A D V O C A C Y + B E A U T Y + E F F I C I E N C Y
Passive House + Prefabrication + High Performance Consulting
Sanderson Sustainable Design offers Passive House & Building Science solutions to teams & clients.
We help by listening, prioritizing goals, and sharing proven techniques.
"Dedicated to excellence in every size project"
Serving PA, NJ, NY and global communities in person and virtually for over 20 years
Contact us to start a complimentary dialogue. Info@SandersonDesign.net
S h a n n o n S . P e n d l e t o n , CPHC ~ P r i n c i p a l
About Shannon Pendleton
Shannon is the founder of Sanderson Sustainable Design est. 2003 which partners best in class building science with place, community advocacy, and historical context. Offering Certified Passive House design and modeling solutions for clients and teams through listening, prioritizing goals, and sharing proven techniques. Specialties include zero energy, non-toxic, pest-dust-mold free homes for multi-generational, affordable, low carbon buildings. Experienced in custom prefabrication, reconstruction, client advocacy and team building. Assoc, AIA, Greater Philadelphia Passive House Association Co-Founder, Green Building United Passive House Community Member & previous Co-Facilitator. Co-Host for Passive House Accelerator Construction Tech. Serving PA, NJ, and NY.
A recent list of projects, presentations, advocacy, and volunteer work available upon request.