Programme 2025

Programme 2025

At evening sessions we work on a topic - each member writing a piece.  Members read out their work (if they wish) and then we discuss each other's contributions in a positive manner. Occasionally we have evenings where material is prepared in advance, allowing us to share longer pieces.

16 January - Town Hall

WORKSHOP: Music Night: Pieces of music will be played, to trigger thoughts, words, emotions or pictures - each one has a surprise! Your writing will be based on what you hear... more instructions on the night! (Davina to bring)

20 February - Town Hall

WORKSHOP: Picture Night: You will be dealt three photos: a person, a location and something else (an animal, flower or object... who knows?) Describe the scene: what is the person doing there, what significance does the "something else" have to the person? (Steve and Davina to bring)

20 March - Town Hall

WORKSHOP: Story Night: Imagine you are the character in your favourite book and you have written your memoirs, which you believe will be a best seller. Write your pitch to a literary agent/publisher.

17 April - Bow Books

including 2025 AGM.

Meeting will start at 7.30pm with AGM; regular meeting will start immediately afterwards


CRITICS NIGHT: Song Night: Start your story with one of the following song lines:

15 May - Town Hall

WORKSHOP: Sensory Night: A selection of things, each with a strong smell, will be brought and we will use these to evoke a story or poem. (Julie and Davina to bring)

19 June - Town Hall

WORKSHOP: Mood Night: You will be creating two mood based scenes using two different scenarios. Exercise details on the night (Julie to bring)

17 July - Town Hall

WORKSHOP: Opposites Night: Your character fancies a radical change in career, e.g. accountant 🡪 actor; teacher 🡪 sheep farmer; bricklayer 🡪 photographer etc. Write the conversation they have with a supportive friend and one with someone who opposes the plan.

18 September - Town Hall

WORKSHOP: Nouns Night: Random nouns will be picked out of a hat and you will take three to include in your story or poem (Julie to bring)

16 October - Bow Books


CRITICS NIGHT: Fright Night: Write a monster or ghost story for Halloween, but with a twist (e.g. monster is not the scary one, ghost needs a friend)

20 November - Town Hall

WORKSHOP: Food Night: Imagine a favourite meal/food, write down words that describe it: smell, taste, sight, emotions it brings, sensation as you eat it etc. Then use this word cloud as a prompt to write a tale or poem that is not about the meal/food but something else. Try to use all of the words you have written!

11 December - Town Hall

WORKSHOP: Xmas Night: We're playing pass the parcel (or, rather, pass the paragraph!). Your opening line is “It's Christmas, they're cutting down trees, putting up reindeer and singing songs of joy and peace...”