
Current courses

You can download the detailed syllabus of the course here.

Slides: Section 1.

Homework: Homework (Part I).

Past courses

Here's the list of all past courses that I taught, as a Teaching Assistant at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (in brackets the teaching evaluation of students):

    • Macroeconomics I (graduate, Master in Economics, English), prof. Andres Erosa: fall 2016, fall 2015 (4.33/5.0), fall 2014 (n.a.).

    • Macroeconomics II (graduate, Master in Economics, English), prof. Matthias Kredler: spring 2017, spring 2016 (n.a.).

    • Microeconomics III (graduate, PhD in Economics, English), prof. Marco Celentani: spring 2015 (4.65/5.0) , spring 2014 (5.0/5.0), spring 2013 (4.71/5.0).

    • Econometrics I (undergraduate, BA in Economics, Spanish), prof. Julio Caceres: spring 2014 (4.3/5.0).

Administrative work

  • Erasmus coordinator (for undergraduate students, Spanish): a.y. 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16.

  • Course support: Macroeconomics I (undergraduate, Spanish), prof. Gerardo Jacobs: fall 2012.