I received my Ph.D. in engineering with a certificate of commendation from the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University in Japan in 2015. Subsequently, I was awarded a JSPS fellowship, a prestigious award in Japan with an acceptance rate below 10%, and I worked as a research fellow at the Tokyo Institute of Technology for a duration of two years, spanning from 2016 to 2018. In 2019, I served as a postdoctoral researcher at RIKEN, Geoinformatics Unit. From 2019 to 2024, I was an assistant professor in Department of Remote Sensing and GIS in the University of Tabriz. I also visited Gebze Technical University (GTU) and Istanbul Technical University (ITU) as a TUBITAK-supported visitor in 2022 and 2024, respectively. Since 2024, I am an associate professor in Department of Remote Sensing and GIS in the University of Tabriz. 

I consider Rene Descartes and his coordinates to be as fundamental as Isaac Newton and his theory of gravity. One day, while Rene was taking a moment of rest, he noticed a fly on the ceiling moving in various directions. He envisioned the fly within a two-dimensional coordinate system, and thus, the world's first coordinate system came into existence. This marked a revolutionary moment in the field of science, particularly in geosciences. Since that time, we have harnessed the power of coordinates in geosciences to advance our understanding of various phenomena, such as earthquakes...

Job Experiences: 

13- Associate Professor at University of Tabriz, Iran (June 2024 - Present)

12- President of hazardology association of East-Azerbaijan province, Iran (February 2023 - Present)

11- Director of Remote Sensing Laboratory, University of Tabriz, Iran (September 2021 - Present)

10- TUBITAK Visiting scientist, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey (July 2024 - August 2024)

9- Research fellow, Tokyo Institute of Technology (April 2024 - March 2025)

8- TUBITAK Visiting scientist, Gebze Technical University, Turkey (September 2022 - َApril 2023)

7- Assistant professor at University of Tabriz, Iran (September 2019 - June 2024)

6- Research fellow at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (August 2020 - September 2021)

5- Visiting researcher at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (April 2019- August 2019)

4- Researcher at RIKEN AIP center (Geoinformatics Unit), Japan (January 2019 - July 2019)

3- JSPS researcher at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (November 2016 - November 2018)

2- Postdoctoral researcher at University of Tabriz, Iran (May 2016 - November 2016)

1- Research assistant at Kanazawa University, Japan (October 2012 - September 2015)

Editorial and scientific secretary activities:

3- Scientific secretary of the 9th Advanced Engineering Days (AED)

2- Guest editor of Remote Sensing MDPI (special issue: Improving Disaster Damage and Loss Assessments by Modeling and Remote Sensing Techniques)

1- Guest editor of Sensors MDPI (special issue: Remote Sensing and Field Sensing for Geoenvironmental Applications)

In the news and scientific web pages:

News link 9

News link 8

News link 7

News link 6

News link 5

News link 4

News link 3

News link 2

News link 1


11- Tubitak travel award for a short-term visit, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey (2024)

10- Selected researcher of the faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences (2023)

9- Tubitak #2221 fellowship for professors on sabbatical leave, Gebze Technical University, Turkey (2022)

8- Award for TabrizU300 international joint research program, University of Tabriz, Iran (2021)

7- Prize of grant-in-aid for young assistant professors, Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, Iran (2020)

6- JSPS postdoctoral fellowship (a highly prestigious fellowship in Japan), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (2016)

5- Postdoctoral fellowship from National Elites Foundation, University of Tabriz, Iran (2016)

4- Award of excellent performance and achievements in Ph.D., (Certificate of Commendation), Kanazawa University Japan (2015)

3- The hottest (most downloaded) paper of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Elsevier (2014)

2- JASSO scholarship, Kanazawa University, Japan (2014)

1- Student scholarship from Ishikawa prefecture for 1 year, Kanazawa University (2013)

Taught courses: 

12- GIS and mathematics (2014)

11- Technical English (2014)

10- Digital image processing (2019)

9- Entrepreneurship in GIS and remote sensing (2019)

8- Research methods in GIS and remote sensing (2019)

7- General geodesy (2020)

6- Basics of cadaster (2020)

5- Artificial intelligence algorithms (2020)

4- Advanced image processing (2020)

3- Programming in GIS and remote sensing (2020)

2- Active remote sensing (2021)

1- Remote sensing for Earth sciences and natural hazards (2021)