ASF Winter School 2016

This first edition of this winter school (fully booked) took place took place in the village of Pleynet, Sept Laux school from March 23 afternoon to March 25 lunch time 2016.

Program 2016

Wednesday March 23

04:00pm Welcome, registration and tea time

Session 1 - Security, Confidentiality and Privacy

05:00pm-07:00pm Keynote: Claude Castelluccia (Inria Grenoble Rhone Alpes. Privatics team)

Big Data Anonymisation: An overview of existing models and solutions

(Claude Casteluccia)

While the benefits provided by new technologies are indisputable, they unfortunately pose considerable privacy threats that can potentially turn them into a nightmare. Most of these systems leave digital traces, or meta-data, that can potentially be used to profile/monitor users. Users are unaware of the information that is collected about themselves. Content on the Internet (documents, emails, chats, images, videos etc) is often disseminated and replicated on different peers or servers. As a result, users lose the control of their data as soon as they release them.

This talk will be an introductory course on Data Privacy, with a particular focus on Data Surveillance, Data Transparency and Data Anonymisation.

Speaker's bio: Claude Castelluccia is a research director (DR) at Inria Rhone-Alpes, where he leads the PRIVATICS team(Privacy Models, Architectures and Tools for the Information Society). The goals of the Privatics team are to study the new privacy threats introduced by the information society and design privacy-preserving solutions to prevent or at least mitigate them. The project follows a multidisciplinary approach. It focuses on technical and scientific problems, but also considers the economical, legal and social aspects of privacy. Claude has held visiting research positions at UC Irvine and Stanford University, USA. His current research is on Internet privacy and security with a focus on anonymized analytics, data anonymization, data transparency and Internet-based surveillance analysis. He is also interested in the economical and legal aspects of data privacy.

07:00pm-07:15pm Student presentation:

Christophe Bacara (Université Lille 1 - Stormshield)

Use case : Alarm telemetry within a large set of IPS

07:15pm-07:30pm Student presentation:

Vlad-Tiberiu Nitu (Toulouse INPT)

DIVA: DIstributed Virtualization Architecture

07:30pm-07:45pm Student presentation:

Simon Bouget (IRISA / Inria Rennes)

Topology composition in distributed networks

07:45pm-08:00pm Student presentation:

Mahsa Najafzadeh (LIP6)

The analysis and co-design of weakly consistent programs.

Note: this session will also feature two talks on distributed algorithms (session 2).

08:15pm Dinner

Thursday March 24

Session 2 - Distributed Algorithms

08:00am-10:00am Keynote: Marc Shapiro (Inria Paris & LIP6-UPMC-Sorbonne Universités)

Reconciling performance and safety in the Antidote widely-geo-replicated database

(Marc Shapiro)

A distributed system has data scattered and replicated across nodes, separated by slow and unreliable networks. Such systems face an inherent trade-off between safety guarantee and performance, formalised by the famous "CAP Theorem," which has led to a split in the design space. So-called "SQL" databases are designed for strong consistency in the presence of network partitions (CP), which is easy to use but slow, (and even unavailable when the network is broken). "NoSQL" databases are designed for availability despite partitions (AP), but make weak

guarantees, prone to application-level bugs.

This is clearly unsatisfactory. The Antidote cloud database, currently being developed in the SyncFree EU project, reconciles the best of both worlds. For availability, Antidote supports concurrent, unsynchronised updates (like a NoSQL database), but also supports some novel features for improved safety:

- Conflit-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs): instead of the low-level put/get interface typical of NoSQL, developers manipulate high-level datatypes, such as sets, maps, sequences, or graphs, that are guaranteed to behave correctly despite concurrent updates and failures.

- Causal Consistency: clients operate in parallel without synchronisation, but are guaranteed to never suffer ordering violations.

- Highly-Available Transactions: a transaction reads a consistent state of the database; it can read and update multiple objects, located anywhere in the system; all of its updates commit atomically, or none.

- Proof of correctness and optional synchronisation: our CISE analysis tool proves whether the application preserves its integrity invariants, possibly inserting synchronisation where necessary.

Furthermore, Antidote's update protocol is designed for high internal parallelism and to scale to extreme numbers of geo-distributed replicas.

10:00am-10:30am Coffee break

10:30am-10:45am Student presentation:

Pierre-Louis Roman (Université de Rennes 1 - IRISA)

GPS: Priority Gossip for Differential Consistency

10:45am-11:00am Student presentation:

Stéphane Delbruel (IRISA Rennes)

Mignon: a Fast Decentralized Content Consumption Estimation in Large-Scale Distributed Systems

11:00am-11:15am Student presentation:

Hadrien Croubois (ENS Lyon)

Toward an autonomic approach of workflows distribution on cloud

11:15am-11:30am Student presentation:

Alejandro Z. Tomsic (LIP6)

Physics: Efficient consistent snapshots for scalable snapshot isolation

11:30am-05:00pm Free time (lunch boxes will be provided)

Session 3 - Networks

05:00pm-07:00pm Keynote Franck Rousseau (LIG, Grenoble INP, Drakkar team)

Wireless communications for the IoT: overview and challenges

(Franck Rousseau)

The Internet of Things is announced as the next big technological revolution where billions of devices will interconnect using Internet technologies and let users interact with the physical world. One of the key enablers for the IoT are wireless communications, to allow seamless interaction with billions of tiny autonomous integrated systems disseminated all around. Wireless Sensor Networks are crucial for turning the vision of IoT into a reality, and one major challenge is to provide multi-year lifetime while powered on batteries or using harvested energy.

In this talk, we will introduce the main challenges behind Wireless Sensor Networks. We will show how limited energy supplies have an impact on the whole stack, from hardware up to applications, and illustrate the many research challenges that stem from these constraints with work conducted in our group.

07:00pm-07:15pm Student presentation:

Lofti Zaouche (Université de Technologie de Compiègne)

Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs): An application

07:15pm-07:30pm Student presentation:

Lyes Hamidouche (UPMC, LIP6)

Toward efficient data delivery over WiFi Networks using D2D connections

07:50pm Bus to social event (return at 11:00pm)

Friday March 25

Session 4 - Systems

08:30am-10:30am Keynote Vincent Gramoli (NICTA, University of Sydney)

Reproducibility of Experiments in Concurrent Programming

(Vincent Gramoli)

Concurrent programming is the art of dividing a program into subroutines that threads can execute, hence exploiting the multiplicity of cores that today's computers offer. As in other scientific disciplines, reproducibility of experiments is key to the quality of concurrent programming research, however, most experiments involving concurrent programs remain non reproducible.

In this talk, I will present the challenges underlying the reproducibility of these experiments. Building upon the recent efforts from scientific venues to validate authors' accompanying material, I will present bits and pieces that should be disclosed to facilitate reproducibility. I will also present techniques to simplify this disclosure and finish with a hands-on session on Synchrobench, an open-source benchmark suite for concurrent programs.

Speaker's bio: Vincent Gramoli is a senior researcher at NICTA and an academic at the University of Sydney. Prior to this, Vincent worked on distributed systems while visiting University of Connecticut, MIT and Cornell University in the US. He participated in the development of the transactional memory stack at University of Neuchatel and EPFL in Switzerland. He worked on large-scale systems at INRIA, and obtained his PhD from University of Rennes and his Habilitation from UPMC Sorbonne University in France. His current research interest is on theoretical and practical aspects of distributed computing.

10:30am-10:50am Coffee break

10:50m-11:05am Student presentation:

Gauthier Vauron (INRIA/LIP6)

Everything you want to know about virtualization on large multicores

11:05am-11:20am Student presentation:

Boris Djomgwe Teabe (IRIT, SEPIA)

Application-specific quantum for multi-core platform scheduler

11:20am-11:35am Student presentation:

Nadir Cherifi (Lille 1 / Worldline)

An Introduction to Energy Profiling of Small Connected Objects

11:50am Lunch

01:00pm End of the school and return to Grenoble