
Recent Capacity Building Activities:


Research Video Series

My research videos are made available to assist our academics and faculty members in their research journey.

Why Bother? 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O0kB1tFPaU  (18 minutes and 45 seconds)

In any undertaking, it is important to START with the WHY (Simon Sinek).  When we are motivated by the reasons why we are doing a task, it helps us not to give up and to push forward even if faced with whatever challenges and hindrances along the way.  As we start our research journey, let us push ourselves to explore new grounds and strive to become a better YOU.

Research Video Series: for Beginners

Video 1: Getting Started 

https://youtu.be/58Dmg_qGxFk  (19 minutes and 13 seconds)

Getting started on your research journey can be a daunting step .... but don't worry. Believe that you are able to do this! Believe in yourself!  In the literature, usually the hindrances do not come from external factors, but most of the time, the internal hindrances (the negative thoughts, and self-doubt) are more difficult to surmount.  The problem and the eventual solution are within your reach!  You can overcome if you believe that you can overcome and that you can do it.

Secondly, you might need a little help. I am willing to offer my assistance to you through this FREE video series.

Let us discuss the end in mind: My/our objective is to make you into a global academic with researches that are recognized in global research databases by getting you listed on these databases such as Google scholar and Scopus.com, and eventual membership in research organizations such as the NRCP, DOST https://nrcp.dost.gov.ph/membership

Remember that we are not only after the number of research papers that you are able to publish, but also the impact of your publications to other researchers and researches all over the world (as indicated by the number of citations that your publications receive).  Both quantity and quality matter!

With much hardwork and prayers, you are able to accomplish your goals!

Video 2: Research Ethics 

https://youtu.be/gn4sk_Ue8Dc  (20 minutes and 14 seconds)

As you embark on your research journey, our research endeavors should be guided by ethical principles and guidelines that should govern your research work.  In this video, we will discuss research ethics rules as stipulated in the Belmont report, and consider how these principles are applicable now.  As researchers generate new knowledge, we also generate Intellectual Property (IP), and we must know our rights to the IP that we generate.  On the other hand, we must also be governed by the rules, regulations, and laws about Intellectual Property as we conduct our reseach work.  In the Philippines, we must abide by the Data Privacy Act and also by the Intellectual Property code.

Video 3: Choosing a Research Topic 

https://youtu.be/tionuLeIbQA  (18 minutes and 42 seconds)

In this video, I will discuss some ideas on how to choose the research area that you want to embark on.  There are several variables to consider as we determine our next step.  First, the most important variable in this complex equation of finding your research topic is YOU as the researcher. Identify (and it will help to list them down) your areas of expertise, topics of interest, your undergraduate degree and thesis work or capstone projects, your graduate degree and the researches that you have done along the way, your current endeavors (such as graduate studies, your teachers and adviser, the subjects that you usually teach year-in and year-out) and others.

As you embark on contributing to the current body of knowledge, it is imperative to determine the current discourse in the research area that you intend to pursue so that as a researcher you will know "ano na ba ang meron ngayon?" I usually advise my students to identify the 4Ms in related literature. Make sure muna that the literature is closely-related to the work that you intend to embark on.

1) Most recent. Try to update the current library of literature that you may have on the topic on the newest research papers that have been published. Then work your way backwards by checking each and every interesting reference that the paper cited.

2) Most comprehensive. Look for review papers that provide a comprehensive presentation of the exisiting body of knowledge. An alternative will be to maximize the section on RRL on closely-related papers that will have you an idea on "ano na ba ang meron ngayon?"  Note that the first place to start your research journey is to come up with a comprehensive literature review - which could be your first publication!

3) Most cited. In your collection of literature, identify which one has been highly cited. Kung baka, yung sikat sa mga papers na yan may provide useful information about your area of investigation.

4) Model paper. From the literature, you may find guidance from a Model paper that you may use in the development of your own paper. Just make sure that you don't plagiarize (don't copy-paste).

Get ready with your keywords that you will use for your searches from existing research databases (which we discussed in a previous video), and download all research papers that you can get a hold of.  Just make sure that these papers come from publication venues that are legitimate - more on this topic in my next video!

Video 4: Publication Venues 

https://youtu.be/x62Q6jwVN84 (14 minutes and 41 seconds)

How will you determine if a publication venue is LEGIT?

There are two main categories of publication venues: those that fall under the positive lists, and those that are on the negative lists.  There are already available resources to guide us in knowing those that are encouraged (or positive lists), and those that should be avoided at all costs (or the negative lists).

There are also two general kinds of publishers: the open access journals and those that are not open acces or proprietary.  The publishers follow a particular business model. Simply put, in open access journals, the research papers are free to be accessed anywhere in the world, while those research papers that are not in open access journals can be accessed for a fee.

So you need to be very selective in the papers that you cite, and in choosing the publication venue/s where you want to publish your research work. After completing the whole process of the research work including the final step of writing up your research work, find a good fit of your paper to a particular publication venue and a good fit to your budget! 

Why don't you develop your own positive list of publication venues?  Aside from the positive lists as discussed in the video, additional possible publication venue/s may come from your colleagues in the same research area, from recognized experts from reputable institutions here in the Philippines or overseas, from your adviser or prominent faculty members in your chosen research laboratory if you are doing your graduate studies, and others.

Have fun in your discovery of positive and negative publication venues!

Research Video Series: for Beginners and for Administrators of Ph HEIs

Video 1: Why Bother? 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O0kB1tFPaU  (18 minutes and 45 seconds)

In any undertaking, it is important to START with the WHY (Simon Sinek).  When we are motivated by the reasons why we are doing a task, it helps us not to give up and to push forward whatever challenges and hindrances we encounter along the way.

Links to Patent Databases 



Find out more about Ph IP initiatives through IPOPHIL:  https://www.ipophil.gov.ph/ 

Here are some links to Bible study topics:

The Birth of Jesus

A: https://youtu.be/tmWABKyFAaY

B: https://youtu.be/3_r2gqV_DQc

"The Three Kings"


Hebrews 6:1-3 NIV "Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith in God, instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And this we will do, if God permits."





Baptisms A


Baptisms B
