning use continuously-monitored digital data to optimize treatment for weight loss? Journal of Behavioral Medicine [online preprint].

[J27] - Lee, Yi-Ching, Chelsea Ward McIntosh, Flaura Winston, Thomas Power, Patty Huang, Santiago Ontañón, and Avelino Gonzalez (2018) Design of an experimental protocol to examine medication non-adherence among young drivers diagnosed with ADHD: A driving simulator study. In Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications.

[J26] - Santiago Ontañón and Ali Shokoufandeh (2018) Refinement Operators for Directed Labeled Graphs with Applications to Instance-based Learning. In Knowledge-Based Systems journal. [pdf]

[J25] - Santiago Ontañón, Nicolas A. Barriga, Cleyton R. Silva, Rubens O.Moraes and Levi H. S. Lelis (2018) The First MicroRTS Artificial Intelligence Competition. AI Magazine, Volume 39, Number 1, pp 75 - 83.

[J24] - Alberto Uriarte and Santiago Ontañón (accepted 2017) Combat Models for RTS Games. In Transactions of Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (TCIAIG). Colume 10, Issue 1, pp 29-41. [online version]

[J23] - Antonio A. Sanchez-Ruiz, Santiago Ontañón (accepted 2017) Structural Plan Similarity based on Refinements in the Space of Partial Plans. In Computational Intelligence Journal. [pdf from Wiley].

[J22] - Santiago Ontañón (2017) Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits for Real-Time Strategy Games. In Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR). Volume 58, pp 665-702. [pdf from JAIR]

[J21] - Cristina Tirnauca, José L. Montaña, Santiago Ontañón, Avelino J. González, Luis M. Pardo (2016) Behavioral Modeling based on Probabilistic Finite Automata: an Empirical Study. In Sensors Journal 16(7), 958; doi:10.3390/s16070958 [online version]

[J20] - Sam Snodgrass, Santiago Ontañón (2017) Learning to Generate Video Game Maps Using Markov Models. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (TCIAIG). Volume 9, Issue 4, pp 410-422.

[J19] - Josep Valls, Santiago Ontañón and Jichen Zhu (accepted 2016) Error Analysis in an Automated Narrative Information Extraction Pipeline. In Transactions of Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (TCIAIG).Volume 9, Issue 4, pp 342-353.

[J18] - Gregory W. Schwartz; Ali Shokoufandeh; Santiago Ontanon; Uri Hershberg (accepted 2016) Using a novel clumpiness measure to unite data with metadata: finding common sequence patterns in immune receptor germline V genes. Pattern Recognition Letters. Volume 74, Pages 24–29 [online version]

[J17] - Maksim Shestov, Santiago Ontañón and Aydin Tozeren (accepted 2015) Encyclopedia of bacterial gene circuits whose presence or absence correlate with pathogenicity - a large-scale system analysis of decoded bacterial genomes. In BMC Genomics. [online version]

[J16] - Antonio A. Sanchez-Ruiz, Santiago Ontañón, Pedro A. Gonzalez-Calero, and Enric Plaza (2015) Measuring Similarity of Individuals in Description Logics Over the Refinement Space of Conjunctive Queries. In Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 47(3), 447-467. DOI 10.1007/s10844-015-0374-3

[J15] - Santiago Ontañón and Pedro Meseguer (2015) Speeding up Operations in Feature Terms using Constraint Programming and Variable Symmetry. In Artificial Intelligence Journal. Vol 220, March 2015, pp. 104 - 120 [pdf preprint]

[J14] - Atılım Güneş Baydin, Ramon López de Mántaras, Santiago Ontañón (2014) A semantic network-based evolutionary algorithm for computational creativity. In Evolutionary Intelligence Journal. [pdf from Arxiv]

[J13] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2014) Refinement-based Disintegration: An Approach to Re-representation in Relational Learning. In AI Communications journal. In AI Communications Journal, Special issue of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence. Volume 28, Number 1, pages 35 - 46. [pdf].

[J12] - Santiago Ontañón, Jose L. Montaña, Avelino Gonzalez (2014) A Dynamic-Bayesian Network Framework for Modeling and Evaluating Learning from Observation. In Expert Systems with Applications Journal. Volume 41, Issue 11, 1 September 2014, Pages 5212–5226 [pdf from]

[J11] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2014) Coordinated Inductive Learning using Argumentation-based Communication. In Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (JAAMAS) Volume 29 Issue 2. Pages 266-304. [pdf from AAAI].

[J10] - Santiago Ontañón, Gabriel Synnaeve, Alberto Uriarte, Florian Richoux, David Churchill, Mike Preuss (2013) A Survey on Real-Time Strategy Game AI Research and Competition in StarCraft. In Transactions of Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (TCIAIG), Volume 5, Issue 4, pages 1 - 19. [pdf]

[J9] - Jichen Zhu, Santiago Ontañón (2013) Shall I Compare Thee to Another Story: An Empirical Study of Analogy-Based Story Generation. in Transactions of Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (TCIAIG). Volume 6, issue 2, pages 216 - 227. [pdf preprint]

[J8] - Santiago Ontañón, Pilar Dellunde, Lluís Godo, and Enric Plaza (2012) A Defeasible Reasoning Model of Inductive Concept Learning from Examples and Communication. Artificial Intelligence Journal. Volume 193, pp. 129 - 148. [pdf]

[J7] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2012) Similarity Measures over Refinement Graphs. Machine Learning Journal. Volume 87, Issue 1 (2012), Page 57-92 [pdf preprint]

[J6] - Xiaoqin (Shelley) Zhang, Sungwook Yoon, Phillip DiBona, Darren Scott Appling, Li Ding, Janardhan Rao Doppa, Derek Greeny, Jinhong K. Guo, Ugur Kuter, Geoff Levine , Reid L. MacTavish , Daniel McFarlane, James R Michaelis, Hala Mostafa , Santiago Ontañón, Charles Parker, Jainarayan Radhakrishnan, Antons Rebguns, Bhavesh Shrestha, Zhexuan Song , Ethan B. Trewhitt, Huzaifa Zafar, Chongjie Zhang, Dan Corkill, Gerald DeJong, Thomas G. Dietterich, Subbarao Kambhampati, Victor Lesser, Deborah L. McGuinness, Ashwin Ram, Diana Spears , Prasad Tadepalli, Elizabeth T. Whitaker,Weng-Keen Wong, James A. Hendler, Martin O. Hofmann, Kenneth Whitebread (2012) An Ensemble Architecture for Learning Complex Problem-Solving Techniques From Demonstration. in ACM Transactions of Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST). Vol. 3, Issue. 4. Article No. 75. [pdf-preprint]

[J5] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2011) An Argumentation Framework for Learning, Information Exchange, and Joint-Deliberation in Multi-Agent Systems. In Multiagent and Grid Systems Journal (MAGS), IOS Press, Volume 7, Number 2-3, pp. 95-108. [pdf]

[J4] - Manu Sharma and Santiago Ontañón and Manish Mehta and Ashwin Ram (2010) Drama Management and Player Modeling for Interactive Fiction Games, in Computational Intelligence Journal, Volume 26 Issue 2, pp. 183-211. (Impact factor 5.378) [pdf]

[J3] - Santiago Ontañón and Kinshuk Mishra and Neha Sugandh and Ashwin Ram (2010) On-line Case-Based Planning. in Computational Intelligence Journal, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp. 84-119. (Impact factor 5.378) [pdf]

[J2] - Enric Plaza and Santiago Ontañón (2006) Learning Collaboration Strategies for Committees of Learning Agents. in Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (JAAMAS), Volume 13, Issue 3, pp 429 - 461. [pdf]

[J1] - Enric Plaza, Eva Armengol and Santiago Ontañón (2005), The Explanatory power of Symbolic Similarity in Case-Based Reasoning. In Artificial Intelligence Review. Volume 24, Number 2, pp. 145-161. [pdf]

Book Chapters:

[BC11] - David Churchill, Mike Preuss, Florian Richoux, Gabriel Synnaeve, Alberto Uriarte, Santiago Ontañón, Michal Čertický (2016) StarCraft Bots and Competition. In Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games, pp. 1 - 18. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-08234-9_18-1 [Springer link]

[BC10] - Santiago Ontañón , Gabriel Synnaeve, Alberto Uriarte, Florian Richoux, David Churchill, Mike Preuss (2016) RTS AI Problems and Techniques. In Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games, pp. 1 - 12. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-08234-9_17-1 [springer link]

[BC9] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2011) Empirical Argumentation: Integrating Induction and Argumentation in MAS. In Peter McBurney, Iyan Rahwan, and Simon Parsons (Editors), Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) Vol. 6614. pp 49 - 67, Springer-Verlag. [pdf]

[BC8] - Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2011) Case-Based Reasoning and User-Generated AI for Real-Time Strategy Games. In Pedro Antonio González-Calero and Marco Antonio Gómez-Martín (Editors), Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games, pp. 103-124. Springer-Verlag. [pdf]

[BC7] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2009) Argumentation-Based Information Exchange in Prediction Markets, in Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) Vol. 5384. pp 181-196, Springer-Verlag. [pdf]

[BC6] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2008) An Argumentation-Based Framework For Deliberation in Multi-agent Systems, in Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) Vol. 4946. pp 178-196, Springer-Verlag. [pdf]

[BC5] - Manish Mehta and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2008) Adaptive Computer Games: Easing the Authorial Burden. in Steve Rabin (Editor), AI Game Programming Wisdom 4. pp. 617-632 [pdf draft]

[BC4] - Santiago Ontañón and Kinshuk Mishra and Neha Sugandh and Ashwin Ram (2008) Learning from Demonstration and Case-Based Planning for Real-Time Strategy Games. in Soft Computing Applications in Industry, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 226, p. 293-310 [pdf]

[BC3] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2007), Arguments and Counterexamples in Case-based Joint Deliberation. In N. Maudet and S. Parsons and I. Rahwan (Editors), Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 4766, p. 36-53, Springer Verlag. [PDF file]

[BC2] - Jesús Cerquides, Maite López-Sánchez, Santi Ontañón, Eloi Puertas, Anna Puig, Oriol Pujol, Dani Tost (2006), Classification Algorithms for Biomedical Volume Datasets. CAEPIA'05 post-proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4177, pp 143-152.

[BC1]- Enric Plaza and Santiago Ontañón (2003), Cooperative Multiagent Learning. In Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence 2636, Springer Verlag. pp 1-17. [pdf]

Peer-Reviewer Conference Papers:

[C131] - Robert Gray, Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2021), Multiplayer Modeling via Multi-Armed Bandits, in proceedings of IEEE CoG 2021. [to appear]

[C130] - Zuozhi Yang and Santiago Ontañón (2021), Contextual Combinatorial Bandits in Real-Time Strategy Games, in proceedings of IEEE CoG 2021. [to appear]

[C129] - Shengyi Huang, Santiago Ontañón, Christopher Bamford and Lukasz Grela (2021), Gym-μRTS: Toward Affordable Deep Reinforcement Learning Research in Real-time Strategy Games, in proceedings of IEEE CoG 2021. [to appear]

[C128] - D Grethlein, A Sladek, S Ontañón (2021), ADHD Prediction via Time Series Ensemble fed Driving Simulator Data, in Proceedings of the International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings 34 (1). [pdf]

[C127] - S Ontañón, J Zhu (2021), The Personalization Paradox: the Conflict between Accurate User Models and Personalized Adaptive Systems. 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 64-66. [arXiv preprint]

[C126] - J. Zhu, D. H. Dallal, R. C. Gray, J. Villareale, S. Ontañón, E. M. Forman, D. Arigo, “Personalization Paradox in Behavior Change Apps: Lessons from a SocialComparison-Based Personalized App for Physical Activity,” ACM PACM on Human Computer Interaction, forthcoming.

[C125] - Manzil Zaheer, Guru Guruganesh, Kumar Avinava Dubey, Joshua Ainslie, Chris Alberti, Santiago Ontanon, Philip Pham, Anirudh Ravula, Qifan Wang, Li Yang, Amr Ahmed (2020). Big Bird: Transformers for Longer Sequences. Proceedings of NeurIPS 2020 [pdf]

[C124] - Ainslie J, Ontanon S, Alberti C, Cvicek V, Fisher Z, Pham P, Ravula A, Sanghai S, Wang Q, Yang L. ETC: Encoding Long and Structured Inputs in Transformers. InProceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) 2020 (pp. 268-284). [pdf]

[C123] - Zuozhi Yang and Santiago Ontañón (2020) Are Strong Policies also Good Playout Policies? Playout Policy Optimization for RTS Games. In proceedings of AIIDE 2020. To appear.

[C122] - Robert C. Gray, Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2020) Regression Oracles and Exploration Strategies for Short-Horizon Multi-Armed Bandits. In proceedings of CoG 2020. To appear.

[C121] - Pavan Kantharaju and Santiago Ontanon (2020) Discovering Meaningful Labelings for RTS Game Replays via Replay Embeddings. In proceedings of CoG 2020. To appear.

[C120] - Robert Gray, Jichen Zhu, Danielle Arigo, Evan Forman and Santiago Ontañón (2020). Player Modeling via Multi-armed Bandits. In proceedings of FDG 2020. To appear

[C119] - Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2020). Player-Centered AI for Game Personalization. In proceedings of FDG 2020. ***best paper award***.

[C118] - David Grethlein and Santiago Ontañón (2020). Spatially Aligned Clustering of Driving Simulator Data. In proceedings of FLAIRS 2020. [pdf]

[C117] - J. Zhu,K. Bright, A. Furqan, J. Nebolsky, B. Char, B. Smith and S. Ontañón (2019). Programming in Game Space: How to Represent Parallel Programming Concepts in an Educational Game. in Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG ’19), San Luis Obispo, USA. 2019. [pdf]

[C116] - Zuozhi Yang and Santiago Ontañón (2019). Guiding Monte Carlo Tree Search by Scripts in Real-Time Strategy Games. In proceedings of AIIDE 2019. To appear.

[C115] - Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2019). Experience Management in Multi-player Games. In IEEE Conference on Games (CoG 2019). [arXiv preprint].

[C114] - Pavan Kantharaju, Santiago Ontañón and Christopher Geib (2019). Scaling up CCG-Based Plan Recognition via Monte-Carlo Tree Search. In IEEE Conference on Games (CoG 2019). To appear.

[C113] - Chelsea Myers, David Grethlein, Anushay Furqan, Santiago Ontañón, Jichen Zhu (2019). Modeling Behavior Patterns with an Unfamiliar Voice User Interface. In 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’19), June 9–12, 2019, Larnaca, Cyprus.

[C112] - O’Connor D, Kapetanakis S, Samakovitis G, Floyd M, Ontañon S, Petridis M. (2019). Autonomous Swarm Agents Using Case-Based Reasoning. In International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2018 Dec 11 (pp. 210-216).

[C111] - Santiago Ontañón (2018) SHRDLU: A Game Prototype Inspired by Winograd's Natural Language Understanding Work. In Proceedings of AIIDE 2018 (2 page demonstration paper). To appear.

[C110] - Pavan Kantharaju, Katelyn Alderfer, Jichen Zhu, Bruce Char, Brian Smith and Santiago Ontañón (2018) Tracing Player Knowledge in a Parallel Programming Educational Game. In Proceedings of AIIDE 2018. To appear.

[C109] - Brandon Packard and Santiago Ontañón (2018) A User Study on Learning from Human Demonstration. In Proceedings of AIIDE 2018. To appear.

[C108] - Reza Khoshkangini, Annapaola Marconi, Santiago Ontañón and Jichen Zhu (2018) Dynamically Extracting Play Style in Educational Games. In Proceedings of GAME'ON 2018. To appear.

[C107] - Pavan Kantharaju, Santiago Ontañón, Christopher Geib (2018) microCCG, a CCG-based Game-Playing Agent for microRTS. In Proceedings of IEEE-CIG 2018. To appear.

[C106] - Zuozhi Yang, Santiago Ontañón (2018) Learning Map-Independent Evaluation Functions for Real-Time Strategy Games. In Proceedings of IEEE-CIG 2018. To appear.

[C105] - Josiah Wong, Lauren Hastings, Kevin Negy, Avelino Gonzalez, Santiago Ontañón and Yi-Ching Lee (2018) Machine Learning from Observation to Detect Abnormal Driving Behavior in Humans. In Proceedings of FLAIRS 2018. To appear.

[C104] - Brandon Packard and Santiago Ontañón (2018) Learning Behavior from Limited Demonstrations in the Context of Games. In Proceedings of FLAIRS 2018. [PDF from AAAI].

[C103] - Sam Snodgrass, Adam Summerville and Santiago Ontañón (2017) Studying the Effects of Training Data on Machine Learning-based Procedural Content Generation. In Proceedings of AIIDE 2017 (acceptance rate 25%).

[C102] - Josep Valls-Vargas, Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2017) From Computational Narrative Analysis to Generation: A Preliminary Review. In Foundational of Digital Games 2017 (Poster Track).

[C101] - Alberto Uriarte and Santiago Ontañón (2017) Single Believe State Generation for Partially Observable Real-Time Strategy Games. In Proceedings of IEEE-CIG 2017

[C100] - Sam Snodgrass and Santiago Ontañón (2017) Procedural Level Generation using Multi-layer Level Representations with MdMCs. In Proceedings of IEEE-CIG 2017

[C99] - Adam Summerville, Julian Mariño, Sam Snodgrass, Santiago Ontañón and Levi Lelis (2017) Understanding Mario: An Evaluation of Design Metrics For Platformers. In Proceedings of FGD 2017 (Acceptance rate 39%) (to appear).

[C98] - Josep Valls-Vargas, Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2017) Graph Grammar-based Controllable Generation of Puzzles for a Learning Game about Parallel Programming. In Proceedings of FDG 2017 (Acceptance rate 39%) [pdf].

[C97] - Sam Snodgrass, Santiago Ontañón (2017) Player Movement Models for Video Game Level Generation. In Proceedings of IJCAI 2017 (to appear).

[C96] - Santiago Ontañón, Jichen Zhu, Brian K. Smith, Bruce Char, Evan Freed, Anushay Furqan, Michael Howard, Anna Nguyen, Justin Patterson and Josep Valls-Vargas (2017) Designing Visual Metaphors for an Educational Game for Parallel Programming. In Proceedings of CHI 2017 [pdf from the ACM library].

[C95] - Brandon Packard and Santiago Ontañón (2017) Feature Selection for Learning from Demonstration in Minecraft. In Proceedings of FLAIRS 2017 (to appear).

[C94] - Santiago Ontañón, Yi-Ching Lee, Sam Snodgrass, Flaura Winston and Avelino Gonzalez (2017) Learning to Predict Driver Behavior from Observation. In AAAI Spring Symposium on Learning from Observation of Humans [pdf]

[C93] - Brandon Packard and Santiago Ontañón (2017) Policies for Active Learning from Demonstration. In AAAI Spring Symposium on Learning from Observation of Humans [pdf]

[C92] - Santiago Ontañón, Ali Shokoufandeh (2016) Refinement-based Similarity Measures for Directed Labeled Graphs, in proceedings of the International Conference on Case-based Reasoning (ICCBR 2016) (pp. 311-326). Springer International Publishing.

[C91] - Yusuf Osmanlioglu, Santiago Ontanon, Uri Hershberg, Ali Shokoufandeh (2016) Efficient Approximation of Labeling Problems with Applications to Immune Repertoire Analysis, in proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2016 (*Best Scientific Paper Prize for the Document Analysis, Biometrics and Pattern Recognition Applications Track*).

[C90] - Josep Valls-Vargas, Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2016) Predicting Proppian Narrative Functions from Stories in Natural Language, in proceedings of AIIDE 2016 (to appear). (acceptance ratio 26.9%)

[C89] - Alberto Uriarte, Santiago Ontañón (2016) Improving Monte Carlo Tree Search Policies in StarCraft via Probabilistic Models Learned from Replay Data, in proceedings of AIIDE 2016 (to appear). (acceptance ratio 26.9%)

[C88] - Sam Snodgrass, Santiago Ontañón (2016) An Approach to Domain Transfer in Procedural Content Generation of Two-Dimensional Videogame Levels, in proceedings of AIIDE 2016 (to appear). (acceptance ratio 26.9%)

[C87] - Santiago Ontañón (2016) Informed Monte Carlo Tree Search for Real-Time Strategy Games, in proceedings of IEEE-CIG 2016 [pdf from researchgate].

[C86] - Sam Snodgrass, Santiago Ontañón (2016) Controllable Procedural Content Generation via Constrained Multi-Dimensional Markov Chain Sampling, in proceedings of IJCAI 2016 [pdf]

[C85] - Jose Luis Montaña, Cristina Tirnauca, Carlos Ortiz-Sobremazas, Santiago Ontañón and Avelino González (2015) Teaching a Virtual Robot to Perform Tasks by Learning from Observation, in proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2015) [pdf].

[C84] - Alberto Uriarte and Santiago Ontañón (2015) Automatic Learning of Combat Models for RTS Games, in AIIDE 2015 (acceptance ratio for poster presentations 58%) [pdf from AAAI]

[C83] - Sam Snodgrass and Santiago Ontañón (2015) A Hierarchical MdMC Approach to 2D Video Game Map Generation, in AIIDE 2015 (acceptance ratio for poster presentations: 58%) [pdf from AAAI]

[C82] - Josep Valls, Santiago Ontañón and Jichen Zhu (2015) Exploring Player Trace Segmentation for Dynamic Play Style Prediction, in AIIDE 2015 (acceptance ratio for oral presentations: 28%) [pdf from AAAI]

[C81] - Santiago Ontañón, Enric Plaza and Jichen Zhu (2015) Argument-based Case Revision in CBR for Story Generation, in ICCBR 2015. [pdf]

[C80] - Josep Valls-Vargas, Jichen Zhu, Santiago Ontañón (2015) Narrative Hermeneutic Circle: Improving Character Role Identification from Natural Language Text via Feedback Loops, in IJCAI 2015 (acceptance ratio: 28.8%, 575/1996) (pdf from IJCAI).

[C79] - Santiago Ontañón and Michael Buro (2015) Adversarial Hierarchical-Task Network Planning for Complex Real-Time Games, in IJCAI 2015 (acceptance ratio: 28.8%, 575/1996) (pdf from IJCAI).

[C78] - Brandon Packard and Santiago Ontañón (2015) Learning Behavior from Demonstration in Minecraft via Symbolic Similarity Measures, in FDG 2015 (to appear). [pdf]

[C77] - Josep Valls-Vargas, Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2014) Toward Automatic Role Identification in Unannotated Folk Tales, in AIIDE 2014 (acceptance ratio for posters: 60%). [pdf]

[C76] - Florian Richoux, Alberto Uriarte and Santiago Ontañón (2014) Walling in Strategy Games via Constraint Optimization, in AIIDE 2014 (acceptance ratio: 28%). [pdf from AAAI]

[C75] - Alberto Uriarte and Santiago Ontañón (2014) Game-Tree Search over High-Level Game States in RTS Games, in AIIDE 2014 (acceptance ratio: 28%) [pdf]

[C74] - Sam Snodgrass and Santiago Ontañón (2014) A Hierarchical Approach to Generating Maps Using Markov Chains, in AIIDE 2014 (acceptance ratio: 28%). [pdf]

[C73] - Santiago Ontañón, Yi-Ching Lee, Sam Snodgrass, Dana Bonfiglio, Flaura K. Winston, Catherine McDonald, and Avelino J. Gonzalez (2014) Case-Based Prediction of Teen Driver Behavior and Skill, in Proceedings of ICCBR 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8765, pp. 375-389. Springer. [pdf]

[C72] - Antonio A. Sanchez-Ruiz, Santiago Ontañón (2014) Least Common Subsumer Trees for Plan Retrieval, in Proceedings of ICCBR 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8765, pp. 405 - 419. Springer. [PDF]

[C71] - Sam Snodgrass, Santiago Ontañón (2014) Experiments in Map Generation using Markov Chains, in FDG 2014 (Acceptance ratio for exemplary papers: 16.8%, 14/83) [PDF].

[C70] - Santiago Ontañón (2013) The Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit Problem and its Application to Real-Time Strategy Games, In AIIDE 2013. (Acceptance ratio: 27.3%, 15/55) (*best paper award!*) [pdf from AAAI]

[C69] - Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2013) Evaluating Analogy-Based Story Generation: An Empirical Study, In AIIDE 2013. (Acceptance ratio for posters: 56.3%, 31/55) [pdf from AAAI]

[C68] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2013) An Approach to Re-representation in Relational Learning, In CCIA 2013. [pdf]

[C67] - Santiago Ontañón, Jose L. Montaña and Avelino Gonzalez (2013) A Dynamic Bayesian Network Framework for Learning from Observation, In CAEPIA 2013. [pdf]

[C66] - Josep Valls-Vargas, Santiago Ontañón and Jichen Zhu (2013) Towards Story-based Content Generation: From Plot-points to Maps. In IEEE-CIG 2013. [pdf]

[C65] - Alberto Uriarte, Santiago Ontañón (2013) PSMAGE: Balanced Map Generation for StarCraft. In IEEE-CIG 2013. [pdf]

[C64] - Antonio A. Sanchez-Ruiz, Santiago Ontañón, Pedro A. Gonzalez-Calero, and Enric Plaza (2013) Refinement-based Similarity Measure over DL Conjunctive Queries. In ICCBR 2013. pp. 270 - 284. [pdf]

[C63] - Santiago Ontañón and Michael Floyd (2013) A Comparison of Case Acquisition Strategies for Learning from Observations of State-based Experts. In FLAIRS 2013. [pdf from AAAI]

[C62] - Santiago Ontañón and Pedro Meseguer (2012) Feature Term Operations using Constraint Programming with Basic Variable Symmetry. In CP 2012. pp. 1004 - 1012. [pdf]

[C61] - Josep Valls and Santiago Ontañón (2012) Natural Language Generation through Case-based Text Modification. In ICCBR 2012. pp. 443 - 457. [pdf]

[C60] - Santiago Ontañón, Josep Lluis Arcos, Josep Puyol-Gruart, Eusebio Carasusan, Daniel Giribet, David de La Cruz, Ismel Brito and Carlos Lopez Del Toro (2012) GENA: A Case-Based Approach to the Generation of Audio-visual Narratives. In ICCBR 2012, pp. 297 - 311. [pdf]

[C59] - Sergio Manzano, Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2012) A Case-based Approach to Mutual Adaptation of Taxonomic Ontologies. In ICCBR 2012. pp. 226 - 240. [pdf]

[C58] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2012) On Knowledge Transfer in Case-based Inference. In ICCBR 2012. pp 312 - 326. [pdf]

[C57] - Atılım Gunes Baydin and Ramon Lopez de Mántaras and Santiago Ontañón (2012) Automated Generation of Cross-Domain Analogies via Evolutionary Computation. In ICCC 2012. 25 - 32. (*Best Student Paper Award*) [pdf from arxiv]

[C56] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2012) Toward a Knowledge Transfer Model of Case-based Inference. In FLAIRS 2012. [pdf from AAAI]

[C55] - Santiago Ontañón (2012) Case Acquisition Strategies for Case-Based Reasoning in Real-Time Strategy Games. In FLAIRS 2012. [pdf from AAAI]

[C54] - Santiago Ontañón and Pedro Meseguer (2011) Efficient Operations in Feature Terms using Constraint Programming. In Inductive Logic Programming 2012. pp. 270 - 285 [PDF] [short conference version (from ILP 2011): PDF]

[C53] - Santiago Ontañón and Jichen Zhu (2011) The SAM Algorithm for Analogy-Based Story Generation. In Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2011). pages 67 - 72. [PDF from AAAI]

[C52] - Antonio A. Sánchez-Ruiz, Santiago Ontañón, Pedro A. González-Calero and Enric Plaza. Measuring Similarity in Description Logics using Refinement Operators. In Proceedings of International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2011), pp. 289 - 303. [pdf]

[C51] - Sergio Manzano, Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza. A Case-based Approach to Open-Ended Collective Agreement with Rational Ignorance. In Proceedings of International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2011), pp. 107 - 121. [pdf]

[C50] - Sergio Manzano, Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza. Amalgam-based Reuse for Multiagent Case-based Reasoning. In Proceedings of International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2011), pp. 122 - 136. [pdf]

[C49] - Jichen Zhu, Santiago Ontañón and Brad Lewter (2011) Representing Game Characters' Inner Worlds through Narrative Perspectives. In Foundations of Digital Games (FDG 2011). (acceptance ratio 32/107). [pdf]

[C48] - Santiago Ontañón and Jichen Zhu (2011) On the Role of Domain Knowledge in Analogy-Based Story Generation. In International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011). pages 1717-1722. (acceptance ratio 400/1325) [pdf from IJCAI]

[C47] - Kathryn Genter, Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2011) Learning Opponent Strategies through First Order Induction. In Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Scociety Conference (FLAIRS 2011). pp. 482 - 483. [pdf]

[C46] - Søren Tranberg, Santiago Ontañón (2010) A Framework for Multi Player Robot Games. In Proceedings of International Conference in Social Robotics (ICSR 2010). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6414, pp. 131 - 140. [pdf]

[C45] - Andrea Corradini, Manish Mehta, Santiago Ontañón, and Juel Henrichsen (2010) Textual vs. Graphical Interaction in an Interactive Fiction Game: Lessons Learned. In proceedings of International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS 2010). pp. 228 - 231. [pdf]

[C44] - Santiago Ontañón and Jichen Zhu (2010) Story and Text Generation through Computational Analogy in the Riu System. In Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2010), pp. 51 - 56 (acceptance ratio 17/57) [pdf]

[C43] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2010) Concept Convergence in Empirical Domains. In Discovery Science (DS 2010), pp. 281 - 295. [pdf]

[C42] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2010) Argumentation-based Example Interchange for Multiagent Induction. In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence. IOS Press, pp. 59 - 68. [pdf]

[C41] - Santiago Ontañón, Pilar Dellunde, Lluís Godo and Enric Plaza (2010) Towards a Logical Model of Induction from Examples and Communication. In Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence. IOS Press, pp. 259 - 268. [pdf]

[C40] - Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2010) Story Representation in Analogy-Based Story Generation in Riu. in proceedings of IEEE Computational Intelligence in Games (IEEE-CIG 2010). pp. 435-442. (acceptance ratio 61/124) [pdf]

[C39] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2010) Towards Argumentation-based Multiagent Induction. In proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010), pp. 1111-1112. [pdf]

[C38] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2010) Multiagent Inductive Learning: an Argumentation-based Approach. In International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2010), pp 839 - 846. (acceptance ratio 152/594) [PDF file]

[C37] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2010) Amalgams: A Formal Approach for Combining Multiple Case Solutions. In International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2010), LNAI 6176, pp. 257 - 271. [updated pdf]

[C36] - Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2010) Towards Analogy-Based Story Generation, in First International Conference in Computational Creativity (ICCC-X 2010), pp. 75 - 84. [PDF file]

[C35] - Andrea Corradini, Manish Mehta, Santiago Ontañón (2009) Evaluation of a Drama Manager Agent for an Interactive Story-based Game, in International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS 2009). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5915/2009, pp. 246-257. [pdf]

[C34] - Andrea Corradini, Manish Mehta, Santiago Ontañón (2009) Evaluating a Drama Management Approach in an Interactive Fiction Game, in 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT 2009), pp. 141-144.

[C33] - Manish Mehta and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2009) Using Meta-Reasoning to Improve the Performance of Case-Based Planning, in International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2009), LNAI 5650, pp 210 - 224. [PDF file]

[C32] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2009) On Similarity Measures based on a Refinement Lattice. in International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2009), LNAI 5650, pp 240 - 255. [PDF file]

[C31] - Jainarayan Radhakrishnan and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2009) Goal-Driven Learning in the GILA Integrated Intelligence Architecture. in International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2009), pp 1205 -1210. [PDF file]

[C30] - Xiaoqin (Shelley) Zhang, Sungwook Yoon, Phillip DiBona, Darren Scott Appling, Li Ding, Janardhan Rao Doppa, Derek Greeny, Jinhong K. Guo, Ugur Kuter, Geoff Levine , Reid L. MacTavish , Daniel McFarlane, James R Michaelis, Hala Mostafa , Santiago Ontañón, Charles Parker, Jainarayan Radhakrishnan, Antons Rebguns, Bhavesh Shrestha, Zhexuan Song , Ethan B. Trewhitt, Huzaifa Zafar, Chongjie Zhang, Dan Corkill, Gerald DeJong, Thomas G. Dietterich, Subbarao Kambhampati, Victor Lesser, Deborah L. McGuinness, Ashwin Ram, Diana Spears , Prasad Tadepalli, Elizabeth T. Whitaker,Weng-Keen Wong, James A. Hendler, Martin O. Hofmann, Kenneth Whitebread (2009) An Ensemble Learning and Problem Solving Architecture for Airspace Management. in Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-2009), pp. 203 - 210. [PDF file]

[C29] - Santiago Ontañón and Abhishek Jain and Manish Mehta and Ashwin Ram (2008) Developing a Drama Management Architecture for Interactive Fiction Games. in International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling ICIDS 2008, Erfurt, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5334, pp 186-197 [PDF file]

[C28] - Suhas Virmani and Yatin Kanetkar and Manish Mehta and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2008), An Intelligent IDE for Behavior Authoring in Real-Time Strategy Games. AIIDE-2008 [PDF file]

[C27] - Andrew Trusty and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2008), Stochastic Plan Optimization in Real-Time Strategy Games. AIIDE-2008 [PDF file]

[C26] - Kinshuk Mishra and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2008), Situation Assessment for Plan Retrieval in Real-Time Strategy Games. ECCBR-2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5239, pp 355-369. [PDF file]

[C25] - Neha Sugandh and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2008), Real-Time Plan Adaptation for Case-Based Planning in Real-Time Strategy Games. ECCBR-2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5239, pp 533-547. [PDF file]

[C24] - Neha Sugandh and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2008), On-Line Case-Based Plan Adaptation for Real-Time Strategy Games. AAAI-2008, pp 702-707. [PDF file]

[C23] - Manu Sharma and Santiago Ontañón Manish Mehta and Ashwin Ram (2007) Drama Management Evaluation for Interactive Fiction Games. in AAAI-2007 Intelligent Narratives Technologies Fall Symposium [PDF file from AAAI]

[C22] - Manish Mehta and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2007) Driving Interactive Drama Research through Building Complete systems. in AAAI-2007 Intelligent Narratives Technologies Fall Symposium [PDF file from AAAI]

[C21] - Santiago Ontañón and Kinshuk Mishra and Neha Sugandh and Ashwin Ram (2007) Case-Based Planning and Execution for Real-Time Strategy Games. in ICCBR 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4626, pp 164-178. [PDF file]

[C20] - Ashwin Ram and Santiago Ontañón and Manish Mehta (2007) Artificial Intelligence for Adaptive Computer Games. in FLAIRS 2007, pp 22-29 [PDF file from AAAI]

[C19] - Manu Sharma and Santiago Ontañón and Christina Strong and Manish Mehta and Ashwin Ram (2007) Towards Player Preference Modeling for Drama Management in Interactive Stories. in FLAIRS 2007, pp 571-576 [PDF file from AAAI]

[C18] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2007) An Argumentation based Approach to Multi-Agent Learning. in FLAIRS 2007, pp 405-410. [PDF file from AAAI]

[C17] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2007) Learning and Joint Deliberation through Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems. in Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2007), pp 971-978. [PDF file]

[C16] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2007) Case-based Learning from Proactive Communication. in International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2007), pp 999-1004. [PDF file]

[C15] - Maite López-Sánchez, Jesús Cerquides, Santi Ontañón, Anna Puig, Eloi Puertas (2006), Learning Methods Applied to High-Resolution CT Volume Data Classification. 3IA 2006 (International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence) [PDF file]

[C14] - Jesús Cerquides, Maite López-Sánchez, Santi Ontañón, Eloi Puertas, Anna Puig, Oriol Pujol, Dani Tost (2005), Learning Methods for Automatic Classification of Biomedical Volume Datasets. XI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA05) - 2005. p 143 - 152. [PDF file]

[C13] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2005), Recycling Data for Multi-Agent Learning . In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2005). Pages 633-640. ACM Press. Luc de Raed and Stefan Wrobel, Edts. ISBN 1-59593-180-5. [PDF file]

[C12]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2004), Justification-based Selection of Training Examples for Case Base Reduction. In Machine Learning: ECML 2004.Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3201, p 310-321. Springer-Verlag [PDF file]

[C11]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2004), Justification-based Case Retention. In European. Conf. Case Based Reasoning (ECCBR 2004). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3155, p. 346-360. Springer-Verlag. [PDF file]

[C10]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2003), Justification-based Multiagent Learning In Congrés Català d'Intel·ligència Artificial (CCIA 2003).

[C9]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2003), Justification-based Multiagent Learning In ICML 2003, pp 576-583. [PDF file from AAAI].

[C8]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2003), Collaborative Case Retention Strategies for CBR Agents In ICCBR 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2689, pp 392-406. [PDF]

[C7]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2003), Learning to Form Dynamic Committees. In AAMAS'03, pp 504-511. [PDF]

[C6]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2002), Case Exchange Strategies in Multiagent Learning. In T. Elomaa, H. Mannila, H. Toivonen (Eds.) Machine Learning: ECML 2002 . Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2430, p. 331-344. Springer-Verlag.

[C5]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2002), A Bartering Approach to Improve Multiagent Learning. In proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2002), p.386-393. ACM press. 2002. [PDF]

[C4]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2002), Cooperative Case Bartering for Case-Based Reasoning Agents. In Topics in Artificial Intelligence: CCIA'02 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2504, p. 294-308. Springer-Verlag.

[C3]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2002), Cooperative Case Bartering for Case-Based Reasoning Agents. In 2002 AAAI Spring Symposium Series, p.77-83. AAAI Press. [PDF file from AAAI]

[C2]- Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2001), Learning When to Collaborate among Learning Agents. In L. De Raedt, P. Flach (Eds.) Machine Learning: ECML 2001. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2167, p. 394-405. Springer-Verlag. [PDF file]

[C1]- Enric Plaza and Santiago Ontañón (2001), Ensemble Case-based Reasoning: Collaboration Policies for Multiagent Cooperative CBR. In Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: ICCBR 2001, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2080, p. 437-451. Springer-Verlag.

Workshop Papers:

[W36] - Zuozhi Yang, Santiago Ontañón (2020) Integrating Search and Scripts for Real-Time Strategy Games: An Empirical Survey. In AAAI 2020 RLG workshop.

[W35] - Pavan Kantharaju, Santiago Ontañón, Christopher W. Geib, Mark Roberts (2020) CCG Learning for Plan Recognition in Domains with Type Trees. In AAAI 2020 PAIR workshop.

[W34] - Shengyi Huang, Santiago Ontañón (2019) Comparing Observation and Action Representations for Deep Reinforcement Learning in μRTS. In AIIDE 2019 Workshop on AI for Strategy Games.

[W33] - Pavan Kantharaju, Santiago Ontañón and Christopher Geib (2019) Extracting CCGs for Plan Recognition in RTS Games. In AAAI 2019 Knowledge Extraction from Games Workshop.

[W32] - Zuozhi Yang and Santiago Ontañón (2019) Extracting Policies from Replays to Improve MCTS in Real Time Strategy Games. In AAAI 2019 Knowledge Extraction from Games Workshop.

[W31] - Josep Valls-Vargas, Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2017) Towards End-to-end Natural Language Story Generation Systems. In AIIDE 2017 International Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT10).

[W30] - Santiago Ontañón, Alberto Uriarte (2017) Single Believe State Generation for Handling Partial Observability with MCTS in StarCraft. In AIIDE 2017 workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Strategy Games.

[W29] - Sam Snodgrass, Santiago Ontañón (2017) Leveraging Multi-layer Level Representations for Puzzle-Platformer Level Generation. In AIIDE 2017 Experimental AI in Games Workshop.

[W28] - Josep Valls-Vargas, Jichen Zhu and Santiago Ontañón (2016) Towards Automatically Extracting Story Graphs from Natural Language Stories. In AAAI 2016 Workshop on What is Next in AI in Games.

[W27] - Santiago Ontañón, Josep Valls-Vargas and Jichen Zhu (2016) Bridging the Gap Between Computational Narrative and Natural Language Processing. In AAAI 2016 Workshop on What is Next in AI in Games.

[W26] - Alberto Uriarte, Santiago Ontañón (2016) Improving Terrain Analysis and Applications to RTS Game AI. In AIIDE 2016 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Games.

[W25] - Santiago Ontañón (2016) Experiments on Learning Action Probability Models from Replay Data in RTS Games. In AIIDE 2016 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Games [pdf from AAAI].

[W24] - Adam Summerville, Sam Snodgrass, Michael Mateas and Santiago Ontañón (2016) The VGLC: The Video Game Level Corpus. In proceedings of PCG2016 workshop at DiGRA/FDG 2016. (to appear) [arXiv preprint]

[W23] - Marcello Balduccini, Alberto Uriarte and Santiago Ontañón (2015) Planning in RTS Games with Incomplete Action Definitions via Answer Set Programming. In AIIDE 2015 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Real-Time Games. [pdf from AAAI]

[W22] - Alberto Uriarte and Santiago Ontañón (2015) A Benchmark for StarCraft Intelligent Agents. In AIIDE 2015 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Real-Time Games. [pdf from AAAI]

[W21] - Josep Valls-Vargas, Santiago Ontañón and Jichen Zhu (2014) Toward Automatic Character Identification in Unannotated Narrative Text. In AIIDE 2014 workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies. [pdf from AAAI]

[W20] - Alberto Uriarte, Santiago Ontañón (2014) High-level Representations for Game-Tree Search in RTS Games. In AIIDE 2014 workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Real-Time Games. [PDF file].

[W19] - Josep Valls-Vargas, Santiago Ontañón and Jichen Zhu (2013) Toward Character Role Assignment for Natural Language Stories. In AIIDE 2013 workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies. [pdf].

[W18] - Sam Snodgrass, Santiago Ontañón (2013) Generating Maps Using Markov Chains. In AIIDE 2013 workshop on AI for Game Aesthetics. [PDF file].

[W17] - Alberto Uriarte, Santiago Ontañón (2012) Kiting in RTS Games Using Influence Maps. In AIIDE 2012 workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Real-Time Games. [pdf]

[W16] - Santiago Ontañón, Jichen Zhu, Enric Plaza (2012) Case-Based Story Generation through Story Amalgamation. In 2012 ICCBR TRUE workshop (Traces for Reusing Users' Experiences - Cases, Episodes, and Stories). pp. 223 - 232. [pdf]

[W15] - Santiago Ontañón, Jose L. Montaña and Avelino Gonzalez (2011) Towards a Unified Framework for Learning from Observation. In 2011 IJCAI Workshop on Agents Learning Interactively from Human Teachers (ALIHT 2011). [pdf].

[W14] - Jichen Zhu, J. Michael Moshell, Santiago Ontañón, Elena Erbiceanu and Charles Hughes (2011) Why can't a virtual character be more like a human: A mixed initiative approach to believable agents. In HCI International 2011.

[W13] - Manish Mehta, Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2010) Meta-Level Behavior Adaptation in Real-Time Strategy Games. In ICCBR 2010 workshop on CBR for Computer Games, pp. 3 - 14. [pdf]

[W12] - Ben G. Weber and Santiago Ontañón (2010) Using Automated Replay Annotation for Case-Based Planning in Games. In ICCBR 2010 workshop on CBR for Computer Games, pp. 15 - 24. [pdf]

[W11] - Pedro-Pablo Gómez Martín, David LLansó, Marco Antonio Gómez Martín, Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2010)

MMPM: a Generic Platform for Case-Based Planning Research. In ICCBR 2010 workshop on CBR for Computer Games, pp 45 - 54.[pdf]

[W10] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2010) Empirical Argumentation: Integrating Induction and Argumentation in MAS. In AAMAS 2010 Workshop on Argumentation in Multiagent Systems (ArgMAS 2010), pp. 163 - 180. [pdf]

[W9] - Manish Mehta and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2009) Authoring Behaviors for Games using Learning from Demonstration, in ICCBR 2009 workshop on Case Based Reasoning for Computer Games.[PDF file]

[W8] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2009) Argumentation-based Distributed Induction, in Workshop on Agreement Technologies 2009 (in CAEPIA 2009). [PDF file]

[W7] - Santiago Ontañón and Kane Bonnette and Prafulla Mahindrakar and Marco A. Gómez-Martín and Katie Long and Jainarayan Radhakrishnan and Rushabh Shah and Ashwin Ram (2009) Learning from Human Demonstrations for Real-Time Case-Based Planning. in the IJCAI-09 Workshop on Learning Structural Knowledge From Observations. [PDF file]

[W6] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2008) Learning, Information Exchange, and Joint-Deliberation Through Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems, in On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2008 Workshops OTM Confederated International Workshops and Posters, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 5333. pp 150-159, Springer-Verlag. [PDF file]

[W5] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2008) Argumentation-based Information Exchange in Prediction Markets. in ArgMAS 2008, pp 181-196. [PDF file]

[W4] - Manu Sharma and Manish Mehta and Santiago Ontañón and Ashwin Ram (2007) Player Modeling Evaluation for Interactive Fiction. in AIIDE'07 Workshop on Optimizing Player Satisfaction [PDF file from AAAI]

[W3] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2006) Arguments and Counterexamples in Case-based Joint Deliberation. ArgMAS 2006, pp. 36-53. [PDF file]

[W2]- Eva Armengol, Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2004), Explaining Similarity in CBR. In Workshop in Explanation in CBR in the European. Conf. Case Based Reasoning 2004. Technical report 142-04 Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Programación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, p. 87-95. Springer-Verlag. [PDF file]

[W1] - Santiago Ontañón and Enric Plaza (2001), Collaboration Policies for Case-Based Reasoning Agents In Proc. Workshop on Learning Agents Autonomous Agents'2001 [PDF file].


[B2] - Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 21st International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2013. Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, July 2013. Sarah Jane Delany and Santiago Ontañón (Eds.). Springer LNAI 7969, 2013. [springer page]

[B1] - Santiago Ontañón (2008), Ensemble Case Based Learning for Multi-Agent Systems. VDM Verlag, ISBN-10: 3836474301, ISBN-13: 9783836474306 (available from here)

PhD Theses (mine and of my students):

Pavan Kantharaju (2020). Learning Decompositions for Hierarchical Planning and Plan Recognition [PDF]

Brandon Packard (2018). Learning from Human Demonstration [PDF]

Sam Snodgrass (2018). Markov Models for Procedural Content Generation [PDF]

Josep Valls (2018). Narrative Information Extraction with Non-Linear Natural Language Processing [PDF]

Alberto Uriarte (2017). Adversarial Search and Spatial Reasoning in Real Time Strategy Games [PDF]

Santiago Ontañón (2005), Ensemble Case Based Learning for Multi-Agent Systems. [Scribd]

Others (including posters, non-peer reviewed conference presentations and technical reports):

Joshua Ainslie, Santiago Ontañón, Chris Alberti, Philip Pham, Anirudh Ravula, and Sumit Sanghai (2020). ETC: Encoding Long and Structured Data in Transformers. arXiv:2004.08483 [cs.LG] [pdf]

Santiago Ontañón (2019). Playing with SHRDLU. Demonstration abstract at AIIDE 2019. Game can be found at:

Forman, E. M., Kerrigan, S. G., Butryn, M. L., Juarascio, A. D., Manasse, S. M., & Ontanon, S. (2019, March). Applying the AI technique of reinforcement learning to optimize obesity treatment. Paper to be presented at the 40th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C.

Forman, E. F., Kerrigan, S. G., Dallal, D. H., Moskow, D. M., Butryn, M. L., Juarascio, A. S., Manasse, S. M., & Ontanon, S. (2018, November). Artificial intelligence optimizes weight loss coaching via continuously-monitored digital data. Poster presented at ObesityWeek2018, Nashville, TN.

B. Char, K. Aldefer, B. Smith, S. Ontanon, J. Nebolsky and J. Zhu, Lessons Learned from an Interactive Educational Computer Game About Concurrent Programming, in Proceedings of the 2018 Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education of the Association for Computing Machinery Symposium (ACM SIGCSE 2018) (poster abstract).

Santiago Ontañón (2016) RHOG: A Refinement-Operator Library for Directed Labeled Graphs. [arXiv]

Camillet Barot, Michael Buro, Michael Cook, Mirjam Eladhari, Magnus Johansson, Boyang Li, Antonios Liapis, Josh McCoy, Santiago Ontañón, Jonathan Rowe, Emmett Tomai, Harko Verhagen, Alexander Zook (2016) The AIIDE 2015 Workshop Program. In AI MAgazine 37(2). Pages 91-94.

Santiago Ontañón, Sarah Jane Delany, William E. Cheetham (2013), Report on the Twenty-First International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning. In AI Magazine 34(4).

Mark Riedl, Gita Reese Sukthankar, Arnav Jhala, Jichen Zhu, Santi Ontañón Villar, Michael Buro, David Churchill (2013) The Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment. AI Magazine 34(1), pp. 87-89.

Santiago Ontañón (2012), Experiments with Game Tree Search in Real-Time Strategy Games. [arXiv]