V:TES Tournament Support Kits
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle
Google has run an update on my site. Things may be a little off until I get it fixed.
If you have any questions, please email David.Tatu47@gmail.com
Tournament Support Kits
Promo Pack, Sabbat War rare pack. $35. I only have about 15 of these left, when they are gone, there will be no more.
Promo Pack = 60 cards. 10 copies each of 6 different promo cards.
Sabbat War rare pack = All of the cards on the Rare Sheet that appeared in the Sabbat War expansion Booster packs. http://www.vekn.net/index.php/card-lists/76-sabbat-war (See pictures below)
Shipping. USPS with tracking: $9 USA, $34 Canada & Mexico, $38 International.
How do I order a Tournament Support Kit?
List your event on the V:EKN event Calendar at www.vekn.net/index.php/register-event
Send me an email at david.tatu47@gmail.com with the following information:
Link to your event on the V:EKN Calendar
Name of Tournament Support Kit you want to order.
Your Paypay email address
The country to which the order will be shipped
I will send you an invoice through Paypal.
You pay through paypal and I mail your kit to your confirmed paypal address.
For information on tournament play, how to find other players and the current state of the game,
visit the official player’s organization
Vampire: Elder Kindred Network www.vekn.net