Rui C. Silva

Associate Professor of Finance 

Haddad Chair in Entrepreneurship

Nova School of Business and Economics 

Research Affiliate, CEPR

Published and Forthcoming Papers:

Teams and Bankruptcy [PDF]  [Harvard Bankruptcy Roundtable Blog]  [Oxford Business Law Blog] 

with Ramin Baghai and Luofu Ye

Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming

The Impact of Institutions on Innovation [PDF] [Online Appendix] [VoxEU Column]  [MS Blog]

with Alexander Donges and Jean-Marie Meier

Management Science, April 2023, Volume 69, No. 4, 1951-1974

Do Credit Rating Agencies Influence Elections? [PDF

with Igor Cunha and Miguel Ferreira

Review of Finance, July 2022, Volume 26, Issue 4, Pages 937–969

Talent in Distressed Firms: Investigating the Labor Costs of Financial Distress [PDF] [VoxEU Column]

with Ramin Baghai, Viktor Thell, and Vikrant Vig 

Journal of Finance, 2021, 76: 2907-2961

Do Physiological and Spiritual Factors Affect Economic Decisions? [PDF

with Cem Demiroglu, Oguzhan Ozbas, and Mehmet Fatih Ulu 

Journal of Finance, 2021, 76: 2481-2523

Internal Labor Markets, Wage Convergence, and Investment [PDF 

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2021, 56(4), 1192-1227.

Financial Market Frictions and Diversification [PDF] [Online Appendix] 

with Gregor Matvos and Amit Seru

Journal of Financial Economics, 2018, Volume 127, Issue 1, Pages 21-50

Working Papers:

The Value of Trademarks [PDF] [Chicago Booth Review] 

with Pranav Desai, Ekaterina Gavrilova, and Margarida Soares

Journal of Financial Economics, Revise and Resubmit

How Do Acquisitions Affect the Mental Health of Employees? [PDF]  

with Laurent Bach, Ramin Baghai, and Marieke Bos

Management Science, Revise and Resubmit

Are Women More Exposed to Firm Shocks? [PDF

with Ramin Baghai and Margarida Soares

Managing Resource (Mis)allocation [new version coming soon

with Xavier Giroud, Gregor Matvos, and Amit Seru