Google Forms

  1. Welcome & Introduction

  2. Getting to Know You form: Click here to complete the form

    1. Look at the question types you can use.

    2. Complete as you feel comfortable.

    3. Look at the data in the spreadsheet and in the summary

  1. Google Forms Overview

  2. Let's Create a Form!

    1. Step-by-Step

    2. Question types

      1. Google Training Center

      2. Creating a Google Form: Choose a Type of Question - scroll down

    3. Themes

    4. Sending vs. Sharing

      1. Share the form, send the form

  1. Let's collect some data (send out to the people in our workshop)

  2. Analyze the data: Within the Form and in Spreadsheet

  3. Ideas For classroom use?

  4. Flubaroo

  5. Look at examples on Forms Examples Page

  6. Other Resources