Watchmen of the Justice Avengers

The W.J.A. is <Blogeria>'s premiere team of super powered individuals. Each member hails from a different region but they have banded together to fight World class threats. The W.J.A. has built their headquarter's in Ayuhwa due in part to the Dungeon Master's unique data gathering system. Also because of Ayuhwa's open border policy as the marketplace of the world.

Founding Roster:

Memeber - Country of Origin

Elder Lehman - <Berin Kinsman>

The Dungeon Master - Ayuhwa

The Grey Wulf - <Greywulf>

Mad Brew - The Crawling Tower of the Mad Alchemist

Viri - <Viriatha>

All Characters are copyright their respective creators. Each is shared by permission and can be used under the Shared World Licensing