Mano Castillo 2015 Dataset

Please Cite: The Level of Productivity in the Traded and Non-Traded Sectors for a Large Panel of Countries IMF WP 15/48.

Files: [Stata] [CSV]

Preferred Data Series

  • We encourage the use of "ProdT_PPP_Benchmark" and "ProdNT_PPP_Benchmark" for cross-country studies.

Caution using USD based data

  • Productivity series for countries with current USD data (labeled _USD_) should not be used for cross country comparisons.

  • That data should only be used when making individual country studies.

Dataset Variables

country: Country name

ifs_code: Country code, IFS

iso_code: Country code, ISO


ProdT_: Real Labor Productivity in Traded Sector

ProdNT_: Real Labor Productivity in Non-Traded Sector

_USD_: Data in 2005 Current$

_PPP_: Data in 2005 PPP$

_Benchmark: Baseline classification of disaggregated industries into traded/non-traded sectors.

_Manufacturing, _GoodsProducing: two alternatives to _Benchmark.