Students and Employment

BA and MA theses at UZH

I'm happy to supervise your thesis given capacity. To apply, send a 500 word description of your topic and your current academic record. You have to come up with your topic yourself. For BA theses, literature theses are OK. For MA theses, only original research is accepted. I supervise experimental work, survey work, theory work, and some applied economics work (analysis of existing data). 

I will need to submit your thesis title to OLAT. You can then officially start your thesis. 

You will be helped by a doctoral student or by me. Make sure we know what you are working on. An initial meeting hones your topic suggestion and determines the outline of your thesis and approach. If you run a survey or an experiment, have us look over your materials before you run it. Meet again for analysis. 

Carefully study the document with the rules.

Prospective doctoral students

Doctoral students at the UZH Department of Economics are accepted only through the centralized application system. Individual professors at the UZH Department of Economics cannot employ doctoral students independently. 

Preparing for a PhD in economics: 

Prospective research assistants

If you are interested in working as a research assistant, if you are a student at a Swiss university, and if you live in Zurich or close by, send me an email. I do not always have a need for research assistance, but I sporadically do. You should have a grade point average of at least 5.0. 

Research assistant work is sporadic; it will not provide a stable income. 

Due to administrative difficulties, I, unfortunately, cannot hire research assistants from outside Switzerland or the EU.