
Some interesting projects:

Indian Buffet Process Paper: (Paper) (Code) 

Analysis of Wisconsin Basketball: (Writeup) (Code)

Analysis of Melbourne Real Estate Market: (Writeup) (Code)

Paper about Predicting MLB Attendances and Prices: (Paper) (Code)

Paper about Healthcare and Development: (Paper) (Code)

Paper about Efficacy of Death Penalty: (Paper) (Code)

Algorithmic Trading Project: (Code)

Neural Network for Handwriting Recognition: (Code)

Completed Project Euler Problems: (Code)

Stanford Online Certificates:

Algorithm Design and Analysis: https://bit.ly/3dqjTfU

                                            Part 2: https://bit.ly/31uhYVm

Statistical Learning: https://bit.ly/3GnmBPH

Hackerrank Certificates:

Problem Solving: (Basic)

Python: (Basic)

C++: (Basic)

C: (Basic) (Intermediate)

SQL: (Basic) (Intermediate)

My dog at Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts