
龔仁文蕭景燈劉曉栴Mark PrutsalisChamindra de SilvaGavin TreadgoldMichael Howden

龔仁文 (Gary Gong)

現職:財團法人資訊工業策進會 副執行長經歷:

  • 資訊工業策進會創新應用服務研究所 所長
  • 資訊工業策進會電子商務應用推廣中心 主任
  • 資訊工業策進會推廣服務處 處長




  • 蕃薯藤數位科技股份有限公司技術長、營運長
  • 蕃薯藤數位科技股份有限公司副總經理
  • 淡水真理大學副教授

◆ twitter@chsiao

劉曉栴 學歷:東吳大學社工系畢業

現職:Sahana TW 專案經理


  • 社工員,負責家庭暴力防治與輔導工作、未成年從娼少女安置輔導
  • 網站製作人,曾任職於蕃薯藤與雅虎奇摩網站,負責網站製作與經營
  • 開拓文教基金會董事


◆Facebook : Hsiaojan Liu

Mark Prutsalis (CEO, Sahana基金會)

Email: mark [at] sahanafoundation [dot] org ;

Mr. Prutsalis具備超過15年重大國際和國內的自然和人為災害人道主義救援行動和應急管理經驗,曾領導和管理多個救災計畫,成就深獲肯定。 他曾多次響應人道主義援助任務,參與中美洲颶風米奇颶風、美國麗塔颶風、厄瓜多爾火山爆發,也曾協助救援發生在巴基斯坦、土耳其、台灣和印度地震,以及2004年發生在印度、斯里蘭卡和印尼的南亞海嘯。 另外,Mark也參與了在柬埔寨、波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那、中非、蘇丹南部和東帝汶發生的人為災害和衝突人道救援工作。 2004年南亞海嘯,Mark率領人道主義救援團隊協助斯里蘭卡IBM危機反應小組進行救災工作,並與斯里蘭卡軟體基金會合作,在短短幾週內創建了第一個版本的Sahana系統。

過去的幾年裡,Mark一直協助美國紐約市規劃及執行緊急救災和準備計畫,包括緊急管理辦公室、資訊科技和通信部以及衛生和心理衛生部的相關工作。 他推動紐約市的「沿岸風暴防災計畫(Coastal Storm Plan)」 使用Sahana管理救災人員的任務和受災者登記,並負責在2005年巴基斯坦地震、2006年菲律賓土石流、2006年印度尼西亞地震、2007年秘魯地震、2007年孟加拉旋風及2010年海地地震運用Sahana進行救災重建的部署和在地化工作。

Mark has over 15 years of operational humanitarian relief and emergency management experience following major international and domestic natural and man-made disasters. He has a proven record of implementing complex operational projects in diverse and austere post-disaster environments through leadership, planning and appropriate use of tools and technology. He has also led and managed several planning, preparedness and mitigation projects, including tabletop and functional exercise design for governments, military, international organizations, and the public and private sector. Mark is a skilled trainer and has delivered both emergency management and operational end-user training in several subject areas, including emergency communications, security, continuity of operations, and humanitarian information system applications.

Mark has led humanitarian assistance missions in response to diverse natural disasters such as Hurricanes Mitch in Central America and Katrina/Rita in the United States, volcanic eruptions in Ecuador, earthquakes in Pakistan, Turkey, Taiwan and India, and the 2004 Asian tsunami in India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Mark has also responded to man-made disasters and conflicts in Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Central Africa, Southern Sudan and East Timor. For the past several years, he has been managing several emergency planning and preparedness projects for the City of New York, including for their Office of Emergency Management, Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications, and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. He has specific sectoral expertise in needs assessment, logistics management, humanitarian information systems, staff and site security, IT & telecommunications, and program administration.

Mark led the humanitarian mission to Sri Lanka for the IBM Crisis Response Team following the 2004 Asian tsunami and, in partnership with the Lanka Software Foundation, helped design the requirements and planned for the deployment of the first version of Sahana within weeks of the tsunami. Mark also managed the use of Sahana by the City of New York to manage staffing assignments and victim registration at hurricane shelters as part of the City’s Coastal Storm Plan, and supported the deployment and customization of Sahana following disasters in Pakistan (2005 earthquake), the Philippines (2006 mudslides), Indonesia (2006 earthquake), Peru (2007 earthquake), and Bangladesh (2007 cyclone).


◆facebook: mark.prutsalis

Chamindra de Silva (CTO, Sahana基金會)Email: chamindra [at] opensource [dot] lk

Mr. de Silva 為牛津大學 馬格達倫學院工程及計算機科學碩士。 2004年Sahana緊急因應南亞海嘯救災而創建後,他持續領導技術團隊,重新編寫SAHANA系統使其成為一個通用和模組化的災害管理系統,並推動各重大災區的政府和各非政府組織部署運用,包括巴基斯坦(2005年南亞大地震)、菲律賓(2006年土石流災害)、印度尼西亞(2006 Yogjarkata地震)和斯里蘭卡當地的公益及政府組織,如地球社(Terre des Hommes)、沙佛達亞(Sarvodaya)、紅十字會及國家救災中心(CNO: Center of National Operation)等。 他並共同創辦了人道主義開源碼社區(the Humanitarian-FOSS community),持續推動應用開放源碼軟件以解決人道主義問題。

Chamindra曾擔任斯里蘭卡軟體基金會執行主任、Virtusa公司全球研發經理和牛津大學計算機科學實驗室研究員。在自由開放源碼方面,他是Apache committer (AXIS)及Google Summer of code導師,並是多個開源機構及人道組織的重要成員。他曾代表斯里蘭卡出席相關會議和論壇,包括:AsiaOSS專題討論會、聯合國開發計劃署國際開放源碼網路(UNDP- IOSN)、災難反應與管理國際社群( ISCRAM)、聯合國世界資訊社會世界高峰會(WSIS)及LinuxAsia應急管理亞洲會議等。也是斯里蘭卡國際電子電機工程師學會(IEEE)分會的創始秘書、斯里蘭卡 信息和通信技術局(ICTA)信息安全工作組的支持者及紅十字會志工。

Chamindra has been involved in the Sahana Project from inception following the 2004 Asian Tsunami that affected Sri Lanka. Subsequently he took the role of project lead cum chief architect and lead a complete re-write of the Sahana system into a generic and modular disaster management system, seeing it deployed also with the Governments and various NGOs in Pakistan (2005 Asian Quake), Philippines (2006 Mudslide Disaster), Indonesia (2006 Yogjarkata earthquake) and Sri Lanka (Terre des Hommes, Sarvodaya, Red Cross, CNO). He co-founded the Humanitarian-FOSS community (now 150+ strong) with Paul Currion along the more generic aspirations of applying FOSS to solve Humanitarian problems. He has co-authored several publications on Sahana and the concept of Humanitarian-FOSS in IEEE, CACM and BCS journals / magazines.

Past roles Chamindra has played includes the acting Executive Director of the Lanka Software Foundation, the global R&D manager at Virtusa (a 3000+ strong software IT consulting and technology services MNC headquartered in Boston, MA) and a Researcher at the Hardware Compilation Group of Computer Science lab at Oxford University. Other FOSS involvements include being an Apache committer (AXIS), a Google Summer of code mentor, a contributor to Taprobane (A Debian based distro), a contributor to the UNDP IOSN Portal (Humanitarian / Sri Lanka Sections), a member of the Ubuntu Sri Lankan loco team and strong advocate for FOSS in Sri Lanka. He has also been a delegate/representative of Sri Lanka in various conferences and forums including AsiaOSS Symposiums, UNDP IOSN, ISCRAM, UN WSIS, LinuxAsia and Emergency Management Asia. He is the founder secretary of the IEEE computer society Sri Lankan Chapter and also supported the information security working group of the Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka. Chamindra is a Red Cross volunteer.

Chamindra graduated from Magdalen College, Oxford University, where he earned a degree in Engineering & Computer Science.


◆facebook : Chamindra De Silva

Gavin Treadgold (Director, Sahana基金會)Email: gt [at] kestrel [dot] co [dot] nz

Mr. Treadgold的專業領域包括:高等教育研究、管理科學、信息系統、地理信息系統(GIS)和應急管理。他是Kestrel Group 集團-風險和應急管理諮詢公司主任,主要業務領域在紐西蘭和南太平洋,服務客戶包括中央和地方政府,衛生,公用事業和私營企業。專長領域包括:應變規劃;演練發展、執行和報告;應急管理資通訊科技(包括地理資訊系統)。

Gavin是國際應急管理協會(International Association of Emergency Managers )成員之一,參與該協會國際發展委員會、通信委員會及大洋洲網站工作團隊組成等工作。 此外,他也是計算機協會(ACM)、紐西蘭危機管理電腦學會 (New Zealand Computer Society for Risk Management)及空間科學學院(the Spatial Sciences Institute)的重要成員。他是目前紐西蘭休閒娛樂GPS學會總裁,也是一位經過認證的城市搜索和救援(USAR: Urban Search and Rescue)第一類急救員,擔任民防應急管理(CDEM: Civil Defense Emergency Management)志工已有10年。

Gavin is a Director of Kestrel Group – a risk and emergency management consultancy that operates in New Zealand and the South Pacific. His background includes tertiary studies in management science, information systems, geographical information systems (GIS) and emergency management. He has worked for a wide range of clients across a number of sectors – including central and local government, health, utility and private businesses. His areas of pecialtise include: response planning; exercise development, delivery and reporting; information communications technology for emergency management including geographical information systems (GIS).

Gavin is a member of the International Association of Emergency Managers, and has been involved on the International Development Committee, Communications Committee, Website Taskforce and the formation of the Oceania region. Additionally he belongs to the Association for Computing Machinery, New Zealand Computer Society, the New Zealand Open Source Society, the New Zealand Society for Risk Management, and the Spatial Sciences Institute. He is also currently President of the New Zealand Recreational GPS Society.He is a certified Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Category 1 Responder, and has been a Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) volunteer for nearly ten years. One of his recent roles was in a team that manages light USAR response teams.

◆Facebook : gavin.treadgold

Michael Howden (Director, Sahana基金會)Email: michael at] sahanafoundation [dot] org ;

畢業於 紐西蘭奧克蘭大學 電機系


AidIQ 創辦人及市場開發總監

該公司提供服務,協助發展人道關懷完整智慧型商業運用模組。目前主要以發展 Sahana 軟體平台,及為亞洲災害準備中心開發降低災害風險專案管理入口網站為主。 AidIQ 曾在海地地震時為世界食物組織開發食物供給管理軟體平台。


Register of Engineers for Disaster Relief – 印度及英國,擔任訓練師


Save the Children – 印尼亞齊省,擔任物資供應管理專案專員與顧問


International Rescue Committee (IRC) - 巴基斯坦及烏干達,擔任物資管理運送指導員

南亞大海嘯期間,在 IRC 擔任物資管理運送志工,負責整合機構與捐助者需求,開發建置物資管理運送流程與系統、訓練相關作業人員,並開發物資管理監督與回報系統


◆facebook : Michael Howden