

There are so many different ways to get help when you're struggling with math! One of the major hurdles that students have is getting over the mindset that "I'm the only one who doesn't get it." I can tell you from personal experience that this mindset appears at every level of education, from elementary school all the way through graduate school. You're not the only one, so put a smile on your face and join the club!

Below are just a FEW resources outside of class that are available to you. I'll probably add more over time when I get recommendations.

The GVSU Math Center is amazing! On top of that, it's FREE! So everyone can afford it!

Another FREE resource is the SASC Tutoring Center. Tutors are available for most 100- and 200- level courses.

The GVSU Math Youtube Channel has tons of videos! Check and see if there's a playlist for your course!

Personally, I've found Youtube in general to be a great resource when it comes to getting explanations. One of my favorites is MathDoctorBob. His videos on Abstract Algebra helped me understand the deeper things going on in group theory while I was in graduate school. He's also got some good Galois stuff as well.

Lastly (for the moment) and certainly not least, you have each other. Your peers are an invaluable tool when it comes to learning. Hearing something from your instructor or from another "authority figure" just doesn't have the same ring to it as when a peer tells you it. You would be surprised at what forming study groups will do for your education, social life, and overall well-being. So work together! (This goes back to the whole "You're not alone" thing)