About Us

We began as the Mt Roskill Puketapapa Historical Society which was incorporated in December 2011.

In 2018, we decided to revert back to being a heritage group.

Our Aims

To encourage and promote the study of and interest in history generally and relating to the Districts of Mount Roskill, Three Kings, Hillsborough and Lynfield and the surrounding districts in particular, and including the history of tangata whenua.

To collect and take steps to ensure the protection and preservation of records, pictures, books, pamphlets and all objects of historic interest.

To take steps to ensure the preservation of buildings,sites and places of historic interest

To record in permanent form articles, proceedings, discoveries and results of historical research and to publish a journal

Keeping in Touch with our community

The Heritage Group publishes a quarterly newsletter, now known as The Roskill Chronicle.

Roskill’s People

Prior to the construction of the large State Advances/Housing Corporation subdivisions in the 1940s, Roskill remained a mainly rural outskirt of Auckland, with a very small number of residents living largely in farm homesteads.

Unfortunately very few buildings from that first 100 years of European settlement remain but we do have many records of the residents during this period that have survived and the Society is creating a growing database known as Roskill’s People. Our people are our greatest heritage. Queries are welcomed and will be answered by our Research Officer (email garph@ihug.co.nz )

Three Kings, 4 October 1952. Whites Aviation image. Centre Mt Eden Road, left Winstones quarries, lower mid-right Ranfurly Home. National Library.