
Sahn-Wook Huh

Associate Professor of Finance

335B Jacobs Management Center

Department of Finance, School of Management

University (SUNY) at Buffalo

Buffalo, NY 14260-4000, USA

Office Phone: 716-645-5435

E-mail: swhuh@buffalo.edu

Personal Web Page: https://sites.google.com/site/sahnwookhuh/home

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Dr. Sahn-Wook Huh is an Associate Professor of Finance at the University (SUNY) at Buffalo (UB) School of Management. Before and after his MBA studies at the University of Chicago, he worked for several years in the private and government sectors as a research manager at an investment trust company, assistant counselor to the Minister of Finance, fund manager of an equity fund, as well as manager of international investments at a merchant bank.

With his extensive real world experience, he returned to academia for Ph.D. studies at the Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA. Before joining the UB School of Management in August 2009, he taught at Brock University in Canada for five years as an Assistant Professor and Associate Professor. Professor Huh’s research interests are empirical corporate finance, asset pricing, evaluation of mutual fund and hedge fund performance, market microstructure, foreign exchange economics, and behavioral finance.

He has been well funded while in academia. Especially, he was recently appointed as the  Fulbright Canada Distinguished Research Chair with a Fulbright Grant ($50,000), which is for supporting his academic activities at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada during the 2021-2022 academic year.  Previously, he obtained the prestigious Early Researcher Award (ERA) ($190,000) from the Ontario Provincial Government and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Strategic Research Grant ($158,911) from the Canadian Federal Government, in addition to the SSHRC Standard Research Grant ($28,194). The ERA Award is a research grant that is funded by the Ministry of Research and Innovation of Ontario in Canada and awarded to PhD-level researchers with no more than five years in their independent academic career.

His research articles appear in prestigious journals such as the Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and the Review of Asset Pricing Studies. His research articles won the Best Paper Awards at 10 U.S. and international conferences, including the 2021 Award at the Financial Management Association (FMA) Annual Conference held in Denver.  More recently in October 2024, he received the  Eminent Scholar Award at the Korea-America Finance Association (KAFA) Annual Meeting held together with the FMA Annual Conference in Grapevine, Texas. One of his research papers was featured in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation. He has served as a program/review committee member for the FMA (Annual), the FMA (Asia-Pacific), and the CAFM conferences. 

He received the Milton Plesur Excellence in Teaching Award, which is a University-wide award bestowed upon faculty members who are outstanding in teaching at the University at Buffalo. He served as the President of the Korea-America Finance Association (KAFA) in 2018-2019.