Root Prairie Lutheran Church Chronological Events
1856 - Congregation formally organized - services held in
homes – Norwegian Synod
47 members
1863 - Land purchased for $2.00
1865 - Church erected with stone foundation - church entrance
faced the west – chancel faced the east
1866 - November 12th, first church services
93 charter members
1868 - Root Prairie and North Prairie call first pastor
(Rev. M.H. Magnus)
Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran
(Norwegian Synod)
1871 - Original pulpit built
1876 - Bell weighing 1000 pounds purchased for $400.00
1887 - Root Prairie and North Prairie withdrew Norwegian
Synod and joined the Antimissourians (one of three
Norwegian synods in America)
1888 - Ladies Aid organized
1890 - Joined the Norwegian Lutheran United Church
(Antimissourians, Augustana Synod and the
Konferentsen united)
1896 - One acre of land purchased for $1.00
1897 - Church rebuilt (present church edifice)
1898 - Cornerstone laid and edifice dedicated
1902 - More land purchased for $50.00
1904 - Fountain Lutheran church organized
17 families released from Root Prairie
1910 - Pilot Mound Lutheran church organized
19 families released from Root Prairie
1910 - Union with North Prairie dissolved -
united with Fountain and Spring Valley
1914 - 530 members
1915 - Started English services 1-2 per year
1919 - Women of the congregation were granted the privilege
to vote
1930 - English service every 4th Sunday
1933 - Sunday School organized
1934 - One third of services English
1938 - Half of services English
1943 - English services (few exceptions conducted in
1945 - Root Prairie formed parish with newly organized
Chatfield Lutheran Church
1946 - 90th celebration September 29th
1956 - Centennial celebration August 23rd, 24th, and 26th
290 members
1958 - Root Prairie Cemetery Association established
1962 - Became member of American Lutheran Church
1966 - Union with Chatfield Lutheran dissolved
joined with Fountain Lutheran Church
1966 - 110th Anniversary observed, August 7th
1981 - 125th Anniversary celebration August 16th
218 baptized 168 confirmed
1987 - Became member of Evangelical Lutheran Church of
America - ELCA
2006 - 150th Anniversary celebration August 20th
168 baptized 144 confirmed
2012 - 198 baptized, 160 confirmed
2013 - 160 baptized, 129 confirmed
2014 - 162 Baptized, 131 confirmed
2015 - 170 Active Baptized Members, 136 Active Confirmed Members
2017 - 185 Active Baptized Members, 146 Active Confirmed Members
2018 - 185 Active Baptized Members, 144 Confirmed Members
2019 - Union with Fountain Lutheran Dissolved
Shared Pastoral Ministry established with Chatfield Lutheran
Celebrating the 150th Anniversary
Republican Leader - August 10, 2006
The Chatfield News - August 15, 2006
Root Prairie Lutheran Pastors
1856-1868 Rev. F.C. Clausen (Spring Grove) &
Rev. N.E. Jensen (Highland Prairie)
1868-1875 Rev. M.H. Magnus (served Root Prairie
& North Prairie)
1875-1876 Rev. Kristian Magelson from Highland
Prairie and Elstad (interim pastor)
1876-1889 Rev. J.I.Krohn
1889-1890 Rev. Bjorn (interim pastor)
1890-1893 Rev. P.R.O. Olson
1893-1894 Rev. Rasmussen (interim pastor)
1894-1904 Rev. N.C. Arveson
1904-1932 Rev. N.A. Giere
1932-1942 Rev. John Ritland (served Root Prairie,
Fountain, Spring Valley, & Stewartville)
1942-1943 Rev. C.C.A. Jensen (interim pastor)
1943-1946 Rev. E.A. Nilssen
1946-1950 Rev. M.L. Witte
1951-1954 Rev. William Benbow
1955-1960 Rev. Gordon Carls
1960-1961 Rev. N.C. Renslo (interim pastor)
1961-1965 Rev. James Braaten
1966-1969 Rev. Leander Brakke
1969-1974 Rev. Gustav Odegaard
1974-1978 Rev. Paul Nelson
1979-2000 Rev. John Sime
2000-2002 Rev. Curtis Fox (interim pastor)
2002-2005 Rev. Kieran Darcy
2005-2006 Rev. Jane Timmerman (interim pastor)
2006- 2014 Rev. Paul Forde
2014 - 2016 Rev. Karla Kirkeby (interim pastor)
2016 - 2018 Rev. Grace Gravelle
2018 - 2019 Rev. Chris Miller (interim pastor)
2019 - 2021 Rev. Mark Docken and Rev. Nissa Peterson
2021-Rev. Paul Hauschild and Rev. Nissa Peterson