"On the Trend of Technology, Family Formation and Women's Time Allocations" (with Kanato Nakakuni), 2024

"Why Women Work the Way They Do in Japan: Roles of Fiscal Policies" (with Minamo Mikoshiba), 2024 [online appendix] 

"Inequality Dynamics in Japan, 1981-2021" (with Tomoaki Yamada), 2024

"Medical Expenditures over the Life-cycle: Persistent Risks and Insurance" (with Taiyo Fukai, Hidehiko Ichimura and Minamo Mikoshiba), 2024  [online appendix]

”Dimensions of Inequality in Japan: Distributions of Earnings, Income and Wealth between 1984 and 2014" (with Tomoaki Yamada) Data for tables and figures,  2021

"Welfare Effects of Polarization: Occupational Mobility over the Life-Cycle"  (with Shinnosuke Kikuchi), 2020
RIETI Discussion Paper 20-E-043

"Demography, Fiscal Sustainability, and Social Security System in Japan" (with Minamo Mikoshiba) 2024 

"Working Elderly in Japan" (with Nozomi Takeda) work in progress. 

"Network externality in the propagation of electronic commerce" (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Manabu Nose) work in progress.

"Altruism and Fiscal Sustainability" (with Selahattin Imrohoroglu) work in progress.

"Estimation of Income risks using Administrative Local Tax Records in Japan" (with Michio Suzuki and Tomoaki Yamada) work in progress.


"The Time Trend and Life-cycle Profiles of Consumption in Japan" (with Tomoaki Yamada), Review of Economics of the Households, forthcoming. 

"Japan and the Allocation Puzzle in an Aging World" (with Andrea Bonfatti and Selahattin Imrohoroglu), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, December 2022, Vol. 145, 104544.

"The Impact of the COVID-19 on Japanese Firms: Mobility and Resilience via Remote Work" (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Manabu Nose),  International Tax and Public Finance, December 2022, Vol. 29: No 6, pp. 1419-1449.

"Labor Market Policies in a Dual Economy" (with Julen Esteban-Pretel)  Labour Economics, January 2021, Vol. 68, Article 101956, pp. 1-13.

"Foreign Workers, Skill Premium and Fiscal Sustainability in Japan" (with Tomoaki Yamada) Economic Analysis, June 2021, Vol. 202, pp. 220-243. (prepared for the International Joint Research Project at the ESRI, Cabinet Office)

"Who Suffers from the COVID-19 Shocks? Labor Market Heterogeneity and Welfare Consequences in Japan" (with Shinnosuke Kikuchi and Minamo Mikoshiba) Journal of the Japanese and International  Economies, March 2021, Vol. 59, Article 101117, pp. 1-20.

"Females, the Elderly and Also Males: Demographic Aging and Macroeconomy in Japan" (with Minamo Mikoshiba) Journal of the Japanese and International  Economies, June 2020, Vol. 56, Article 101064, pp. 1-16.  [online appendix

"Fiscal Sustainability in Japan: What to Tackle?"  (with Selahattin Imrohoroglu and Tomoaki Yamada) Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 2019,  Vol. 14, Article 100205. [online appendix] 

"Policy Uncertainty and Cost of Delaying Reform: The Case of Aging Japan"Review of Economic Dynamics, January 2018, Vol. 27, pp.81-100. 

"Can Guest Workers Solve Japan's Fiscal Problems?" (with Selahattin Imrohoroglu and Tomoaki Yamada) Economic Inquiry, July 2017, Vol.55: No.3, pp.1287-1307.

"A Life Cycle Model of Trans-Atlantic Employment Experiences" (with Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent)  Review of Economic Dynamics, April 2017, Vol.25, pp.320-349.

"When Do We Start? Pension Reform in Aging Japan" (based on Nakahara Prize lecture) Japanese Economic Review, March 2017, Vol.68:No.1, pp. 26-47.

"Global Demographic Trends: Consumption, Saving and International Capital Flows" [online appendix] (with Orazio Attanasio, Andrea Bonfatti and Guglielmo Weber) In Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging , edited by John Piggott and Alan Woodland, North Holland, Amsterdam, November 2016, Vol. 1 A, Chapter 4.

"Achieving Fiscal Balance in Japan" (with Selahattin Imrohoroglu and Tomoaki Yamada) International Economic Review, February 2016, Vol. 57:No. 1, pp. 117-154.

"Pension Reform and Individual Retirement Accounts in Japan" [paper] Journal of The Japanese and International  Economies, December  2015, Vol. 38, pp. 111-126.

"Fiscal Cost of Demographic Transition in Japan"  [paper]  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, May 2015, Vol. 54, pp. 37-58.

"A Life Cycle Model of Unemployment and Disability Insurance" [paper] Journal of Monetary Economics,  November 2014, Vol. 68, pp. 1-18.

"Sustainable Social Security : Four Options" [paper] Review of Economic Dynamics, November 2014, Vol. 17:No.4, pp.756-779.

"Social Security Reforms: Benefit Claiming, Labor Force Participation and Long-run Sustainability" [paper] [appendix] (with Selahattin Imrohoroglu) American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, July 2012, Vol. 4:No.3, pp.96-127.

"Financing Medicare: A General Equilibrium Analysis" [paper] (with Orazio Attanasio and Gianluca Violante) In Demography and the Economy, edited by John Shoven, University of Chicago Press, 2011.

"Hiring Subsidies, Job Creation and Job Destruction" [paper] (with Aysegul Sahin and Joseph Song) Economics Letters, December 2011, Vol. 111:No. 3, pp.248-251.

"Macroeconomic and Redistributional Effects of Consumption Taxes in the United States"  (based on an invited lecture) [paper] Japanese Economic Review, March 2011, Vol. 62:No. 1, pp. 63-81.

"Why Small Businesses Were Hit Harder by the Recent Recession" [paper] (with Aysegul Sahin, Anna Cororaton and Sergiu Laiu) Current Issues in Economics and Finance, July 2011, Vol. 17: No. 4. 

"Labor-dependent Capital Income Taxation" [paper] [additional doc] Journal of Monetary Economics,  November 2010, Vol. 57: No. 8, pp. 959-974. 

"Short-run Fiscal Policy: Welfare, Redistribution and Aggregate Effects in the Short and Long-run" [paper] Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, October 2010, Vol. 34: No. 10, pp. 2109-2125.

"Individual Retirement Accounts, Saving and Labor Supply" [paper] Economics Letters, August 2010, Vol. 108: No. 2, pp. 197-200.  

"Labor Supply Elasticity and Social Security Reform" [paper] (with Selahattin Imrohoroglu) Journal of Public Economics, August 2009, Vol. 93: No. 7-8, pp. 867-878.

"Taxing Capital? Not a Bad Idea After All!" [paper] [additional doc.]  (with Juan Carlos Conesa and Dirk Krueger) American Economic Review, 2009, Vol. 99: No. 1, pp.25-48.

"U.S. Tax Policy and Health Insurance Demand: Can a Regressive Policy Improve Welfare?" [paper] [additional doc.]   (with Karsten Jeske) Journal of Monetary Economics, March 2009, Vol. 56: No.2, pp. 210-221.

"Entrepreneurship, Taxation and Capital Investment" [paper] Review of Economic Dynamics, January 2008, Vol. 11: No. 1, pp. 44-69.

"Global Demographic Trends and Social Security Reform" [paper] (with Orazio Attanasio and Gianluca Violante) Journal of Monetary Economics, January 2007, Vol. 54: No. 1, pp. 144-198.

"Quantifying the Effects of the Demographic Transition in Developing Economies" [paper] (with Orazio Attanasio and Gianluca Violante) The B.E. Journals in Macroeconomics, Advances in Macroeconomics, April 2006, Vol. 6: No. 1, Article 2, pp. 1-44.

BOOK CHAPTERS (in Japanese)

"Effects of the COVID-19 on the Labor Market and Inequality in Japan" (in Japanese)  (with Shinnosuke Kikuchi and Minamo Mikoshiba) In Economics of the COVID-19 Crisis, K. Kobayashi and M. Morikawa, Ed., Nikkei, 2020, Chapter 15. 「第15章 新型コロナ危機による労働市場への影響と格差の拡大」『コロナ危機の経済学』(小林・森川編)日本経済新聞出版、2020年

"Macroeconomy: Growth, Productivity, Employment and Inequality" (in Japanese) (with Isamu Yamamoto) In Artificial Intelligence and the Economy, I. Yamamoto Ed., Keiso Shobo, 2019, Chapter 1.  「第1章 マクロ経済―成長・生産性・雇用・格差」『人工知能と経済』(山本勲編)勁草書房、2019年

"Macroeconomic Model Analysis: Demographic Aging and Social Security Reform" (in Japanese) In Trends in Modern Economics, Japanese Economic Association, August 2017, Chapter 3, pp. 65-98.  「高齢化と社会保障制度改革のマクロモデル分析」『現代経済学の潮流2017』(第3章)東洋経済新報社


"Female Labor Supply and Demographic Aging and Their Impacts on the Aggregate Economy and Fiscal Sustainability: A General Equilibrium-OLG Approach" (with Minamo Mikoshiba and Kanato Nakakuni), ESRI Discussion Paper Series No. 384, September 2023 (in Japanese)

"Practicing Dynare" (with Francisco Barillas, Riccardo Colacito, Christian Matthes, Thomas Sargent and Yongseok Shin)  [available at  Dynare Forum]

"Heterogeneous Vulnerability to the COVID-19 Crisis and Implications for Inequality in Japan" (with Shinnosuke Kikuchi and Minamo Mikoshiba)
RIETI Discussion Paper 20-E-039

"Global Demographic Trends, Capital Mobility, Saving and Consumption in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)"  (with Orazio Attanasio, Andrea Bonfatti and Guglielmo Weber)
IDB Working Paper Series 586