To Rowe or not ... 


not the quintessential poet

rather a poet of few words

turning them within context

tuning them to serpent harmonies

coiled meanings, twisted finales

seemingly simple he takes our hand

as a child might, or a man, leading

or being led into an alchemist's

retort, a philosopher's stone,

his scant words like dross pile up

suddenly spiraling into gold.


Tom Odegard  3/12/05


Author of

Detour (a mini chapbook, Eventuality Press, 2019)

Beyond Perspective (Finishing Line Press, 2015)

Winsome Losesome (Eventuality Press, 2010)

At My Wit's Beginning (Eventuality Press, 2003/2007)

Poems have appeared or are forthcoming in:  Bay Area Poets ReviewBrevitiesBright Stars 4: An Organic Tanka AnthologyCalifornia Quarterly, Carquinez Poetry ReviewThe Crazy Child ScribblerGRRRRR--A Collection of Poems About Bears (Arctos Press)Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, haikuniverse (online),  Hawk & Whippoorwill, Ice Cream Poems (World Enough Writers), Inter-Connecting-Circles,  Lilipoh, Lilliput ReviewMedusa's Kitchen (online daily poetry journal), MinotaurOut of OurThe Poeming Pigeon (2022 & 2023 issues),  Poetry Depth Quarterlyred lights tanka journal,  Remembering (anthology of Poets' Dinner contest winners),  Ribbons,  San Diego Poetry AnnualSan Francisco Peace & Hope (online & print editions) and elsewhere. 

Frequent award-winner in Artists Embassy International's Annual Dancing Poetry Festival Contests, including a Grand Prize (2002) and a First Prize (2010). 

Grand Prize winner in the first Bay Area Poets Seasonal Review Contest 2010. 

In 2008, served on the selection committee for the first poet laureate of Albany, California: Christina Hutchins. 

Co-hosted the Last Word Poetry Reading Series (Berkeley) from 2003-March 2020.

President of the Bay Area Poets Coalition and co-editor of Poetalk journal. 

Currently (September 2020-Present) hosts a monthly (2nd Saturdays, 1:00 PM Pacific) online Zoom poetry reading for the Bay Area Poets Coalition.