extra 401-600

1. At its height = en su apogeo

2. At that time = por aquella época

3. At this point = a estas alturas

4. Brace yourself = agárrate, prepárate

5. By chance = de casualidad

6. Ever since = desde que

7. For some... for others = para unos... para otros

8. From a personal point of view = desde un punto de vista personal

9. From time to time = de vez en cuando

10. Hardly anyone = casi nadie

11. In addition to this = además de esto

12. Instead of = en lugar de

13. To keep going = continuar

14. On the outskirts = a las afueras

15. To pull yourself together = recobrar la compostura

16. To push oneself = esforzarte, obligarte

17. Rathert han = más que

18. To risk life and limb = arriesgar la vida

19. Safe and sound = sano y salvo

20. arrive at = llegar a (preposición "in" para países [in a country])

21. to shiver = estremecerse, tiritar (de frío)

22. nevertheless = no obstante, sin embargo

23. to pop up = aparecer inesperadamente/ de repente

24. to perspire, to sweat = transpirar

25. to move in = instalarse (en una casa)

26. tight = ajustado, ceñido

27. to wrinkle = arrugar

28. a lung = pulmón

29. to demand = exigir

30. to lift = levantar

31. a dwarf = enano

32. a donkey = burro, asno

33. to research = investigar

34. to broadcast = retransmitir, emitir

35. shifting = cambiante, algo que está cambiando

36. to insist on = insistir en

37. to toddle = empezar a caminar, los primeros pasos

38. a ram = un carnero

39. a bow tie = una pajarita

40. to bring about = ocasionar, hacer que algo pase

41. to pursue = perseguir, buscar (un objetivo, una forma de hacer algo...)

42. to mull over = reflexionar sobre

43. to chew = morder, mascar

44. to sigh = suspirar

45. to wear away = erosionar, desgastar

46. to abolish = abolir

47. a thigh = muslo

48. a chore = una tarea, faena (trabajo tedioso, coloq.)

49. snug = ajustado, cómodo (ropa, objeto)

50. to bully = acosar, intimidar

51. to juggle = hacer malabarismos

52. supportive = compasivo, que da apoyo

53. midge = mosquito pequeño

54. to raise = elevar, aumentar (ej precio)

55. to rent = alquilar

56. headquarters = sede, oficinas centrales

57. to come to = llegar a (un acuerdo, etc.).

58. thumbnail potos = fotografías en miniatura

59. a toddler = niño pequeño que empieza a andar

60. to blame = culpar

61. upset = disgustado, decepcionado

62. a flea = una pulga

63. to apologise for = disculparse por algo

64. to Break down = romper, estropear

65. to Call off = cancelar

66. to Carry out = llevar a cabo

67. to Come up with = elaborar, inventarse

68. to Figure out = resolver

69. to Find out = averiguar

70. to Give up = rendirse

71. to Look forward to + ing = estar deseando

72. to Look into = investigar

73. to Look up to = admirar

74. to Make up = inventar

75. to Put off = cancelar, aplazar

76. to Put up with = tolerar, aguantar

77. to Run out of = quedarse sin

78. to Set up = fundar

79. to Split up = romper

80. to Turn up (for/to/at) = Acudir

81. To stroll = Pasear

82. Sightseeing = Turismo

83. A threat, menace = Amenaza

84. To be under threat = Estar en peligro

85. A death threat = Peligro de muerte

86. Endangered = En peligro

87. Close to extintion = En vías de extinción

88. Hiking = Senderismo

89. Hitchhiking = Autostop

90. To drop = (dejar) caer

91. A platform = Andén

92. A seat belt = Cinturón de seguridad

93. Likely = Probable

94. Roadworks = Obras en la carretera

95. A traffic jam = un atasco

96. To pull out = Partir (vehículo)

97. Compulsory = Obligatorio

98. Overuse = Uso excesivo

99. Awareness = Conciencia

100. An issue = Cuestión, problema

101. To spring out = Brotar

102. To shrink = Encoger

103. To assess = Evaluar

104. To claim = Asegurar

105. An aircraft = Avión

106. Overall = En general

107. Slightly = Un poco

108. Fairly good = Bastante bien

109. To take turns = Turnarse

110. Ashamed of = Avergonzado de

111. Capable of = Capaz de

112. Conscious of = Consciente de

113. Familiar with = Familiar con

114. To be fed up with = Estar harto de

115. In place of = En lugar de

116. In relation to = En relación con

117. In response to = En respuesta a

118. In terms of = En términos de

119. In view of = En vista de

120. To have nothing to do with = No tener nada que ver con

121. Obliged to = Obligado a

122. Obsessed with = Obsesionado con

123. Prepared to = Preparado para

124. Required to = Obligado a

125. Sensitive to = Vulnerable a

126. Sort of = En cierto modo

127. Supposed to = Diseñado para

128. Trouble with = Problemas con

129. With regard to = Con respecto a

130. To be aimed at = Estar dirigido a

131. Tp cease = Parar, cesar

132. To disguise = Ocultar

133. To gather something = Juntar

134. To spread = Difundir

135. Skilled = Cualificado

136. A budget = Presupuesto

137. Budget prices = Rebajas

138. It's a pity = Es una pena

139. A trip = Viaje corto

140. To lessen = Reducir cantidad

141. Means of transport = Medio de transporte

142. To travel = Viajar

143. A fancy dress = Disfraz

144. To dress up = Disfrazarse

145. A costume = Traje

146. Fancy dress party = Baile de disfraces

147. A car hire = Alquiler de coches

148. Historical background = Contexto histórico

149. To turn out to be = Resultar ser

150. Am admission fee = Entrada (precio)

151. To bear in mind = Tener presente

152. To submit = Enviar

153. To remain = Permanecer

154. To bark = ladrar

155. Dull = Aburrido, apagado

156. Steadily = Constantemente, sin parar

157. A marvel = Maravilla

158. A chore = una rutina, tarea de la casa

159. To praise = Felicitar

160. A plot = terreno

161. A greenhouse = Invernadero

162. Patches = Trozos

163. To tack = Clavar

164. A spade = Pala

165. To smash = Destrozar

166. To withdrawn = Retirar

167. A plumber = Fontanero

168. Humourless = Sin sentido del humor

169. Lack of = Escasez de

170. Posh = Pijo

171. A net = Red

172. Toes = Dedos de los pies

173. To peer at = Mirar de cerca

174. To scoop up = Alzar en brazos

175. Backyard = Patio trasero

176. To deceive = Engañar

177. To disappoint = decepcionar

178. Nearby = Cercano

179. Inwardly = Interiormente

180. To cheer = Vitorear

181. To tailor = Adaptar (ropa)

182. Knowledgeable = Culto

183. To pester = Molestar

184. Scarce = Escaso

185. An attempt = Intento

186. A scope = Alcance

187. Tricky = Complicado

188. Unpromising = Poco prometedor

189. Ground-breaking = Revolucionario

190. Renowned = Famoso

191. Slightly = Un poco

192. Tuition = Clases

193. To advise against = advertir en contra de

194. All comes down to = todo se reduce a

195. To come round to the idea = hacerse a la idea

196. To come to terms = llegar a un acuerdo

197. Don´t hesitate to give us a call = no dudes en llamarnos

198. To get something across someone = hacer entender

199. To not gave any recollection of = no tener ningún recuerdo de

200. To have every intention of = tener toda la intención de