
Like many, “Parents as Trainers” aka shortly PAT Luxembourg initiative believes that “learning by doing” is much more effective than “learning by reading “, “learning by listening”, “learning by watching (makers videos)”. Primarily, PAT is a unique forum where we try to establish an opportunity that Parents engage the children during weekends. Secondly, Parents work on various fields (it could be on cars, it could be on logistics, it could be on software, it could be on plumbing). PAT extracts “Science” from Parents fields and inculcate the same into Children’s foundation education in the form of “Learning by doing”.

Children are born eager to learn by doing. Learning becomes more fun when kids are doing investigative jobs and applied research and importantly children are learning by doing at their own individual pace. September 01 '2019 we launch officially the initiative and the first event is planned beginning October'2019 and will run during the weekends henceforth. Maximum half a day, considering not taking more time from their sports and other fun activities. We believe even the half a day is more fun to them as it involves more of “doing”, put in their term, “learning by playing”.

The sample fresh neuron hosts are none other than our children. We have around 10 children of age around 10 for whom we make them to learn “Science”.

I would like to learn from you what you experienced in your way as a good algorithm to apply, simply looking forward to hear your “story”, here goes the list:

1. Class room classical learning

2. Story telling (Stories to convey messages)

3. Gamification (Games to enable learning process)

4. Learning by doing (DIY experiments)

5. Reading books / articles / magazines / blogs oneself

6. Visual contents like videos, animations, images etc.

7. and etc. I am sure each one has its own pros and cons.