
We aim to run three writing competitions, held respectively in March, June and September each year. In November, members who have entered a competition during the year, have the opportunity to re-submit a competition entry to be considered for the Originality Award.

Competition September 2019

Poetry - Open topic and style.

No Entry Fee

Word limit: Up to 750 words maximum.

Deadline for entries: Saturday September 28th, 2019.

Competition May 2019

"Turning Point" A story in third person.

No Entry Fee

Word limit: 1000 words.

Deadline for entries: Saturday May 25th, 2019.

Competition October 2018

Poetry - Open topic and style.

Entry Fee: $5

Deadline for entries: Saturday October 27th, 2018.

Competition March 2018

The first competition for 2018 is a short story/flash fiction competition. We hope all our new members and members who haven't previously submitted an entry for a competition will give this one a go. The committee members are excluded from this competition.

Topic: open topic. Write a new story, or take one of your homework pieces and extend it.

Word limit: 200-500 words.

Entry fee: none.

Prize: The winner will receive a Rotorua Writers Group competition first-place certificate and a box of chocolates.

Entry deadline: March meeting, Saturday 31st March. Entries may be emailed to our secretary, Vicki Arnott, by the end of day 31st March. Email:

Judge: Three committee members will make up the judging panel for this competition.

Originality Award 2017

Entries for the Originality Award must be submitted by Saturday 4th November.

If you have entered a club competition during the year, you may re-submit your entry for the Originality Award.

Entry Fee: free

Email your entry to Anne Potter,

Write the title of your entry and the page number in the header at the top of each page.

Do not write your name on your entry.

Judge: This competition is judged each year by the winner of the Originality Award for the previous year. This year our judge is Mollie Smith.

Competition November 2017

Topic: If I ruled the world. Maximum word limit: 1000.

Deadline: Saturday 4th November.

Entry Fee: $5

Email your entry to Anne Potter,

Write the title of your entry and the page number in the header at the top of each page.

Do not write your name on your entry.

Judge: Todd McClay.

Competition March 2017

You will be required to research information for your March competition entry.

Write an article about a topic of interest to you, which involves thorough research.

750-1000 words.

Deadline: Saturday 6th May. Hand your entry in at the club meeting.

Entry Fee: $5

Short Story Competition, March 2016.

Our first competition for the year is a short story competition. The topic is "A Mystery" and the maximum word count is 1500 words. The deadline for entries is Saturday 5th March.

Competition June 2016.

The topic is "In My Opinion." Write 1000 words expressing your personal point of view on a topic you feel passionate about. The deadline for entries is Saturday 4th June.

Competition September/October 2016

Due to the small number of entries for the June competition, we are repeating the June topic for the September competition.

The topic is "In My Opinion." Write up to 1000 words, expressing your personal point of view on a topic you feel passionate about. The deadline for entries is Saturday 1st October.

Competition Entry Fee: $5

Presentation of Entry

Double line spacing.

12 point Times New Roman font.

Wide margins - about 2cm left and right.

A4 paper, type on one side of the paper only.

Story title and page number at the top of each page.

Cover page with story title, word count and nom de plume.

See example of cover page below: