Programme 2025
Programme 2025
At evening sessions we work on a topic - each member writing a piece. Members read out their work (if they wish) and then we discuss each other's contributions in a positive manner. Occasionally we have evenings where material is prepared in advance, allowing us to share longer pieces.
16 January - Town Hall
WORKSHOP: Music Night: Pieces of music will be played, to trigger thoughts, words, emotions or pictures - each one has a surprise! Your writing will be based on what you hear... more instructions on the night! (Davina to bring)
20 February - Town Hall
WORKSHOP: Picture Night: You will be dealt three photos: a person, a location and something else (an animal, flower or object... who knows?) Describe the scene: what is the person doing there, what significance does the "something else" have to the person? (Steve and Davina to bring)
20 March - Town Hall
WORKSHOP: Story Night: Imagine you are the character in your favourite book and you have written your memoirs, which you believe will be a best seller. Write your pitch to a literary agent/publisher.
17 April - Bow Books
including 2025 AGM.
Meeting will start at 7.30pm with AGM; regular meeting will start immediately afterwards
CRITICS NIGHT: Song Night: Start your story with one of the following song lines:
"Is this the real life, is it just fantasy?"
"You can check out any time you like but you can never leave"
"Sometimes the clothes do not make the man"
"Hello darkness, my old friend"
"I'm walking on sunshine"
"Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse?"
"There is more to be seen than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done"
15 May - Town Hall
WORKSHOP: Sensory Night: A selection of things, each with a strong smell, will be brought and we will use these to evoke a story or poem. (Julie and Davina to bring)
19 June - Town Hall
WORKSHOP: Mood Night: You will be creating two mood based scenes using two different scenarios. Exercise details on the night (Julie to bring)
17 July - Town Hall
WORKSHOP: Opposites Night: Your character fancies a radical change in career, e.g. accountant 🡪 actor; teacher 🡪 sheep farmer; bricklayer 🡪 photographer etc. Write the conversation they have with a supportive friend and one with someone who opposes the plan.
18 September - Town Hall
WORKSHOP: Nouns Night: Random nouns will be picked out of a hat and you will take three to include in your story or poem (Julie to bring)
16 October - Bow Books
CRITICS NIGHT: Fright Night: Write a monster or ghost story for Halloween, but with a twist (e.g. monster is not the scary one, ghost needs a friend)
20 November - Town Hall
WORKSHOP: Food Night: Imagine a favourite meal/food, write down words that describe it: smell, taste, sight, emotions it brings, sensation as you eat it etc. Then use this word cloud as a prompt to write a tale or poem that is not about the meal/food but something else. Try to use all of the words you have written!
11 December - Town Hall
WORKSHOP: Xmas Night: We're playing pass the parcel (or, rather, pass the paragraph!). Your opening line is “It's Christmas, they're cutting down trees, putting up reindeer and singing songs of joy and peace...”