About me

After obtaining my M.Sc. degree at Autonomous University of Barcelona (Catalonia) I moved to Finland and in 2010 I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the University of Oulu. After that I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Jyväskylä funded by the Academy of Finland (2011-2014). I moved to the University of Lincoln (UK) as a Marie Skłodowska Curie Research Fellow (2015-2017). I became a Lecturer first and a Senior Lecturer later, and currently, I am an Associate Professor at the School of Life & Environmental Sciences.


Eze S, Magilton M, Magnone D, Varga S, Gould I, Mercer TG, Goddard MR (2023) Meta-analysis of global soil data identifies robust indicators for short-term changes in soil organic carbon stock following land use change. Science of the Total Environment, 160484


Mar 24. We will be hosting another summer student through the Royal Society of Biology Plant Health UG Studentship, check this link for info. 

Jan 24. We've received funding to work further in our ALISSA project, watch this space for a technical associate position in the lab!

Dec 23. Half way within our Innovate Net Zero Tuber project, see a great summary here

Dec 23. Had a blast at the British Ecological Society annual meeting, where I presented a poster.

Dec 23. Congratulations to Isabel Moaby who has submitted her MRes thesis!

Oct 23. Alice and Grace have joined the team to work on their Master by Research projects. Welcome both!

Jun 23. Welcome to Cosmo who has joined us for his Plant Health UG Studentship by the Royal Society of Biology.

Apr 22.  Looking for an UG student who wants to gain (paid) research experience this summer. We are hosting another Plant Health UG Studentship by the Royal Society of Biology, details here

Mar 22. Two Graduate Teaching Fellowship positions (PhDs) available, details here

Dec 22. Looking for a Postdoc to join the Lincoln Soil Group, details here

Nov 22. Come and work with us! Looking for a Postdoc to join our Net Tuber Zero project, details here

Sep 22. Thrilled to have been promoted to Associate Professor!

July 22. Our latest paper makes a milestone for the Biological Flora, read it here!

Jun 22. Our biological account on Knautia arvensis is finally out and available in the Journal of Ecology! 

May 22. Delighted to announce that I have been awarded a Plant Health UG Studentship by the Royal Society of Biology to supervise a summer project looking into interactive effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal and entomopathogenic fungi. 

Mar 22. Was invited to give a talk about soil carbon within the Green Investment in Greater Lincolnshire Conference. Great day and lots of food for thought. 

Oct 21. Been talking about soil to school children within the Linconlshire day. 

Sep 21. Back to work after my maternity leave. 

July 21. Just accepted by 100th manuscript to review :)

May 21. Accepted paper on Plant Biology about female advantage in gynodioecious plants. 

Feb 21. I'm on maternity leave after the arrival of our daughter!

Feb 21. Meet the editors of Functional Ecology: me here

Jan 20. I'm giving a free webinar on The Secret Life of Fungi. Details here

Jan 20. Florencia passed her thesis viva with minor amedments. Well done! 

Nov 20. Nathan's final year dissertation is now online!

Nov 20. Talk accepted for the BES Annual meeting a Festival of Ecology. Stay tunned!

Oct 20. Very happy to announce that I've become an associate editor for Functional Ecology. Looking forward for your submissions!

Sep 20. If you are curious, check my academic journey as a Moving Ecologist in the official blog of Functional Ecology here