x power n


The below code uses long multiplication code from the sub page C Programs/Long Multiplication. The idea is very simple if we want to find 2^1000 or say 2^10000, obviously the result will have large number of digits (302 and 3011 digits).

The code below is basically developed to handle this kind of problem.

Steps: The function int *power_of_xn(int a,int x,int *digitcount); loops through the long multiplication code.

For example: 2^10000 =


Digits sum = 13561

Number of digits = 3011

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

2^15 = 32768 and the sum of its digits is 3 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 26.

What is the sum of the digits of the number 2^1000?

// 2^20 = 1 048 576
// 2^100 = 1 267 650 600 228 229 401 496 703 205 376

int *number_to_digit(int *n, int *digit_count);
int *power_of_xn(int a,int x,int *digitcount);
int split_lastDigit(int the_num,int *carryover);
int *long_multiplication(int *multiplicant,int multiplicant_dgcount,int *multiplier,int multiplier_dgcount,int *product_dgcount);
int *add_to_list(int *the_list,int the_value,int *list_count);
int *long_addition(int *addition_dgtslist[],int addition_dgtscount[],int list_count, int *rslt_dgtcount);

int main()
    int i,rsltdgcount;
    int *results = power_of_xn(2,10000,&rsltdgcount);
    int digits_sum = 0;
        digits_sum = digits_sum + (*(results+i));

    printf("Digits sum = %d\nNumber of digits = %d",digits_sum,rsltdgcount);
    return 0;

int *power_of_xn(int x,int n,int *digitcount)
    // Returns the digits of pow(a,x)
    int i;
    int multicant_dgcount;
    int *result_digits = number_to_digit(&x,&multicant_dgcount);// for 1024 it stores as 4 2 0 1 and digitcount = 4
    int multiplier_dgcount;
    int *multi_digits = number_to_digit(&x,&multiplier_dgcount);// for 1024 it stores as 4 2 0 1 and multiplier_dgcount = 4

        result_digits = long_multiplication(result_digits,multicant_dgcount,multi_digits,multiplier_dgcount,digitcount);
        multicant_dgcount = (*digitcount);

    return result_digits;

int *long_addition(int *addition_dgtslist[],int addition_dgtscount[],int list_count, int *rslt_dgtcount)
    int i,j;
    // Find the maximum number of digits list
    // Idea is to fill zeroes for shorter numbers (numbers with less digits)
    int max_list_count = 0;
            max_list_count = addition_dgtscount[i];

    // Fill zeroes for shorter numbers
            addition_dgtslist[i]=add_to_list(addition_dgtslist[i],0, &addition_dgtscount[i]);

    int *addition_result;

    int carry_over = 0;
    int total_sum;

    for(j=0; j<max_list_count ;j++)
        total_sum = carry_over;
            total_sum = total_sum + (*(*(addition_dgtslist+i)+j)) ;
        // To add carry Over digits to the list
    int temp_carryover = carry_over;
        temp_carryover = carry_over;
return addition_result;

int *long_multiplication(int *multiplicant,int multiplicant_dgcount,int *multiplier,int multiplier_dgcount,int *product_dgcount)
    int i,j; //Loop variables
    int *product_summ[multiplier_dgcount]; //Variable to hold the digits of each multiplication results level
    int product_summ_dgcount[multiplier_dgcount];

    for(i=0;i<multiplier_dgcount;i++) //Loop thro' all the digits of multiplier 9 4 for 49
        product_summ_dgcount[i] = 0; // set the product digit count as zero
        // Add zeroes at the end
        for(j=0;j<i;j++)// Have to add zeroes at the end of the product sum
            product_summ[i]=add_to_list(product_summ[i],0,&product_summ_dgcount[i]);// added zeroes at the end
        int carry_over = 0; //set the carryover as zero
        int temp_product; // variable to store temporary product
        for(j=0;j<multiplicant_dgcount;j++) //Loop thro' all the digits of multiplicant 4 2 0 1 for 1024
            temp_product = carry_over + ((*(multiplier+i))*(*(multiplicant+j)));
            product_summ[i]=add_to_list(product_summ[i],split_lastDigit(temp_product,&carry_over),&product_summ_dgcount[i]);// added the digit
        //Add the carry over digits to the product_summ
        int carry_over_sum;
        int *carry_over_digits =  number_to_digit(&carry_over,&carry_over_sum); //Split the carry_over digits
             product_summ[i]=add_to_list(product_summ[i],(*(carry_over_digits+j)),&product_summ_dgcount[i]);// added the carry over digits

    // Long addition
    (*product_dgcount)=0;// Set product digit count as zero
    int *result_product = long_addition(product_summ, product_summ_dgcount,multiplier_dgcount,product_dgcount);
    return result_product;

int *add_to_list(int *the_list,int the_value,int *list_count)
    if((*list_count)==0)// There is no item in the list
        the_list = (int *)malloc(1*sizeof(int)); // We initialize 1 space to the list
        int *temp = (int *)realloc(the_list,(*(list_count)+1)*sizeof(int)); // Allocate one extra space
        if(temp != NULL)
            the_list = temp;
            printf("Error Allocating Memory");

    *(the_list+(*(list_count))) = the_value; // Adding the value here
    *(list_count) =(*(list_count))+1; // Increment the list count after addition
    return the_list; // return the list address

int split_lastDigit(int the_num,int *carryover)
    *(carryover) = (int)(the_num/10);
    return (the_num - (*(carryover)*10));

int *number_to_digit(int *n, int *digit_count)
    int numP,numC = *(n);
    int *digits = (int *)malloc(1*sizeof(int)); //Initially we allocate 1 space to digit list
    *(digit_count) = 0;// set digit_count = 0

        numP = numC; //Set the numP value as numC then remove the last digit of numC
        //numC = numC/10
        *(digits+(*(digit_count))) =(int)(numP - (numC*10)); //
        (*(digit_count))=(*(digit_count))+1;//Update the digit count

        int *temp=(int *)realloc(digits,(*(digit_count)+1)*sizeof(int)); // give the pointer some (+1 int) memory each time
        if (temp != NULL )
            digits=temp; //Memory added here
            printf("Error Allocating Memory");
    return digits;// return the digits address and the digit_count is already updated

Another result,

The value of 2404^1299 =


Digits sum = 19747

Number of digits = 4392