Models by Members


Yellow Flower by Joseph Hwang.

Alex Nguyen with his favorite dragon model, Fiery Dragon, made from Kami paper. He learned the model from Kade Chan on YouTube. Alex notes "I like this piece because it has a lot of cool details on the head, and its mouth is very cool looking."

Fiery Dragon without Alex.

Butterfly by Steve Hecht. For photos of Steve's other models and well-drawn diagrams with excellent notes, click here.

Box top by Arnold Tubis, organizer of the Greater San Diego Origami Group. This model has been featured in several books. Arnold has worked out scores of variations on box top models. (In nature, black and red often signifies poisonous origami.)

Dollar bill elephant designed and folded by Steve Hecht. Which detail is better: the tusk or the placement of eye above the pyramid?

Until we get the proper name from creator Joseph Hwang, we are calling this "That's So Cool!"

Beetle by Joseph Hwang

Martini glass by Steve Hecht. Note the elegant curvature where the bowl meets the stem.

Repurposed watercolor by Peter Barnes. For more from Peter, click here.

Dragonfly with excellent detail by Steve Hecht. The rounded wing-tips are folded, not cut.

Box top by Arnold Tubis. This model is featured in the exhibition Surface to Structure: Folded Forms ( at the Cooper Union College in New York City.

Practice shape by Peter Barnes (and Frederic Chopin)