

International Conferences / Workshops

[1] Young Researchers Workshop on Finance 2011

     Tokyo Metropolitan University, 4th Mar. 2011

     Malliavin Calculus in Lévy Spaces and Related Topics

[2] Keio-Yonsei Workshop 2012

      Keio University, 24th May 2012

      A Clark-Ocone type formula under change of measure for canonical Lévy processes (invited talk)

[3] UK-JAPAN MATHEMATICAL FORUM on Geometry, Probability, and their Applications

      Keio University, 19th July 2012

      A Clark-Ocone type formula under change of measure for canonical Lévy processes (invited talk)

[4] Boston-Keio Summer Workshop

      Boston University, 20th Sep. 2013.

      A Clark-Ocone type formula under change of measure for Lévy processes and related topics (invited talk)

[5] Stochastic Processes, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, in Honor of Professor Masatoshi Fukushima's Sanju

      Kansai University, 28th Aug. 2014

      Explicit representations of locally risk-minimizing hedging strategy for Lévy markets

[6] UK-Japan Stochastic Analysis School

      University of Warwick, 5th Sep. 2014

      Explicit representations of locally risk-minimizing hedging strategy for Lévy markets (invited talk)

[7] Boston University/Keio University Workshop

     Boston University, 19th Aug. 2016.

     Local risk-minimization for multidimensional Lévy markets (invited talk)

[8] SIMA 2022 & First Minimeeting México-Japan in Probability

      Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C. (CIMAT), 5th Sep. 2022.

      A modified $\Phi$-Sobolev inequality for canonical $L^2$-L\'{e}vy processes and related inequalities (invited talk)

[9] Osaka-UCL Mini-Workshop on Stochastics, Numerics and Risk (invited talk)

     Osaka University, 17th Feb. 2023.

     A modified  Φ -Sobolev inequality for Lévy processes and related concentration inequalities.

[10] 2023 AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting: Special Session on Stochastic Analysis and its Applications (invited talk)

        University of Cincinnati, 15th Apr. 2023.

        A modified Φ -Sobolev inequality for L^2 -Lévy processes and related concentration inequalities.

[11] Florence-Paris workshop on Statistics of Random Processes and Its Applications to Financial Econometrics  (invited talk)

       University of Florence, 11th Jul. 2023.

       Local risk minimization for additive models via Malliavin-Skorohod calculus. 

[12] ARLES - HALE International Workshop (invited talk)

        ESSEC Paris La Défense, 20th Jul. 2023.

        Malliavin calculus for additive processes and its applications to finance.

[13] Stochastic Modelling in Climate Risk: Financial Mathematics and Economics (invited talk)

        The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 22nd Nov. 2023.

         Clark-Ocone-Haussmann type formulas for additive processes and applied to finance. 

Domestic Conferences / Workshops (Japanese)

[1] 確率論ヤングサマーセミナー

      国民宿舎つづらお荘, 18-22, Aug. 2009

      Explicit representation formula for the locally risk-minimizing hedging strategy in markets driven by Lévy processes

[2] 確率論シンポジウム

      京都大学数理解析研究所, 22nd Dec. 2010

      Special values of some extension of zeta function via beta distributions

[3] 数理ファイナンスとその周辺

     東京大学, 28th Jan. 2011


[4] 無限分解可能過程に関連する諸問題

      統計数理研究所, 12th Nov. 2011

      Special values of some extension of zeta function via beta distributions

[5] 確率論シンポジウム

     関西大学, 21st Dec. 2011


[6] 確率論ヤングサマーセミナー

      旅館鈴岡, 21st Aug. 2012

      A Clark-Ocone type formula under change of measure for Lévy processes and related topics

[7] 確率論ヤングサマーセミナー

     旅館鈴岡, 21st Aug. 2012


[8] 確率解析とその周辺

     名古屋大学,26th Oct. 2012

     A Clark-Ocone type formula under change of measure for Levy processes

[9] 無限分解可能過程に関連する諸問題

     統計数理研究所, 9th Nov. 2012


[10] 確率論シンポジウム

       京都大学数理解析研究所,18-21, Dec. 2012


[11] 関西確率論セミナー

        京都大学理学部数学教室, 18th Jan. 2013.


[12] 確率論シンポジウム

        京都大学数理解析研究所, 17-20, Dec. 2013

        Local risk-minimization for Levy markets

[13] 東京確率論セミナー

        東京工業大学, 27th Jan. 2014.

         Local risk-minimization for Levy markets

[14] 第四回数理ファイナンス合宿型セミナー

        慶應義塾大学, 7th Nov. 2014

        Explicit Representations of Locally Risk-minimizing Hedging Strategy for Lévy Markets

[15]  無限分解可能過程に関連する諸問題

         統計数理研究所, 4th Dec. 2015

         Local risk minimization for multidimensional Lévy markets

[16]  無限分解可能過程に関連する諸問題

         統計数理研究所, 1st Dec. 2017

         A modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality for canonical Lévy processes

[17]  慶應確率論ワークショップ2018

         慶應義塾大学, 22nd Mar. 2018

         On a modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality for canonical Lévy processes 

[18] 関西大学 確率論セミナー 

        関西大学, 21st Jul. 2018


[19] 平成30年度確率論ヤングサマーセミナー

        休暇村伊良湖, 20th Aug. 2018

        L^2-canonical Lévy過程に対する Malliavin-Skorohod 解析と関連する話題

[20] 確率論サマースクール 2018 Young Forum 

       名古屋大学, 29th Aug. 2018

       Canonical Lévy 過程に対する修正された対数Sobolev不等式と測度集中不等式

[21] 第六回数理ファイナンス合宿型セミナー 

        リフレフォーラム, 23rd Nov. 2018


[22]  無限分解可能過程に関連する諸問題 

        統計数理研究所, 14th Dec. 2018


[23] 平成30年度確率論シンポジウム(RIMS共同研究(公開型)) 

        京都大学数理解析研究所, 19th Dec. 2018


[24]  日本数学会2019年度年会

         東京工業大学, 18th Mar. 2019

        Local risk-minimization for digital options in Lévy  markets via Malliavin calculus 

[25]  大阪大学 数理・データ科学セミナー 金融・保険セミナーシリーズ 第105回

        大阪大学, 19th Apr. 2019 

        Local risk-minimization for digital options under exponential Lévy models

[26] 日本数学会2019年秋季総合分科会

        金沢大学, 18th Sep. 2019.  

        A Clark-Ocone type formula via It¥^o calculus and its application to finance

[27] 第7回数理ファイナンス合宿型セミナー

        クロスウェーブ府中, 22nd Nov. 2019.


[28] 2019年度確率論シンポジウム

       慶應義塾大学, 17th Dec. 2019.


[29] 日本数学会2020年度年会

        日本大学, 17th Mar. 2020.

        A Clark-Ocone-Haussmann type formula under change of measure for $L^1$-canonical additive processes and its applications 

[30] 日本数学会2022年度年会

        埼玉大学, 29th Mar. 2022.


[31]  立命館大学理工学部数理科学科談話会

   立命館大学, 21st Jul. 2022.

         Malliavin-Skorohod calculus for canonical Lévy processes with applications

[32] 2023年度確率論シンポジウム

        立命館大学, 27th Dec. 2023

        Clark–Ocone–Haussmann type formulas for additive processes and applied to finance 

[33] 第20回 (2023年度) 日本応用数理学会研究部会連合発表会

        長岡技術科学大学, 5th Mar. 2024.

        Clark-Ocone type formulas for additive processes 


[1] Boston-Keio Summer workshop 2013

      Boston University, 20-22 Sept. 2013

      website作成, 懇親会名簿管理, アブストラクトまとめ等

[2] 慶應確率論ワークショップ2018

     慶應義塾大学, 22nd Mar. 2018


[3] Ritsumeikan Workshop on Stochastic Analysis

     立命館大学, 4--5 Nov. 2023


[4] 2023年度確率論シンポジウム

     立命館大学, 25--28 Dec. 2023


[5] 8th Ritsumeikan-Monash Symposium on Probability and Related Fields

     立命館大学, 2--5 Apr. 2024
