Michele Rossi 's home page

Associate Professor of Algebraic Geometry and applications (SSD MAT03)

Department of Mathematics and Applications

University of Milano Bicocca

Edificio U5 - Ratio

via Roberto Cozzi, 55

20125 Milano - Italy 

Tel. +39 0264485708 

E-Mail: michele.rossi(at)unimib.it                                                                                                             

Research Interests

Algebraic Geometry

Geometry of toric varieties.Geometry and tolology of Mori Dream Spaces.

Relations between Milnor numbers of smoothings and birational invariants of desingularizations. Geometric transitions and their deformation equivalence. 

Hodge theory , variation of Hodge structures, algebraic cycles.

String theory in theoretical physics.

Physical dualities. Elements of Mirror Symmetry. 


