
A) A cargo totalmente de los siguientes cursos/Sole responsible for fulfilling the teaching duties of the following courses:

1) Mexican Politics: Democracy & Authoritarianism (UG Module, Third Stage), Newcastle University.

1) Opinión Pública y Comportamiento Electoral/Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior (Graduate and BA seminar.) CIDE.

2) Psicología Política y Métodos Experimentales/Political Psychology and Experimental Methods (Upper Level BA/Graduate seminar.) CIDE.

3) México: los retos al proyecto nacionalista desde una perspectiva comparada/Mexico: the challenges to the national project from a comparative perspective. (Licenciatura/Upper Level Spanish Course, Residential College, RS324.) The University of Michigan.

4) Perspectivas Psicológicas en Política: La Psicología Política de la Identidad Racial y Prejuicio/Psychological Perspectives in Politics: Political Psychology of Racial Identity and Prejudice. (BA, PS330, Spring 2006.) The University of Michigan.

5) Introducción a la Política Comparada/Introduction to Comparative Politics. (BA, PS140, Spring 2005.) The University of Michigan.