Curriculum Vitae

  Dr. Sankar Jana

  Ph. D. in Science (Physical Chemistry)

  Supervisor: Dr. Nikhil Guchhait


  University of Calcutta



Title: "Charge and Proton Transfer Reactions of Some Interesting Self-Designed Molecules in Different Environments: Spectroscopic and Computational Studies"

 Duration of research

Postdoc Fellow (Jul, 2021-Present), Institute of Physical Chem., RWTH Aachen University, Germany. 

Research Assistant (Feb, 2020-Mar, 2021), Dept. of Chemistry, University of Calcutta, India.

♦ Newton International Postdoc Fellow (Feb, 2018-Jan, 2020) School of Biology, University of St. Andrews, UK.

♦ JSPS Post-doctoral Fellow, (Sept' 2015-Sept' 2017), Department of Chemistry, Tohoku University.

♦ Post-doctoral Fellow, (Apr' 2014-Aug' 2015), Department of Organic Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science.

♦ Senior Research Fellow (Extended), DST-PURSE (Feb' 2014-Apr' 2014), Department of Chemistry, University of    Calcutta.

♦ Senior Research Fellow, UGC (Nov' 2011-Feb' 2014), Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta.

♦ Junior Research Fellow, UGC (Nov' 2009-Nov' 2011), Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta.

♦ Junior Research Fellow, CRNN (Mar' 2009-Nov' 2009), Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta.

 Academic degree

Research and Experiences

♠ Expert to develop novel  cryogenic  microscope for  measurement of single molecule emission, excitation  spectra  and corresponding images, simultaneously with different excitation wavelength at the same time.

♠ Expertise in single molecule PSI imaging and spectral techniques of Photosystem I (PSI) at 77K  temperature.

♠ Expert to prepare new software for controlling of different optical instrument like polychrometer, EMCCD, piezo and supersonic motor stage etc. by providing signal and collecting data using Labview software and SITK.

♠ Expert to align femto-second laser, Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) for generation of white light continuum laser, handling with polychrometer and EMCCD.

♠ Expertise in extracting and purification of retinal protein Gloeobacter rhodopsin and xanthorhodopsin and     carotene salinixanthin.

♠ Expert to establish the chromophore retinal protein binding kinetics.

♠ Expertise in establishing the photophysics of newly designed and synthesized  molecules containing donor-chromophore-acceptor groups.  

♠ Expert to establish the photophysics of molecules containing proton donor-proton acceptor groups.

♠ Expertise in establishing the protein-probe or drug-protein interactions experimentally. 

♠ Interpreted  the  experimentally  observed  photophysics  of some  synthesized molecules  in  absence  and presence of cations and anions in various solvent media (H2O, MeOH, CH3CN, THF, DMF, DMSO etc.).

♠ Expert to establish the ICT & ESIPT proceses through computational  methods by optimizing  the  structure,        generation  of  potential  energy  curves  and  3D surfaces for  ground  and  excited  states,  calculation of      oscillator  strength  for  various  electronic  transitions, determination of  absorption and  emission  band positions and finally generation of HOMO-LUMO diagrams.

♠ Expertise in design, development of multifunctional  material and  COFs  and  their  use  as  multifunctional     molecular devices and atmospheric CO2 gas adsorption.

♠ Expertise  in  molecular  modelling  by  protein-ligand   molecular  docking  and   protein-probe  molecular dynamics simulations.

Grants Received

♦ 2019 Travel award grant from the Biophysical Society Baltimore, Maryland, USA (USD 600).

♦ Royal Society Newton Fellowship grant for two years postdoctoral research (USD 133000)

♦ JSPS research grant for two years postdoctoral research (USD 100000)

♦ Travel and accommodation grant from Tohoku University for lab visit, 21- 26th Mar., 2014 (USD 2250)

♦ Grant from University Grant Commission, Govt. of India during PhD (USD 24000)

Teaching Experiences

 ♥ Part  time  lecturer  (Dec.,  2008 to Mar., 2009)  Bangabasi  Evening  College,  Department  of   Chemistry, University of Calcutta, India.

 ♥ Teach  more  than  thirty  undergraduate  (B. Sc.)  students  covering  the  physical chemistry  syllabus of University of Calcutta for the year 2009 to present.

Project leading experience

♣ Investigator of present Royal Society Newton Fellowship project (1/02/2018 - 31/01/2020), School of Biology,  University of St. Andrews. 

♣ Co-Investigator of the JSPS project (10/9/2015 - 9/9/2017), Dept. of Chemistry, Tohoku University.

♣ Project leader for M. Sc. Project (2009), Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta.

♣ Project leader for M. Sc. Project (2010), Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta.

Instruments handled

 ♠ Steady-state absorption spectrophotometer (Hitachi UV-Vis U-3501 and Perkin-Elmer Lambda-25).

 ♠ Steady-state fluorescence spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer LS 50B and LS 55).

 ♠ Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) instrument (Horiba-Jobinyvon FluoroCube-01-NL).

 ♠ Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer Spectrum-100).

 ♠ Circular dichroism spectropolarimeter (JASCO J-815).

 ♠ Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) instrument with Zeta potential (Delsa Nano C).

 ♠ Scanning Electron Microscopy (ZEISS EVO-MA 10).

 ♠ Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (JEOL JSM-7600F).

 ♠ Atomic Force Microscopy (VEECO multimode nanoscope-IIIa).

Software development

♥ Designed, constructed and developed new Labview software for the microscope to measure and record the single molecule excitation spectra.

Presentations/Course study

  ♦ Departmental  seminar  in  defense  of my research work  for the  degree  of  Ph. D. (Science), 2013, Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Calcutta.

  ♦ Departmental seminar defense during M. Sc., (2008), Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta.

  ♦ Completed Ph. D. course work on ten topics, (2011), Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta.

Computer knowledge

  ♣ Diploma

     1. Advanced Diploma in Information Technology  Application  (ADITA),  Youth  Computer  Training  Center, Govt. of West Bengal, India.

     2. Diploma  in  Information  Technology  Application  (DITA),  Youth  Computer  Training  Center,  Govt.  of West Bengal, India.

  ♣ Operating systems

     Windows XP/7/8, Fedora 13/18, Redhat 5, Ubuntu 12.04.

  ♣ Programming language

     Fortan 77, C, HTML, DHTML, Visual Basic, Java script.

  ♣ Software

     Labview 11/12,  Igor 4/6,  Gaussian 03/09,  Gauss View 3/5,  NAMD 2.6, VMD, AutoDock 4.2, PyMol, Vega ZZ,  Mercury 3.0, Chem Office  2002, EndNote, ISIS draw, NBO View, Origin 6/7/8, Adobe  Photoshop, Microsoft office 03/07, Open office. 

  ♣ Expert to assemble desktop computer, change any parts, formatting and installing operating systems etc.

Persional details

Date of birth: 27th June, 1984.

Father's name: Nirmal Chandra Jana,

Mother's name: Jyotsna Jana

Nationality: Indian (by born)

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