
November 2020 - Paper accepted at Usenix Enigma 2021. View details here.

Dr. Julian Rrushi teaches computer science and engineering courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels at Oakland University. His research focus is foundational data science, with an application domain of cyber security exploring cyber-physical systems, computer hardware, operating systems, defensive cyber deception engineering, human cognition and serious games.  

Dr. Rrushi was awarded the DARPA Young Faculty Award, class of 2020. 

Full Curriculum Vitae: PDF


Oakland University

115 Library Drive,  Rochester,  MI 48309-4479 

Engineering Center 344                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

E-mail: [last name][at[oakland.edu]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Phone:  (248)-370-4067