Resources for Substance Abuse and Addiction Counselors

Accreditation and Credentialing Info

Licensing for addiction counselors vary by state, but the general minimum requirement for entry-level work in the field is a bachelor's degree. Even with a bachelor's degree, you’ll have limitations placed upon the scope of your work. With a master's degree, passage of the National Counselor Examination and/or the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination, and many hours of supervised counseling, you can obtain full state licensure. Any school attended to gain entry into the addiction counseling field needs to be accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs.

If you decide to go into private substance abuse counseling practice, your rehabilitation facility must be accredited. Two such facility accreditation organizations are the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities and the Joint Commission. Once you’ve achieved state licensure as an addiction counselor, additional and optional certifications are often highly desired by employers.

The following list includes links and descriptions to accreditation and certification agencies and organizations throughout the U.S. for addiction counselors and their rehabilitation facilities.

Student Services

In addition to looking for a CACREP-accredited school and program, it is important to consider which of the following programs you may need and/or desire as you complete your education and check if your prospective school offers these student services.

Post-Graduate Placement Center

It is certainly easier to enter the field upon graduation and meet other licensing requirements when one can find assistance from a job placement professional at their school who has been working on behalf of students to keep contacts in the community for employment prospects.

Job Fairs

Schools also may offer job fairs on a regular basis that allow students to meet with recruiters for major rehabilitation firms that are hiring in the area or around the nation. This also provides a good opportunity to see what types of advanced certifications are more desirable to employers.

Disability Services

State, federal, and local laws require schools to provide services for students with disabilities so that they have equal access to educational opportunities. This may include assistive technologies and also may include interface with a school liaison who will work to make the campus environment more inclusive. However, whereas every school must work to provide accommodations, some schools may offer a better experience because of funding or focus provided to their disability services personnel.

Counseling Services

Some schools provide either licensed mental health counseling services for students that are experiencing tough circumstances, or they may work with another provider that offers a panoply of services, such as psychological, legal, and financial advice. Online programs are more likely to offer the latter option.

LGBTQ+ Support

If you’re LGBTQ+, you may prefer a campus that has a LGBTQ+ resource center. Such centers are a nurturing space that often include discussion groups and mentors. Some schools have pride events. The idea is to provide the safe and secure space within which to be able to fully participate in campus life.

Student Ombudsman

The ombudsman stands at the intercession between the school and governmental guidelines. If you have a disagreement with your school about the rules and regulations, you can appeal the decision to the ombudsman. The ombudsman will work to mediate a solution between you and your school.

Tutoring Center and/or Writing Center

For students who struggle with reading or writing, the tutoring center is an ideal place to get help. The tutoring center may have resources that will help you format your papers. There will be tutors who can provide advice about grammar for written papers and help with proper writing style techniques.

Addiction/Counseling Associations

There are actually quite a few organizations that specialize in addiction recovery that allow students to join. This is a great opportunity because it allows you to network, stay abreast of changes in the field, and often attend conferences and webinars at reduced fees. A few of the best organizations for addiction counselor candidates to join are:

NAAADAC - The Association of Addiction Professional


NAADAC allows students who are taking addiction courses and those who are working through their internships to become members. Student membership fees are cheaper than the regular fees. Membership in NAADAC is so large that members are divided into state groups. Some state groups provide newsletters. State groups have local events.

IAAOC - The International Association of Addictions and Offender Counselor


Membership in this organization is conferred upon graduate students. This also includes membership in the umbrella organization, the American Counseling Association, which can provide professional resources. IAAOC resources include podcasts, webinars, conferences, and a newsletter and journal. An interesting tool found on the website is a decision matrix that helps one decide if a patient or the patient's family member may soon be the victim of domestic violence.

ASAM - The American Society of Addiction Medicine


This group was designed for doctors who work with addiction. They have an associate-level membership for sponsored master's and higher-level professionals and students. Students must spend 25% or more of their time working with patients. There are some really great benefits conferred with membership in ASAM. For example, members have an online subscription to the Journal of Addiction Medicine. They also have access to a tool called the ASAM Criteria, which is a guide to placement and treatment of addicted patients. The members also receive the book, “Principles of Addiction Medicine: The Essentials.” There is also a member's forum, an e-learning center, and a career center.

ASoAP - The American Society of Addiction Psychology


This organization is for psychologists and students of psychology. It is a division of the American Psychological Association. Members receive the newsletter, the availability of interacting on the listserv, access to job announcements, and a subscription to the Psychology and Addictive Behaviors Journal. The amazing part of all of this is that the student membership is only $29 annually!

Open/Student Access Journals

In the past, research journals were only available to universities and other research organizations. Journal subscriptions can be very pricey. Individual articles can cost $40 and more. There is a new trend that research findings need to be accessible to everyone. This is called the Open-Access Movement. Open access journals are free for everyone to read online.

In the field of addiction recovery, four of the top peer-reviewed, open-access journals are:

Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment

Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy

Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is also a good resource for research journal articles on any subject. One can search by title, author, date, subject, etc. for research articles. The problem is that one will only be able to access some of the articles, not all of them. Other articles that are listed usually can be accessed by paying fairly pricey fees.

The good news is that your school will provide you access to research databases in your field. You can link your school's database to Google Scholar. When you have Google Scholar linked to your school's database, you will have access to many more of the research articles that Google finds through your school's database.

Reports on chemical abuse news, particularly of passion to opioid treatment programs and also clients being treated with methadone. A site with tools that help recognize unhealthy compound use, locate the scientific research behind dependency, and also enhance success in healing. A partnership of 11 expert organizations, including ASAM, devoted to providing case education that leads to optimal discomfort administration and also optimum look after all individuals.

The unifying voice of America's behavior wellness and wellness companies, The National Council, with each other with 1,950 member business, web servers our nation's most vulnerable residents - a lot more than 8 million grown-ups along with kids with psychological ailments and also dependence problems. Developed by SAMHSA-HRSA's Facility for Integrated Health And Wellness Solutions, this evidenced-based technique can be used to identify, decrease, along with stop problematic usage, abuse, as well as dependancy on alcohol as well as medicines, typically in clinical settings as well as additionally area wellness and also health facilities.

The day-to-day structure of a material abuse therapist's task is an ever-changing as well as extremely important lineup of commitment as actions are called for to assist people of every ages, ethnic history, as well as sex toward the ever-important area of healing.

A list of the significant obligations of a drug abuse counselor can be discovered at the Occupational Expectation Manual. Depending on a counselor's qualifications, a task day may include several of the following: Consulting with the client to evaluate their situation; evaluating as well as discussing a varied treatment plan this involves, among others points, helping the customer acknowledge actions or conditions that prevent their recuperation; and also possibly referring them to various other treatment selections outside of the counselor's globe. Numerous will certainly utilize team sessions to deal with these concerns. Taking some time in the week to produce or participate in outreach programs that improve recognition of important abuse can considerably enhance a specialist's very own understanding.

There are many different resources for substance abuse and addiction counselors, but the most important one is likely the National Center for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCAID). This is one of the most reliable and useful websites for all types of information about alcohol and drug abuse. The NCAID has a wide variety of helpful resources, including articles, videos, and interactive tools that can help the counselors and their patients. This site also has a section for research on substance abuse and addiction, as well as listings of local alcohol and drug abuse treatment centers.

Another resource is the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. This is another organization that is very useful and reputable. It has lists of resources for addiction counseling. You can search these resources using specific keywords to find the best ones that suit your needs. Other local organizations to check out are churches, non-profits, schools, and other groups. Each of these organizations has a number of resources for addiction counseling and other related services. Some of these resources will even provide online services and more.

You can also go to a local chapter of the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. This is usually done in local churches. Once you have decided on which resource to use, you should then begin searching on the internet for more options. Another good option is to check with your state department of health and ask them for the resources they have for substance abuse and addiction counselors. They can also provide you with an online resource list for your convenience.

However, you must be sure to compare several online sites before choosing any one. This way, you will have a better idea of which ones have the most updated resources and which ones may not. It is also important to read feedback and reviews about the online resources from those who have used them. While this is not always possible, it is still a good way to ensure the quality of the resources. before deciding on which ones to use.

Remember that the right resources can mean the difference between life and death. So, it is imperative that you do all you can to select the best resources for your specific situation. Choosing the right counselor for you can be overwhelming, but you should not let that get you down. Instead, make sure you are equipped with information about what you are looking for.

Make sure that you understand the benefits and the limitations of the resource. If you are looking for someone to provide counseling services, then make sure you are clear on what the benefits are and if those benefits outweigh the limitations that might come with it. Make sure you understand what services are available and if they can help you with other areas, such as medication, counseling, or therapy. Also, make sure you know what type of program you need and what the cost of each one will be.

Finally, make sure you make the decision based on reliable sources. You can do this by looking at what other people think about the resource, consulting with professionals, and asking friends or family. In addition, make sure you research the counselors themselves. Find out how long they have been in the field, what experience they have, and whether they are board certified in the area of treatment you need them to be.

Also, read about how the resource works. If there are multiple sites you can check, make sure you are comparing resources that work in similar ways. Finally, make sure that the resource has all the information you need. so you can ask questions, clarify points, and make a decision in a timely manner.

Associate Degrees

Associate degrees in addiction counseling do exist, but these will not afford entry-level employment in the field. Associate degrees in the addiction field include:

  • Associate of Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling

  • Associate of Applied Science in Chemical Dependency Specialization

  • Associate in Applied Science in Addiction and Substance Use Disorders

  • Associate of Applied Science in Substance Abuse Counseling

  • Associate of Applied Science in Addiction Counseling

  • Associate in Applied Science Degree with an emphasis in Addiction and Prevention Studies

Bachelor’s Degrees

A bachelor’s degree in addiction counseling will gain you entry into the true work going on in this field, including work at recovery centers and counseling programs. Undergraduate Level Degrees in Addiction Counseling include:

  • Bachelor's in Addiction or Substance Abuse Counseling

  • Bachelor's in Psychology: Addiction

  • Bachelor's in Behavioral Health: Addiction Studies

  • Bachelor's in Counseling: Chemical Addiction, Dependency and Substance Abuse

  • Bachelor's in Human Services and Rehabilitation Studies

Students with a bachelor's in addiction counseling or a related field will find that they can obtain work in outpatient care clinics, nursing facilities, facilities for residential care of substance abuse, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, treatment centers, and community groups. They will often need to perform supervised hours under a more experienced counselor with a master's degree in order to work in their target career.

Some potential job titles for a graduate with a bachelor's degree in addiction counseling include:

Substance Abuse Counselor/Behavioral Disorder Counselor/Addiction Counselor/Mental Health Counselor – Will work with someone who is dealing with addictions to help them overcome the addiction and put their lives back in order. The counselor must diagnose the issue and devise a treatment program for the patient. The counselor will often be interacting with family members, hospital personnel, psychologists, psychiatrists, and nurses.

Case Manager – These employees work in either hospital settings or at social service agencies. They work to create a plan of treatment for the patient. Case managers will have a caseload of multiple patients.

Behavioral Health Technician – The behavioral health technician will work in an in-patient or out-patient setting to help carry out and reinforce the treatment program created by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or an addiction counselor.

Crisis Counselor – The crisis counselor will attempt to help patients who are in a severe crisis. They will diagnose the issues and either provide counseling or other services to help the client recover from the crisis.

Graduates of bachelor's programs in addiction counseling will find that they are unable to go into private practice until they have a master's degree and have fulfilled their internship hours. There are specific guidelines in each state that include passage of one of two licensing examinations, either the NCE or NCMHCE, both administered under the National Board of Certified Counselors.

Graduate and Master's Degrees

Common graduate degrees in addiction counseling include:

  • M.S. in Addiction Counseling

  • M.S. in Substance Abuse Counseling

  • M.S. in Psychology: Addiction

  • M.S. in Addiction Studies

  • M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling

  • M.S. in Clinical Addiction Counseling

  • M.S. in Clinical Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling

Some potential employment options with a graduate degree in addiction counseling include:

Private Practice Addiction Counselor – The addiction counselor candidate will need to also complete their supervised hours as well as the licensure examination required by their state. An addiction counselor will work with patients who are struggling with the effects of addiction, devising a treatment program, and help the patient achieve their full recovery from addiction and its effects upon their life. Their work may be in a rehabilitation center, a hospital, a correctional facility, or inpatient or outpatient programs.

Case Manager – Oversees a caseload of patients, diagnosing the problems and determining the proper treatment program. The case manager may oversee other employees, such as behavioral technicians, in helping the patient achieve a full recovery.

Doctoral Degrees

These programs are often four years in duration. They will include a dissertation and likely an internship.

  • Ph.D. in Addiction/Substance Abuse Counseling

  • Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision

  • Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership – Healthcare Administration

  • Ph.D. in Psychology – Mental Health Policy and Practice

Some potential employment options with a doctorate in addiction counseling include:

Substance abuse counselors who are highly experienced and have completed relevant certifications and internship experiences can become supervisors in rehabilitation facilities. They can also become administrators, consultants, professors in universities, or addiction researchers.

Addiction Counselor Job Boards

NAADAC Career Center

Breining Institute Job Board

iHireMentalHealth – Substance Abuse Counselor Jobs

The American Society of Addiction Medicine – Career Center

Addiction Counselor Professionals

Professional organizations in addiction counseling can provide opportunities for networking, continuing education, staying abreast of new trends in the field, and problem solving. Professional organizations also tend to provide additional certification opportunities as well as being a source of newsletters, magazines, and journals. Counselors need to be constantly in a state of professional development, so they can best help their clients overcome their addictions.

Certifications and Study Resources

There are several organizations that provide advanced, optional certifications for addiction counselors. One must ensure that the certification will help advance one's knowledge, skills, and/or earnings potential. This would be a good thing to discuss in the forums and listservs within the professional organizations. Reviews suggest that some of these certifications are required by employers. Employers who do not require these certifications often prize candidates possessing them. Many of the certifications have required internship hours and all require examinations.

Continuing Education (CE) Credit Sources

CRCC – Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification Online Continuing Education e-University - The CRCC provides e-courses that confer continuing education credits upon students.

CE Learning Systems – Addiction Counselor CE CE Learning Systems provides 438 addiction counselor continuing education courses that are approved by different state licensure boards. One can purchase the courses by the unit or in a package deal.

The Association for Addiction Professionals (NAADAC) – Continuing Education The above sources of continuing education are all online. What is unique about the NAADAC offerings is that they are offered in a variety of modes. Addiction counselors can take webinars or attend in-person seminars offered by NAADAC. They can read the NAADAC magazine for one CE credit. They can also take independent study courses or attend conferences.