
Saline visits Lindenberg 2009

1 October 2009

Guests from Saline visit Lindenberg

The sister city relationship between Lindenberg and Saline, USA has been in existence officially now for six years. Every visit to the Allgäu by guests from Michigan is a special event. The day before yesterday, 36 American visitors to Germany arrived at the Munich airport. Yesterday at the city hall was the official reception combined with a substantial breakfast, to which Mayor Zeh had also cordially invited the host families. Following the reception, the guests had a tour of the city (photo). The Salinians have a varied program ahead of them for the two weeks of their stay. They will be going to the Munich Oktoberfest, to Nürnberg for Rostbratwurst, to Lake Constance where they will tour the Pfahlbauten, and to the Bauernhofmuseum in Illerbeuren. They also plan to undertake a three day trip to Switzerland and Italy to visit Lake Como, Lake Lugano, and Lake Maggiore.

mbe/ photo by Matthias Becker


Raise Your Mugs

Oktoberfest Four day folk festival in Weiler opened yesterday evening - About 2000 visitors Weiler (bes) The eighth Westallgäu Oktoberfest opened yesterday evening in a full festival tent. The Oktoberfest is organized by the Weiler Red-White soccer club. The ceremonial tapping of the beer barrel was carried out by a politician, Mayor Karl-Heinz Rudolph, and a business man, Herrmann Rudolph of the building material company in Ellhofen. The beer (Gerstensaft: literally malted barley juice) flowed officially as of 7:48 p.m. Approximately 2000 visitors attended the opening evening in the festival tent at the Weiler sports fields. There had been more than 1000 advance reservations from 60 companies and clubs from the reigon. Every beer table was occupied, so that there was only standing room for many guests. The Oktoberfest will be operation in Weiler all weekend. Tonight starting at 7:30 pm there will be rock and pop music with “Einer zu wenig” and “Burnout”. On Saturday the Weiler band and “Die Ramonas” will play. On Sunday morning after a 10:30 a.m. performance by “Alpenblech” there will be a competition for three brass bands. The audience will determine the winner.


Oktoberfest, Heidi and German Gemütlichkeit

City partnership Guests from Saline have been in Lindenberg for a week Excursion to the Hochgrat - From the Oktoberfest in Munich to Weiler by Sandra Pfanner Lindenberg In sunny weather on Sunday, thirty-six Americans from Saline set out for the airy heights. On their schedule was a visit to the 1834 meter high Hochgrat by full moon. Equipped with hiking sticks and cameras, most of the Americans did not stop with the gondola ride, but also took on the remaining hike to the summit. On the way up, several people could be heard saying “breathtaking” at the sight of the Nagelfluh panorama. At the conclusion, refreshment was provided by the proprietor of the Staufner Haus, which had even displayed an American flag. Somewhat cozy quarters didn’t disturb the guests from Saline – after all, they say, in addition to German hospitality, they also like German Gemütlichkeit. Nancy Byers confessed that she had always imagined the mountain world as described by the Swiss author of Heidi, Johanna Spyri. “That picture came true, “ she says, laughing. “So far, everything has gone very well,” said Dr. Friedrich Haag, chairman of the Partnerschaftsverein, summing up the previous week. A varied schedule was offered the Americans, all of whom are staying with host families. Among other excursions. there was a trip by the Allgäu-Franken-Express to Nürnberg to tour the old city and visit the Documentation Center of National Socialism.

One high point was a trip to Munich for the Oktoberfest, which, by the way, has already taken place this year in Saline. In spite of some initial “culture shock,” as Dr. Friedrich Haag put it, everyone was enthusiastic about this multicultural folk festival. “However, I have to say I liked the Oktoberfest in Weiler better than the original in Munich,” said 15-year-old Marielle Driskell. She especially liked the “Allgäuer Dorfmusikanten,” and that everyone danced on the tables and benches. “There’s nothing like that in America.” Before they depart on October 13, the guests and the members of the Partnerschaftsverein have more plans: On Monday they set out toward St. Moritz in order to spend two days at Lake Como and in Milan. Additionally, excursions are planned to the Pfahlbauten in Unteruhldingen and the baroque church at Birnau.


Survey: U.S. Guests are Returning to the USA – Five Americans Share their Impressions

Two Weeks in their Sister City Thirty-six visitors from Saline, Michigan have spent two weeks in the Westallgäu. During this time, the Americans have seen a lot. Among other things, they visited Lake Constance and got to know Lindenberg; one of the Lindenberg events was a presentation at the Trachtlerheim. The club members introduced the visitors to some Bavarian traditions with alphorns, dance, and a musical trio. A three day trip took them to Italy and Switzerland. On Tuesday, the Americans flew back to the US. At their farewell celebration, we asked five Salinians what impressions they will take home with them.

Linda TerHaar: Before her visit to the Westallgäu, this American was already acquainted with Germany: many years ago she lived in Berlin. “The two weeks went very quickly, and were too short,” she said. Her view of the visit is very positive: “We were very warmly welcomed by the host families.” The excursions gave the visitors a lot to see. “I was especially impressed by the water works in Sipplingen, and the farm museum in Illerbeuren.” The excursion to Switzerland also left an enduring memory: “It was amazing, how much we were able to see.”

Paul Bunten: This was the Saline police chief’s first visit to Germany. “The landscape here is gorgeous,” he said. “Above all I thought it was fabulous how friendly the German people were.” The hospitality of the people impressed him very much. He especially liked the Oktoberfest in Munich, which the group visited one day. “The beer tasted great,” he said, smiling. He also thought the city of Lindau, which he visited with his host family, was “super.” During the two weeks of his visit, he was sorry that he is able to speak “only a little German.”

Nancy Byers: This was her first visit to the Westallgäu. “I had been in Frankfurt before,” she explained. In Saline, an exchange student from Lindenberg had told her how beautiful it was at home and had asked if she would she like to visit sometime. Now she has done so. Her impression: “The reality is even more beautiful than he described.” The landscape, the cities, the rivers were all “so beautiful” Nancy Byers said. And the German people were very hospitable. “It was very interesting to talk with them about politics here and about how they live.”

Richard Nehring: This trip was his second visit to Germany. Asked what had especially impressed him, Nehring spoke very enthusiastically about the German people. “The people, whether in our host families or in restaurants were all so nice. They will do anything for you, and look after anything you need,” he said. Of all the excursions, he especially enjoyed the three day trip to Switzerland and Italy. “That was really impressive.” The other, shorter trips were also very good.

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2 October 2009

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Photo caption: The “Allgäuer Dorfmusikanten” opened the eighth Westallgäu Oktoberfest yesterday evening in a tent filled to capacity. For the musicians, Weiler was an intermediate stop: Today they return to Stuttgart, where they have three performances this weekend.


6 October 2009


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Photo caption: The guests from Saline where impressed with the view during their moonlight visit to the Hochgra


14 October 2009

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Updated October 23, 2009