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Selected Conferences:

(Scroll down for a list of journal publications)

[C19]. F. Hamman and S. Dutta, "Demystifying Local & Global Fairness Trade-offs in Federated Learning Using Partial Information Decomposition,” International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024).

[C18].  F. Hamman and S. Dutta, "A Unified View of Group Fairness Tradeoffs Using Partial Information Decomposition,"  IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2024).

[C17]. F. Hamman, E. Noorani, S. Mishra, D. Magazzeni, and S. Dutta, "Robust Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Networks with Probabilistic Guarantees,” International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023).

[C16]. S. Sharma, S. Dutta, E. Albini, F. Lecue, D. Magazzeni and M. Veloso, "REFRESH: Responsible and Efficient Feature Reselection guided by SHAP values," AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES 2023).

[C15]. F. Hamman, J. Chen, and S. Dutta, "Can Querying for Bias Leak Protected Attributes? Achieving Privacy With Smooth Sensitivity," ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAccT 2023).  

[C14]. S. Garg, S. Dutta, M. Dalirrooyfard, A. Schneider, Y. Nevmyvaka, "In- or Out-of-Distribution Detection via Dual Divergence Estimation," Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2023)

[C13]. P. Mathur, A T Neerkaje, M Chhibber, R Sawhney, F Guo, F Dernoncourt, S Dutta, D Manocha, "MONOPOLY: Financial Prediction from MONetary POLicY Conference Videos Using Multimodal Cues," ACM Multimedia 2022 (ACM-MM 2022).

[C12]. S. Dutta, J Long, S Mishra, C Tilli, D Magazzeni, "Robust Counterfactual Explanations for Tree-Based Ensembles," International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022)[Full Paper]

[C11]. P Venkatesh, S Dutta*, N Mehta*, P Grover, "Can Information Flows Suggest Targets for Interventions in Neural Circuits?," Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021). [Full Paper]

[C10]. S. Dutta, D. Wei, H. Yueksel, P. Y. Chen, S. Liu and K. R. Varshney, "Is There a Trade-Off Between Fairness and Accuracy? A Perspective Using Mismatched Hypothesis Testing," International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2020)[Full Paper]

[C9]. P. Venkatesh, S. Dutta and P. Grover, "How else should we define Information Flow in Neural Circuits,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2020).

[C8]. S. Dutta, P. Venkatesh, P. Mardziel, A. Datta and P. Grover, "An Information-Theoretic Quantification of Discrimination with Exempt Features," AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2020, ORAL)[Full Paper] [Poster]

[C7]. P. Venkatesh, S. Dutta and P. Grover, "How should we define Information Flow in Neural Circuits,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2019).  [Conference Paper[Full Paper]  

[C6]. U. Sheth, S. Dutta, M. Chaudhari, H. Jeong, Y. Yang, J. Kohonen, T. Roos and P. Grover, "An Application of Storage-Optimal MatDot Codes for Coded Matrix Multiplication: Fast k-Nearest Neighbors Estimation,” IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2018).     [Conference Paper] [Full Paper]

[C5]. S. Dutta*, Z. Bai*, H. Jeong, T. M. Low and P. Grover, "A Unified Coded Deep Neural Network Training Strategy based on Generalized PolyDot Codes," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2018)[Full Paper]

[C4]. S. Dutta, G. Joshi, P. Dube, S. Ghosh and P. Nagpurkar, "Slow and stale gradients can win the race: Error-Runtime trade-offs in Distributed SGD," International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2018).[Conference Paper] [Full Paper]

[C3]. S. Dutta, V. Cadambe and P. Grover, "Coded Convolution for parallel and distributed computing within a deadline," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2017).  [Conference Paper] [Full Paper]

[C2]. S. Dutta, V. Cadambe and P. Grover, "Short-Dot: Computing Large Linear Transforms Distributedly using Coded Short Dot Products," Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2016). [Conference Paper] [Full Paper] [Spotlight Video]

[C1]. S. Dutta and P. Grover, "Adaptivity provably helps: Information-theoretic limits on l0 cost of non-adaptive sensing," IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2016). [Conference Paper] [Full Paper]

Selected Journals:

[J10]. F. Hamman, E. Noorani, S. Mishra, D. Magazzeni, and S. Dutta, "Robust Algorithmic Recourse Under Model Multiplicity with Probabilistic Guarantees,Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory: Information-Theoretic Methods for Trustworthy Machine Learning (JSAIT 2024).

[J9]. A. K. Veldanda, I. Brugere, S. Dutta, A. Mishler, and S. Garg, "Hyper-parameter Tuning for Fair Classification without Sensitive Attribute Access," Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR 2024). 

[J8]. A. K. Veldanda, I. Brugere, J. Chen, S. Dutta, A. Mishler, and S. Garg, “Fairness via In-Processing in the Over-parameterized Regime: A Cautionary Tale,” Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR 2023). 

[J7]. S. Dutta, F. Hamman, "A Review of Partial Information Decomposition in Algorithmic Fairness and Explainability," Entropy 2023.

[J6]. S. Dutta, P. Venkatesh, P. Mardziel, A. Datta and P. Grover, "Fairness under Feature Exemptions: Counterfactual and Observational Measures," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Oct 2021. [Full Paper]

[J5]. S. Dutta, J. Wang, and G. Joshi, "Slow and stale gradients can win the race," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, Sep 2021. 

[J4]. S. Dutta*, H. Jeong*, Y. Yang*, V. Cadambe, T. M. Low and P. Grover, “Addressing Unreliability in Emerging Devices and Non-von Neumann Architectures Using Coded Computing,Proceedings of the IEEE, April 2020.

[J3]. P. Venkatesh, S. Dutta and P. Grover, "Information Flow in Computational Systems,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Sep 2020. [Full Paper]

[J2]. S. Dutta*, M. Fahim*, H. Jeong*, F. Haddadpour*, V. Cadambe and P. Grover, "On the Optimal Recovery Threshold of Coded Matrix Multiplication," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Jan 2020.  [Full Paper]  

[J1]. S. Dutta, V. Cadambe and P. Grover, "Short-Dot: Computing Large Linear Transforms Distributedly using Coded Short Dot Products," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Oct 2019.  [Full Paper]

Other Papers (Peer-Reviewed Workshops/Conferences/Preprints):

[W10]. F. Hamman and S. Dutta, "Demystifying Local & Global Fairness Trade-offs in Federated Learning Using Information Theory,” ICML Workshop on Federated Learning and Analytics in Practice (2023).

[W9]. F. Hamman, J. Chen, and S. Dutta, "Can Querying for Bias Leak Protected Attributes? Achieving Privacy With Smooth Sensitivity," NeurIPS Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness through the Lens of Causality and Privacy (2022).

[W8]. S Mishra, S Dutta, J Long, D Magazzeni, "A Survey on the Robustness of Feature Importance and Counterfactual Explanations," Explainable AI in Finance (XAI-FIN21). [Full Paper]

[W7]. S Dutta, P Venkatesh, P Grover, "Quantifying Feature Contributions to Overall Disparity Using Information Theory," AAAI-22 Workshop on Information-Theoretic Methods for Causal Inference and Discovery.

[W6]. C. Jiang*, B. Wu*, S. Dutta and P. Grover, "Bursting the Bubbles: Debiasing Recommendation Systems While Allowing for Chosen Category Exemptions," BIAS Workshop at ECIR (ECIR Workshop 2021).

[W5]. S. Dutta, L. Ma, T. K. Saha, D. Liu, J. Tetreault, and A. Jaimes, "GTN-ED: Event Detection Using Graph Transformer Networks," TextGraphs Workshop at NAACL (NAACL Workshop 2021).

[W4]. S. Dutta, Z. Bai, T. M. Low and P. Grover, "CodeNet: Training Large Scale Neural Networks in Presence of Soft-Errors," Coding Theory For Large-scale Machine Learning Workshop at ICML (CodML Workshop, ICML 2019, Spotlight).[Short Workshop Paper] [Full Paper] 

[W3].  M. Fahim*, H. Jeong*, F. Haddadpour, S. Dutta, V. Cadambe and P. Grover, "On the Optimal Recovery Threshold of Coded Matrix Multiplication," Communication, Control and Computing (Allerton 2017)[Full Paper]

[W2]. S. Dutta, Y. Yang, N. Wang, E. Pop, V. Cadambe and P. Grover, “Reliable Matrix Multiplication using Error-prone Dot-product Nanofunctions with an application to logistic regression(SRC Techcon, 2016).

[W1]. S. Dutta and A. De, "Sparse UltraWideBand Radar Imaging in a Locally Adapting Matching Pursuit (LAMP) Framework," IEEE International Radar Conference (RADAR 2015)[Conference Paper] [Full Paper].

Patents/Invention Disclosures

[P4]. S. Mishra, F. Lecue, C. Tilli, D. Magazzeni, S. Dutta, and J. Long, "Method And System For Computing Unstability Factors In Predictive Model," Invention Disclosure. 2023.

[P3]. Ivan Brugere et al., "Method And System For Improving Model Fairness By Using Explainability Techniques," Invention Disclosure. 2022.

[P2]. P. Grover, H. Jeong, Y. Yang, S. Dutta, Z. Bal, T. M. Low, M. Fahim, F. Haddadpour, V. Cadambe, “Coded computation strategies for distributed matrix-matrix and matrix-vector products,” Application No. 16588990, 2020.

[P1]. P. Dube, S. Dutta, G. Joshi, P. Nagpurkar, “Adaptive learning rate schedule in distributed stochastic gradient descent,” Application No. 15938830, 2019.

*Equal Contribution