
Rajat Subhra Hazra

Associate Professor, Leiden University, Netherlands


Email: rajatmaths at gmail dot com


Born on March 12, 1982.

Indian Citizen.



Bachelor of Science (B.Sc). Mathematics, St.Xavier's College, Kolkata, 2003.

Master of Science (M.Sc). Pure Mathematics, University of Calcutta, 2006.

Ph.D. Mathematics, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 2011.

Post Doctoral fellow, Universitat Zurich, September, 2011- July, 2014.

Assistant Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, August 2014- August 2017

Associate Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, September 2017-- 2020

Assistant Professor, Mathematical Institute, Leiden University, January, 2021- November, 2022

Associate Professor, Mathematical Institute, Leiden University, November, 2022- present


Research interests

My research interests are in extreme value theory , regularly varying functions, random matrices, free probability, operator algebra, Gaussian Free fields, Membrane models, random graphs.


Thesis Advisor: Krishanu Maulik (Indian Statistical Institute).

Thesis Title: Essays on regular variations in classical and free setup: randomly weighted sums, product in CEVM and free subexponentiality.

Post-doctoral advisor : Erwin Bolthausen (University of Zurich).


Awards and fellowships:

Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award in Mathematical Sciences (2020)

Young Statistical Scientist Award in the Theory and Methods category (awarded by International Indian Statistical Association) (2020)

Elected Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore (2020)

DST Matrics grant for project titled “Random Interface models” (2018-2021)

Young Scientist award in Mathematics (awarded by INSA, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi) (2016)

DST-INSPIRE young faculty fellowship (2014)


Collaborators Arup BoseKrishanu Maulik  , Koushik Saha, Suman Guha, Shirshendu Ganguly, Riddhipratim Basu, Arijit Chakrabarty, Deepayan Sarkar, Alessandra Cipriani, Parthanil Roy, Mario V. Wüthrich, Alberto Chiarini, Ayan Bhattacharyya, Wioletta M. Ruszel, Sukrit Chakraborty, Biltu Dan, Frank den Hollander, Matteo  Sfragara

Conferences/Workshop: (As organizer)

1. Lectures on Probability and Stochastic processes- XI in ISI Delhi

2. Lectures on Probability and Stochastic processes- XII in ISI Kolkata December 15-19, 2017.

3. ISI- NETWORKS conference in Probability at ISI-Kolkata from 29th Jan to 2nd Feb, 2018.

4. Lectures in Probability and Stochastic processes-XIII in ISI Bangalore December 7-11, 2018.

5. Lectures in Probability and Stochastic processes- XIV in ISI Delhi, December 2-6, 2019.

6. Lectures in Probability and Stochastic Processes-XV in IISc Bangalore, 2022. 

7. Young European Probabilists (18th YEP). Eindhoven. March 2023.

8.  New Frontiers in Probability.  September, 2023.  

9. ICTS-NETWORKS Discussion Meeting-Challenges in NETWORKS, January 2024



Phd students:

Conference Talks and Seminar

63. Percolation on preferential attachment models. 4th Italian Probability and Mathematical statistics meeting, Rome, June 2024.

62. Properties of squares of gradient free field and abelian sandpile. SPDE conference, IIT Madras, June 2024

61. Spectrum of random graphs. Statistical Physics Seminar, Lorentz institute, Leiden, May 2024.

60. Minicourse on random graph spectrum. Networks Training week. April, 2024. 

59. Spectrum of inhomogeneous random graphs. One World probability seminar (online), March 2024.

58. Evolution of discordance in voter model. TU/ Eindhoven Probability seminar, February, 2024.

57. Spectrum of inhomogenous random graphs. ICTS-NETWORKS meeting, January, 2024.

56. Local limit of Preferential Attachment models. Workshop on Random Discrete Structures. Badelwo, Poland, October, 2023.

55. Extremes of membrane models. EVA, Milan, June, 2023.

55. Dynamics of Voter Model. Vrie University, Amsterdam. Dynamics of Evolving Networks, June 2023.

54. Spectrum of inhomogeneous Erdos Renyi random graphs. Probability Seminar, Delft, February, 2023.

53. Spectrum of inhomogeneous Erdos Renyi random graphs. NL-Japan conference in Fukuoka, Japan. January, 2023.

52. Branching random walk with infinite mean. Heavy Tails, Long-Range Dependence, and Beyond, CIRM Marseille. July, 2022.

51. Spectrum of random graphs. Probability seminar, Utretcht, May 2022.

50. Branching random walk with infinite mean. Kac seminar. April 2022

49. Spectra of inhomogeneous random graphs. Dutch Math Congress. April 2022.

48.  Large deviation for largest eigenvalue. NETWORKS training week. October, 2020.

47. Scaling limit of Membrane model. IIT Kanpur, SPDE workshop, June, 2021.

46.  Spectra of inhomogeneous random graphs. Warsaw Probability Seminar, March, 2021. 

45. Membrane model, Sandpile, Odometer. Dept of Pure Mathematics, University of Calcutta, March, 2021.

44. Spectra of random graphs. LNCS seminar, Leiden University, February, 2021. 

43. Spectra of Random Graphs. Calcutta Mathematical Society, December, 2020.

42. Some properties of Membrane model. IISER Pune Mathematics Seminar, October, 2020.

41. Spectra of random graphs. IIT Guwahati, October, 2020.

40. Spectra of inhomogeneous random graphs, Applied Statistics Unit, ISI, November, 2020.

39. Membrane model, Sandpile and Odometer- St. Xavier's college, Kolkata, October, 2020.

38. “ Gaussian Membrane Model”–Mini course at Discussion meeting of Indian Academy of Science, Orange County, February 2020.

37. “Largest eigenvalue of inhomogeneous Erdo ̋s-Re ́nyi random graphs”–Discussion meeting in Probability, Geometry and random interfaces, ISI Bangalore, January 2020.

36. “Scaling limit of random interfaces”–Invited speaker at IISA Meeting, IIT Bombay, December 2019

35. “Largest eigenvalue of inhomogeneous Erdo ̋s-Re ́nyi random graphs” -Invited speaker at Advances in Applied Probability. ICTS, Bangalore, August 2019.

34. " Scaling limit of semi-flexible polymers-a phase transition picture" - Invited speaker at SASI 2019, National University of Singapore, May 2019.

33. “Scaling limit of random interfaces-an PDE approach” -Invited speaker at Universality in random structures: 

Interfaces.Matrices.Sandpiles, ICTS, Bangalore, February 2019. 

32.  "Branching random walk- a tale of two tails" - Invited talk at probability seminar of TU Delft, 11th June, 2018.

31. "Scaling limit of membrane model"- Invited speaker at one day ISI-Networks workshop at University of Leiden, 9th June, 2018

30. “ Mathematical Aspects of random graphs” – Invited speaker at Recent advances in mathematics and its applications, University of Calcutta, March, 2018.

29. “Long range percolation”- Invited speaker at IAPQR, Kolkata,  December, 2017.

28. “Regular Variation, Stable point process and Branching random walk” - Invited speaker at workshop on Large deviations, ICTS Bangalore, August 2017.

27."Scaling limit in divisible sandpile models"- Invited talk at ISI-Networks workshop in Delft, Netherlands, June 2017.

26."Scaling limit in divisible sandpile model" - Invited talk in Probability meeting, ISI Bangalore, May 2017.

25." Divisible sandpile model" - Seminar at S.N. Bose Center, Kolkata, 8th November, 2016.

24." Some properties of the membrane model"- Invited speaker at Workshop on Stochastic process, in honor of Erwin Bolthausen's 70th birthday, September 2016

23."Regular Variation, Stable point process and Branching random walk" - Invited speaker at workshop on Stability, Extremes and Heavy tails at Fields Institute, Toronto, May 2016.

22." Scaling limit of odometer in divisible sandpiles"- Seminar at ISI Kolkata, 18th April, 2016.

21."Extremes of random Gaussian interfaces"- Invited speaker at Conference in Probability and Analysis in honour of 70th Birthday of Prof. B.V. Rao at ISI, Delhi, November 26- 29, 2015.

20."Regular Variation, Stable point process and Branching random walk"- Seminar at WIAS, Berlin, September, 2015

19. "Extremes of Gaussian free field"- Seminar at ISI, Delhi, August, 2015.

18. "Thick points for Gaussian free field"- Two random afternoons, ISI Kolkata, 2015.

17. "Thick points for Gaussian free field for different cut-offs" - Invited speaker at Extrema of Branching Processes and Gaussian Free Fields, TU/WIAS Berlin, 28-29th November, 2014.

16."From Random matrices to long range dependence"- Invited speaker at German Probability conference, Ulm, 04 March- 07 March, 2014.

15. "Gaussian free field in 4 dimensions”- Invited speaker at Recent advances in probability, Bangalore, India, 30 May– 4 July, 2013.

14. “Abel and Tauberian theorems in free probability”- Invited speaker at Informs 2013 in the session ”Heavy tails and related topics”, 15 July-17 July, 2013, Costa Rica.

13. “Random matrices with dependent entries” -Invited speaker at  Building Bridges: Probability, Statistics and Applications, on the occasion of the International Year of Statistics 2013 at Braunschweig, Germany, 13 August–16 August, 2013.

12. ”Limiting spectral distribution of Wigner matrices with dependent entries”- Invited speaker at Stochastic Process colloquium in Max-Plank Institute, Leipzig, Germany,9th April, 2013.

11.  Limiting spectral distribution of Wigner matrices with dependent entries"- Seminar at Statistics and Mathematics Unit, ISI Kolkata, January 25th, 2013.

10. "Extreme Eigenvalues of random matrices with dependent matrices"- Invited talk in Workshop of Heavy Tailed distributions and Extreme Value, Kolkata, 14th-17th January, 2013.

9. " Patterned Random Matrices: some results about the edge and bulk" -Invited talk at  IMS-APRM, Tsukuba, Tokyo, 3rd July, 2012 in the session "Extreme Values".

 8. "Patterned Random Matrices" - Zurich Stochastic Process colloquium on March 7th, 2012 at University of Zurich.

7. "Randomly Weighted sums" - an invited talk at Actuarial Colloquium in University of Lausanne (5th July, 2011) and  contributed talk at  INFORMS, Stockholm (6th July-8th July).

 6."Products under conditional extreme value model" - contributed talk at Extreme Value Analysis in Lyon, France (27th June, 2011- 1st July).

5. "Subexponentiality of free regularly varying random variables" at ICM Satellite conference on Probability and Stochastic process in Bangalore.  (13th to 17th August, 2010)

4. "Free subexponentiality and regular variation" at Probability seminar Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. (8th July, 2010)

3. "Products under conditional extreme value model" at Probability colloquium in Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. (15th October, 2009)

2." Tail probabilities of randomly weighted sums" at Joint ISI-ISM-ISSAS conference at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. (21st-22nd January, 2010)

1." Tail probability of randomly weighted sums" at Seventh international triennial Calcutta symposium, Kolkata . (28th to 31st December, 2009)