Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information:

    Name: Ramin Takloo-Bighash

Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
Science and Engineering Offices (M/C 249)
851 S. Morgan Street
Chicago, IL 60607-7045

Office: 420 SEO


Ph.D. in Mathematics. Johns Hopkins University, May 2001.

Advisor: Professor Joseph A. Shalika

Thesis Title: The Integral of Novodvorsky and the Local p-adic factors of the Spinor L-function for the Similitude Symplectic Group of Order Four

M.A. in Mathematics. Johns Hopkins University, 1996.

B.Sc. in Mathematics. Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. September 1992 - May 1995.


Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago, starting August 2014. 

Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2009-2014.

Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2007-2009.

Assistant Professor, Princeton University, 2004-2007.

Instructor, Princeton University, 2001-2004.

Leadership Positions: 

Director of the Office of Math Education, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, UIC, 2024-2026. 

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, UIC, 2018-2021. 

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, UIC,  2012-2015. 

Chair, Advisory Committee, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, UIC, 2011-2012. 

Chair, Visitors Fund Committee, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science,  UIC, 2010-2012.

Organizer,  Atkin Memorial Lecture and Workshop,  Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science,  UIC, since 2009. 

Vice President and Director of Cultural Programs, Iranian-American Cultural Society of Maryland, 2005-2007. 


Research Interests: Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Arithmetic Geometry, Harmonic Analysis on Lie Groups.

Research Reports:


Simons Foundation Collaborative Grant 2017-2022 (Award number 523444).

National Science Foundation Conference Grant for 2017 Atkin Memorial Workshop (Award number DMS-1707672)

National Science Foundation Conference Grant for 2015 Atkin Memorial Workshop (Award number DMS-1519561)

National Science Foundation Conference Grant for 2014 Atkin Memorial Workshop (Award number DMS-1416887)

National Science Foundation Research Training Grant 2013-2018 (PI: Lawrence Ein, Co-PIs: Izzet Coskun, Laura DeMarco, Dave Marker, Mihnea Popa, and Ramin Takloo-Bighash). Amount: $2,500,000 (Award number DMS-1246844).

National Security Agency Standard Grant 2013-2015 (Award number 111011).

National Science Foundation Conference Grant for 2013 Atkin Memorial Workshop (Award number DMS-1308696)

Simons Foundation Collaborative Grant 2012-2017 (Award number 245977).

National Science Foundation Conference Grant for 2012 Atkin Memorial Workshop (Award number DMS-1207199)

National Science Foundation Conference Grant for 2011 Atkin Memorial Workshop (Award number DMS-1105733)

National Security Agency Standard Grant 2010-2012 (Award number 081031)

National Science Foundation Grant 2007-2010, extended through 2011 (Award number DMS-0701753).

Young Investigator Award from the National Security Agency, 2006-07 (Award number 215-6406).

Young Investigator Award from the National Security Agency, 2004-05 (Award number 215-6378).

Clay Mathematics Institute Liftoff Award, Clay Mathematics Institute (Research at Johns Hopkins Univ.), summer of 2001.

Recognition of Teaching:  

Honoring Our Professors' Excellence (HOPE) Award, UIC, 2016. 

Graduate Mentoring Award, UIC Graduate College, 2016. 

Teaching Assistantship Excellence Award, School of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins, 2001. 

Dean's Teaching Fellowship, School of Arts and Sciences, Johns Hopkins, 2000. 

William Merrill Kelso Award of Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, Johns Hopkins, 1999.  

Predoctoral Awards:

Full Tuition Fellowship and Stipend, Department of Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University, 1995-2001.

Winner, 18th National Math Competition of University Students, Iran, 1994. 

Full Undergraduate Scholarship, by the Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Tehran, Iran 1993-1995.

Silver Medal, 33rd International Mathematical Olympiad, Moscow, 1992. 

Other Training: 

Faculty Administrator Leadership Program, UIC, 2018-2019 (Mentor: Karen Colley, Dean, Graduate College). 

Training Engineer, Algorex Inc, summer of 1998. 


Editorial Work: 

Editor,  Journal of the Iranian Mathematical Society, since 2018. 

Guest editor, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society special issue for Freydoon Shahidi's 70th birthday (with Amir Akbary, James Arthur, Mahdi Asgari, James Cogdell, Dinakar Ramakrishnan), Vol 43 (2017), No 4. 


1. A Pythagorean Introduction to Number Theory: Triangles, Sums of Squares, and Arithmetic, Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics,  2018. 

2. (With Amy Grupp, translated) Laughing in the Burning House (Poems), by Shahram Sheydayi, Kalagh-e Sefid, Tehran, 2017. 

3. (With Steven J. Miller), An Invitation to Modern Number Theory, Princeton University Press, 2006, xx+503 pp.

4. (Co-author) An Introduction to Mathematical Olympiads (in Persian), Sharif University Press, Tehran, Iran 1998.


In progress:

1. (With Alice Medvedev) Sheaves and cohomology in the o-minimal setting, in preparation.   

2. (With Sho Tanimoto and Yuri Tschinkel) Distribution of rational points on compactifications of PGL(2), II, in preparation. 

3. (With Jamshid Derakhshan) A transfer principle for p-adic volumes, in preparation. 


3. (With Dylon Chow, Daniel Loughran, and Sho Tanimoto)  Campana points on wonderful compactifications, 31 pages. 

2. (With Neelima Borade) Minimal permutation representations of linear groups, 30 pages. 

1. (With Sarthak Chimni) Subrings of $\mathbb Z[t]/(t^n)$ for small $n$33 pages.

Book Review:

Review of D. Goldfeld and J. Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-Functions for the General Linear Group I and II, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (solicited), 50 (2013), no. 4, 645-654.



24. (With Eun Hye Lee)  On a certain multiple Dirichlet series attached to the prehomogeneous vector space of binary cubic forms,  J. Number Theory 238 (2022), 535–556.  

23. (With Arda Demirhan) Distribution of rational points on toric varieties: all the heights,   Res. Math. Sci. 9 (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 66, 15 pp. 

22.  (With Sarthak Chimni and  Gautam Chinta ) Counting subrings of $\mathbb Z^n$ of non-zero co-rank,  Journal of the Iranian Math Society, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2020), pp. 163-172. 

21. (With Daniel Loughran and Sho Tanimoto) Zero-loci of Brauer group elements on semi-simple algebraic groups, Zero-loci of Brauer group elements on semi-simple algebraic groups. J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 19 (2020), no. 5, 1467–1507.

20. (With Alice Medvedev) Multiplicative groups of fields and hereditarily irreducible polynomials,  Journal of Number Theory, 168 (2016), 452-471. 

19. (With Sho Tanimoto) Distribution of rational points on compactifications of PGL(2), I, arXiv:1505.02317,  Research in Number Theory, first online March 14, 2016, 35 pages. 

18. (With Nathan Kaplan and Jake Marcinek) Distribution of orders in number fields, Research in Mathematical Sciences, first online June 2015, 57 pages. 

17. (With Alex Gorodnik and Yuri Tschinkel) Multiple mixing for adele groups and rational points, European Journal of Mathematics, 1 (2015), no. 3, 441-461.

16. (With Yuri Tschinkel) Distribution of integral points on compactifications of semi-simple groups, American Journal of Mathematics 135 (2013), no. 5, 1433-1488. 

15. (With Daniel File) A remark on the failure of multiplicity one for GSp(4), Manuscripta Mathematica. 140 (2013), no. 1-2, 263-272.

14. (With Dipendra Prasad) Bessel models for GSp(4), Crelle’s Journal, 655 (2011), 189-243.

13. (With Benjamin Elias and Lior Silberman), Minimal permutation representations of nilpotent groups. Experiment. Math. 19 (2010), no. 1, 121–128.

12. (With Alice Medvedev), Invitation to model theoretic Galois theory, Bull. Symbolic Logic 16 (2010), no. 2, 261–269.

11. Distribution of rational points: a survey. Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 35 (2009), no. 1, 1-30.

10. Bounds for spherical functions and arithmetic applications, Eisenstein Series and Applications (Ed. W. T. Gan, S. S. Kudla, and Yu. Tschinkel), Progress in Math., vol 258 (2007), 295-314.

9. (With J. A. Shalika and Yu. Tschinkel), Distribution of rational points on compactifications of semi-simple groups, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 20 (2007), 1135-1186.

8. Spinor L-functions, theta correspondence, and Bessel coefficients with an appendix by Philippe Michel, Forum Math. 19 (2007), no. 3, 487-554.

7. The spinor L-function, Algebraic groups, 121-155, Universitatsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen, 2007.

6. A remark on a recent paper of Ahlgren, Brendt, Yee, and Zaharescu, Int. J. Number Theory 2 (2006), no. 1, 111-114.

5. (With Dominic Lanphier), On the Rankin-Cohen bracket of eigenforms, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc., 19 (2004), no. 4, 253-259.

4. (With Joseph Shalika and Yuri Tschinkel), Distribution of rational points on compactifications of groups of rank 1, in Arithmetic of higher dimensional algebraic varieties (Palo Alto, CA, 2002), 205-233, Progr. Math., 226, Birkhäuser, Boston, MA, 2004.

3. (With Joe Shalika and Yuri Tschinkel), Rational Points and Automorphic Forms, Contributions to automorphic forms, geometry, and number theory, 733-742, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, MD, 2004.

2. Some results on L-functions for the similitude symplectic group of order four GSp(4), in Siavash Shahshahani's Sixtieth 105- 122(ed. K. Lajevardi, P. Safari, and Y. Tabesh), May 2002.

1. L-Function for the p-adic group GSp(4), American Journal of Mathematics, 122 (2000), no. 6, 1085-1120.

Other writing:

6. All that mattered to him was mathematics (in Persian), Danestaniha, Special Issue in Memory of John Nash, Tehran, June, 2015. 

5. On research and writing papers (in Persian), Farhang va Andisheye Riyazi (Mathematics Culture and Thought), Tehran, Iran 2007.

4. The importance of research in math education (in Persian), editorial note, Nashriyeye Riyaziyat (Mathematics Magazine), Tehran, Iran 2007.

3. Points of bounded height on algebraic varieties (Unpublished course notes; 38 pages).

2. A Geometric Inequality (in Persian), Olympiad, Tehran, Iran 1994.

1. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (in Persian), Math. Journal of Sharif Univ., Tehran, Iran 1993.

Conferences Organized:

_Organizer of a Pop-up Conference in Number Theory, UIC, Nov. 2-4, 2018. 

_Co-organizer of an Atkin workshop "Height functions" (Principal speaker: Yuri Tschinkel), UIC, April 2017. 

_Faculty mentor of the 2015 Midwest Number Theory Conference for Graduate Students and Recent PhDs, UIC, October 2015. 

_Co-organizer of an Atkin workshop "Expansion in linear groups" (Principal speaker: Alireza Salehi-Golsefidi), UIC, May 2015. 

_Co-organizer of a special session in number theory, The second International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics, American University of Sharjah, UAE, April 2015.  

_Co-organizer of an Atkin workshop "Special values of L functions and arithmetic of elliptic curves" (Principal Speaker: Shou-Wu Zhang), UIC, May 2014 (Funded by NSF). 

_Co-organizer of an Atkin workshop “Cohen-Lenstra Heuristics” (Principal Speaker: Akshay Venkatesh), UIC, May 2013 (Funded by the NSF).

_Co-organizer of a workshop “Towards a local proof of the Local Langlands Conjecture” (with Matthew Morrow, Sandeep Varma, Liang Xiao), UIC, May 2012 (Funded by the NSF).

_Co-organizer of an Atkin workshop “Elliptic curves over Q(\sqrt{5})” (Principal speaker: William Stein), UIC, April 2012 (Funded by the NSF).

_Co-organizer of a conference in the memory of Joseph Shalika (with Dinakar Ramakrishnan, Freydoon Shahidi, and Yuri Tschinkel), Johns Hopkins, May 7-8, 2011.

_Co-organizer of an Atkin workshop “Noncongruence modular forms and Galois representations” (with Wen-ch’ing Winnie Li), UIC, May 2011 (Funded by the NSF).

_Organizer of an Atkin workshop “Arithmetic cycles on Shimura varieties” (Principal Speaker: Steve Kudla), UIC, May 2010.

_ Co-organizer of the Midwest Number Theory Days (with Alina Cojocaru, Izzet Coskun, and Jeremy Teiltelbaum), UIC, March 7-8, 2008.

_ Organizer of a special session on Modular Forms and Related Topics at the Lawrenceville AMS meeting with Stephen D. Miller, April 2004.


Public Lectures:

8. Number theory, Maryam Mirzakhani Foundation Online Summer School For High School Students, Two lectures, Tehran, August 2021. 

7. Inequalities in geometry, virtual lecture for high school students, A celebration of Khayyam, Tabriz University, Iran, May 2021. 

6. Right triangles and number theory, virtual lecture for high school students, Maryam Mirzakhani Foundation, Tehran, April 2021. 

5. The history of prime numbers, QED Chicago's Youth Math Symposium, plenary talk, 2013. 

4. Prime numbers, invited general audience lecture, Frontiers in Mathematical Sciences, Tehran, December 2012.

3. The history, theory, and practice of prime numbers, Gallery 400, UIC, October 2012.

2. Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium, UIC, October 2012. 

1. Graduation ceremony, JHU Center for Talented Youth (Princeton Program), July 2007.

Lecture Series:

5. Three talks on the distribution of rational points on algebraic varieties in Tehran, July 2011.

4. Two talks on Eisenstein Series at the International Workshop on Number Theory in Tehran (May 2009).

3. A series of ten talks on the Distribution of Rational Points at Sharif University of Technology (Iran), June and July 2006.

2. Five talks in an undergraduate summer school (Escola Diagonal 2005) in Lisbon (Portugal), September 2005.

1. A series of four talks in the Summer School on Algebraic Groups, Göttingen (Germany), July 2005.

Conferences and workshops:

32. MAA sectional conference, Anchorage, AK, June 2024. 

31. Tschinkel's 60th birthday conference, New York, May 2024. 

30. Conference in the honor of Maryam Mirzakhani,  University of Kerman (Virtual lecture), May 2024. 

29. Conference in the honor of Maryam Mirzakhani, Sharif University of Technology (Virtual lecture) May 2022. 

28. AMS Sectional Meeting, Tuft University, March 2022. 

27. Hawaii Number Theory Conference, March 2019. 

26. Sphericity 2016, Kloster Reute, Germany, February 2016. 

25. AMS Sectional Meeting, Chicago, October 2015. 

24. Motivic Integration, Orbital Integrals, Zeta functions, Banff, November 2014. 

23. Langlands Day, Urbana, November 2014. 

22. Midwest Model Theory Day, UIC, October 2014. 

21. Special Session on Number Theory, AMS Sectional Meeting, Lubbock, TX, March 2014. 

20. Special Session on Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory, AMS Sectional Meeting, St Louis, October 2013. 

19. Collaborative explorations and developments in arithmetic research, UIC, May 2013.

18. Frontiers in Mathematical Sciences, Tehran, December 2012.

17. Conference in the memory of Joseph Shalika, Baltimore, May 2011.

16. Special session on Analytic and Algebraic Number theory, AMS Sectional Meeting, Iowa City, March 2011.

15. Density of rational and integral points (organized by Amos, Browning, Ellwood, Gorodnik, Weiss), January 2011.

14. Special session on modular forms and automorphic forms, AMS Sectional Meeting, Boca Raton, FL, October 2009.

13. Conference on Generalizing Theta Correspondence, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto July 28-August 1, 2008.

12. Special Session on Automorphic Forms: Representation Theory of p-adic and Adelic Groups, AMS Sectional Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 2007.

11. Special session on Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic Geometry, AMS Sectional Meeting, Hoboken, NJ, April 2007.

10. Workshop on Analytic Methods in Diophtantine Equations (organized by David, Duke, Granville, Tschinkel), Banff, Canada, May 2006.

9. 30th Midwest Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms Conference, University of Chicago, March 2006.

8. Weekend conference in Luso (Portugal), September 2005.

7. Workshop on Eisenstein series and applications, Palo Alto (organized by W.T. Gan, S. Kudla, and Yu. Tschinkel), August 2005.

6. Special session on Analytic Number Theory and Modular Forms, AMS sectional meeting, Lawrenceville, NJ, April 2004.

5. AMS Joint Meeting Special Session on Modular Forms and Elliptic Curves, Baltimore, January 2003.

4. Workshop on Rational Points on Higher Dimensional Varieties, American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, CA, December 2002.

3. PCMI Research Program on Automorphic Forms, Park City, Utah, July 2002.

2. JAMI Conference on Automorphic Forms and Shimura Varieties, JHU, March 2001.

1. Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics, Boulder, CO, March 2000.

Seminars and Colloquia:

57. Tabriz University, Virtual lecture, Iran, May 19, 2021. 

56. Iranian Mathematical Society Webinar, February 27, 2021. 

55. New York Number Theory Seminar, November 12, 2020. 

54. Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics, Bucharest, Romania, September 2019. 

53. Stony Brook University, September 2019. 

52. New York Number Theory Seminar, November 2018. 

51. University of Arizona, November 2018. 

50. University of Pittsburgh, September 2018. 

49. UC Irvine, March 2017. 

48. Notre Dame, March 2017. 

47. University of Chicago, Feb 2017.

46. IMPA, Brazil, June 2016 (postponed). 

45. New York Number Theory Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, April 2016. 

44. UC Irvine, Feb 2016. 

43. Colloquium, Rice University, April 2015. 

42. Number Theory seminar, University of Wisconsin--Madison, September 2014. 

41. Number Theory seminar, University of Bielefeld, June 2014. 

40. Number Theory seminar, Northwestern, May 2014. 

39. Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania, March 2013.

38. Number Theory seminar, Purdue, February 2013.

37. Colloquium, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, January 2013.

36. Representation theory seminar, Southern Illinois University, Feb 2012.

35. Number Theory seminar, University of Chicago, April 2011.

34. Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry seminar, Johns Hopkins, February 2009.

33. Representation theory seminar, Northwestern, October 2008.

32. Representation theory seminar, University of Chicago, October 2008.

31. Number theory seminar, Purdue, Feb 2008.

30. Number theory seminar, UW Madison, Feb 2008.

29. Princeton/IAS Number Theory Seminar, May 2007.

28. New York Number Theory Seminar, NYU, Feb 2007.

27. Collaborative Number Theory Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, November 2006.

26. Departmental Colloquium, Center for Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran, July 2006.

25. Departmental Colloquium, Shahid Chamran University, Iran, July 2006.

24. Two talks at the IPM, Tehran, June and July 2006.

23. Departmental colloquium, Towson University, April 2006.

22. Special Colloquium, University of Illinois at Chicago, January 2006.

21. Lie group representations seminar, UMD at College Park, November 2005.

20. Joint Number Theory and Lie group seminar, Caltech November 2005.

19. IAS/Princeton Number Theory Seminar, October 2005.

18. Number Theory seminar, UCSD, October 2004.

17. Number theory seminar, Johns Hopkins University, September 2004.

16. Algebraic geometry seminar, Duke University, March 2004.

15. Automorphic forms seminar, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University, March 2004.

14. Expository talk at Sureh Art Academy, Tehran, Iran October 2003.

13. Departmental Colloquium, Sharif University, Tehran, October 2003.

12. Algebra Seminar, Brown University, April 2003.

11. Automorphic Forms Seminar, Purdue University, October 2002.

10. PCMI Research Program on Automorphic Forms, Park City, Utah, July 2002.

9. Algebraic Geometry seminar, University of Minnesota, April 2002.

8. Lie Groups Representations Seminar, University of Maryland, April 2002.

7. Arithmetic Geometry Seminar, Graduate Center, CUNY, March 2002.

6. Number Theory Seminar, Princeton University, Feb 2002.

5. Algebra Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Feb 2002.

4. Number Theory Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, March 2001.

3. Number Theory Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, October 2000.

2. Lie Groups and Representation Theory Seminar, UMD, May 2000.

1. Algebra Seminar, Brown University, November, October 1999.

Teaching Experiences:

_ MSCS, UIC: Undergraduate Abstract Algebra (MATH330), Graduate Algebra (second course, MATH517), Error Correcting Codes and Cryptography (MCS425), Calculus (MATH180), Representation Theory (MATH518), Advanced topics in algebra (MATH531, Rational points on curves), Number Theory (MATH514), Foundations of number theory (MATH435), Introduction to advanced mathematics (MATH215), Topology II (MATH447), Introduction to Differential Equations (MATH220), Modular forms (MATH 515).

_ CTY, Instructor (Advanced Cryptography), Summer of 2007. RSA, Some information theory, DES, and classical cryptosystems.

_ Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University: Contemporary Persian Poetry (Post WWII), Spring 2007.

_ Department of Mathematics, Princeton University: Galois Theory, “Equations, Numbers, and Proofs", Representation theory of real Lie groups (Graduate Course), Representation Theory of GL(n) over a p-adic field (Graduate Course), Real Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, Topics in Algebra, Algebra, Complex Analysis and Applications, Rankin-Selberg Method (Graduate course), Irrational Mathematics (New Course)

_Undergraduate Math Laboratory (with Steven Miller), Fall 2002. A research seminar for junior math majors. The emphasis was Diophantine approximations and Roth's theorem.

_ Graduate Course Assistant (with Akshay Venkatesh), PCMI, July 2002. Helped Armand Borel with his graduate course `Automorphic forms on reductive groups', held problem-solving sessions, and prepared lecture-notes to appear in the proceedings of the summer school.

_ Department of Mathematics, JHU: Graduate Teaching Assistant (1995- 2001), Undergraduate Research in Mathematics, Number Theory, Putnam Problem Solving, Irrational Numbers, William L. Putnam Competition Camp Coach (1996-2000; Hopkins' team ranked 10 in 1998).

_ CTY, Johns Hopkins University: Instructor (Individually Paced Mathematics Sequence, 1999 and 2000).

_ Instructor, Shahid Soltani High School, The National Center for Talented Students, Karaj, Iran 1994.

_ Instructor, The Iranian National Center for Scientific Olympiads, 1992-1995.


Bucharest 2019 (5 days) 

Bielefeld, 2014 (5 days) 

TIFR, Mumbai, 2013. (10 days).

UCSD, October 2007. (one week)

IPM, Tehran June-July 2006. (five weeks)

Univ. Göttingen, June-July 2005. (four weeks)

Brown University, March 2004. (one week)

Johns Hopkins, Summer 2004. (three months)

Ohio State University, March 2004. (one week)

University of Maryland at College Park, Summer 2003. (two months)

Purdue University, October 2002. (one week)


To the profession:

_AMS-Simons Travel Grants Committee, April 2023 to January 2025. 

_IAI committee, March 2023 to March 2026

_Steering Committee of the Indiana-Chicago Metro Area Regional Math Alliance, Since 2019. 

_AMS Committee on the Human Rights of Mathematicians, starting Feb 2020 for three years.  

_Reviewer for Simons Foundation Collaboration Grants, 2018 and 2019. 

_Member of an NSF panel, 2017-2018. 

_Member of an NSF panel, 2016-2017. 

_ Referee for the Journal of Experimental Mathematics, Advances in Mathematics, Princeton University Press, Compositio Math, IMRN, Journal of AMS (quick opinion), American Journal of Mathematics, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, Journal of Algebra, Duke Math Journal, Memoires of the American Mathematical. Society, Journal of Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Annales Scientifiques de l’Ecole Normale Superieure (quick opinion), Advances in Mathematics of Communications, American Mathematical Monthly. 

_Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews.

_Referee for National Security Agency research grants.


_Graduate College Executive Committee, 2016-2018.  

_Referee, Langenberg Award. 

_UIC Graduate College Awards Committee (elected in 2013)

_Faculty Fellow, Honors College (since 2012)

_MSCS Director of Graduate Studies (2012-2015)

_MSCS Faculty search committee (2012-2013)

_Co-organizer of a high school math Olympiad training camp (with Ben Klaff , Alexey Cheskidov, Alex Furman) attended by the City of Chicago high school students (Since Spring of 2012).

_Visitors Fund Committee (chair 2010-2012).

_Organizer of the Atkin Memorial Lecture, since 2009: 2009: Ken Ono, 2010: Steve Kudla, 2011: Wen-ch’ing Winnie Li, 2012: William Stein, 2013: Akshay Venkatesh, 2014: Showu Zhang (anticipated), 2015: Alireza Salehi-Golsefidi (anticipated), 2016: Henri Gillet, 2017: Yuri Tschinkel.

_ Member of the MSCS Advisory Committee (elected), 2008-2010, 2011-2013 (Chair 2011-2012), 2018-2020.

_Member of the students awards committee, 2008-2009.

_ Member of the RAP Search Committee, academic year 2008-2009, 2009-2010.

_ Coach of the UIC Putnam team, since 2008.

_ One talk in the UIC ASCEND program, summer of 2008.

_ Co-organizer of a summer working seminar on Arakelov Geometry and Heights, summer of 2008.

_ Faculty adviser of the Iranian Student Association, UIC, since Feb 2008.

_ Member of the graduate admissions committee (pure math subcommittee), UIC, 2007-2008, 2010-2011.

_ Co-organizer of the UIC Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry seminar (with Alina Cojocaru), since January of 2008.


_ Served on the Graduate Admissions Committee, Princeton Mathematics, 2006.

_ Freshman-Sophomore Advisor", Wilson College, Princeton University, 2002-2007.

_ Organizer of the IAS/Princeton Number Theory Seminar, Academic year 2002-2007.

_ Organizer of an informal seminar on Perverse Sheaves, 2004-2006.

_ Graduate thesis committee member (Farrell Brumley 2004, Lior Silberman 2005, Mirela Ciperiani 2006)

_ Served on several graduate general exams committees at Princeton (2004-2007)

_ Served on several undergraduate senior thesis committees at Princeton (2001-2007)

Students Supervised:


_Narayani Tulsian, Master's Thesis Advisor, 2023. 

_Neelina Borade, Senior Capstone Project, 2021. 

_Sarthak Chimni, PhD, 2017-2021. 

_Arda Demirhan, PhD, 2016-2021. 

_Darko Trifunovski, PhD, 2015-2019. 

_William d'Alessandro, Master's Thesis Advisor, 2019.

_Eun Hye Lee, PhD, 2015-2019 (Simons Postdoc at Stony Brooke) 

_Dylon Chow, PhD, 2013-2019 

_Luke Jaskowiak, Master's Thesis advisor, 2018. 

_ Holly Krieger, Graduate Student, PhD summer 2013 (joint with Laura DeMarco, NSF postdoc MIT).

_ Christine Robinson, Graduate Student, PhD spring 2013 (postdoctoral fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem).

_ Kathy Dexter, Graduate Student, PhD August 2012 (College of DuPage tenure track).

_Jake Marcinek, Undergraduate visitor from Caltech, Summer of 2012

_Sean McAfee, Undergraduate Student, Summer of 2011.

_ John Goes, Undergraduate Student, Academic Year 2009-2010 (supported by LASURI).

_ William Garcia, undergraduate, fall of 2008.

_ Aerielle Karr, undergraduate, fall of 2008.


_ Nathan Kaplan, Senior project “Subrings of Z^n", 2006-2007. Nathan Kaplan was awarded the Morgan Prize for Research by an undergraduate by the American Mathematical Society at the 2008 joint AMS-MAA meeting in San Diego.

_ Seth Blumberg, Project on Sieve methods, summer 2006.

_ Andre Negut, “A uniformity statement for Whittaker function on the p-adic GL(n)", summer 2006.

_ Nathan Kaplan, Junior project on Algebraic Geometry, Spring 2006.

_ Joe Zipkin, Junior project on Harmonic analysis on Lie groups, Spring 2006.

_ Justin Almeida, Senior project “Li's constants and the Riemann hypothesis", Academic year 2004-2005.

_ Benjamin Elias, Senior project “Minimal permutation representations of p-groups", Academic year 2004-2005.

_ Matthew Michelini, Senior project, “The exceptional set in the Gauss-Kuzmin theorem", Academic year 2003-2004.

_ Felice Kwan, Senior project “McDonald's Formula", Academic year 2003-2004.

_ Rahul Bhargava, Junior project on the Lone Runner Conjecture, Spring 2003.

_ Adam Durrett, Senior project “On the modularity of a certain Galois representation", Academic year 2002-2003.

_ Matthew Ong, Junior project on Class Field Theory, Spring 2002.