ROJMHAS Curriculum

Name of Medical School

The name shall be ROJoson Medical and Health Administration School (ROJMHAS).

General Nature of the Medical Curriculum of ROJMHAS 

The curriculum is envisioned to be an outcome-based, competency-based, community-oriented and problem-based medical curriculum.

The ultimate outcomes or program outcomes envisioned shall be a primary or basic physician who will possess skills in solving a health problem of a community, special skills in emergency medicine and health service and program administration and in passing the Philippine Board of Examination.

The duration of the medical curriculum is 4 years with an option for 5 years inclusive of internship if a student wants a dual degree of MD with special course like diploma and master in Emergency Medicine, Hospital Services Administration, Public Health and Health Profession Education.

The medical curriculum shall be in conformity with the policies, standards and guidelines of the Commission on Higher Education (CMO No. 18 s 2016). It shall also be in conformity with the policies, guidelines and requirements of the Association of the Philippine Medical Colleges and Board of Medicine of the Professional Regulations Commission.

Guidelines in the Design of the Medical Curriculum of ROJMHAS

The medical curriculum of the ROJMHAS is designed according to the following general guidelines: 

1. Philosophy-vision-mission of the ROJMHAS.

2. Outcome-based learning approach. Program outcomes consist of the following:

2.1.Primary or basic physician

2.2 Special elective skills (such as such as emergency medicine, health service / program administration, public health and health profession education)

2.3 Skills in solving a community health problem

2.4 Philippine Board of Medicine passer

3. Competency-based learning approach.

4. Community-based learning approach.

4.1 Each student will spend about 25% of the medical course in a community learning medicine and solving the health problems of the community.

4.2 Each student has an assigned community such as a barangay health station or a rural health unit in the city and nearby provinces as his/her laboratory for learning. He/She is exposed to his/her assigned community as early as his/her first year of medical schooling.

4.3 In his/her assigned community, under the guidance of a faculty, he/she will serve as a community physician who will manage the health problems of individuals.

4.4 In his/her assigned community, under the guidance of a faculty, he/she will serve as a community physician who will solve the health problems of the community.  He/She is expected to solve at least one community health problem during his/her entire medical schooling.   This is one of the major requirements for passing the course or for graduation.

5. Problem-based learning approach.

6. Distance education mode of teaching and learning especially when students are in the community away from the school.

7. The selection of contents will be on the basis of expected outcomes of graduates, importance ("must know") and relevance to being a physician and to being a solver of the health problems of the community.

8. The organization of the content will be structured:

8.1 From general to specific.

8.2 From simple to complex.

8.3 From basic to advanced.

8.4 Based on prioritization of importance and relevance.

8.5 Based on rational sequence.

9. The overall design of the instruction is such that it starts from an overview, framework, progressing to foundation, development, and ending in mastery.

10. Integrated approach as early as the first year of medical schooling with no medical subspecialty departmentalization of subject matter and no separation of basic and clinical sciences.

11. Self-directed learning will be promoted through a problem-based learning approach, self-instructional programs, and independent study.

12. Emphasis on active learning activities such as group discussions, direct patient and community contacts, practicum, and projects as modes of teaching and learning.

13. Avoidance of lectures as a primary mode of teaching and learning.

14. Preparation of students for the Philippine Board of Medicine examination

ROJMHAS Philosophy, Vision and Mission Statements

Philosophy of ROJMHAS 

We, the Board of Trustees and Faculty of the ROJoson Medical and Health Administration School, believe that: 

1. Man exists not only for himself but also for other people in the community.

2. Society exists for the welfare of men.

3. Health is a fundamental right of every person.

4. There will always be health problems in every person and in every community at one time or another.

5. The medical school exists because of the health problems that are prevalent in every person and in every community.

6. The medical school should help solve the health problems of the community through its administrators, faculty, students, and graduates and through a primary health care approach.

7. Medical students shall be treated as adult learners.

8. All adults are capable of learning given the proper guidance and support.

9. Active learning activities yield the best results.

10. Learning to become a competent physician is best achieved through an outcome-based, competency-based and problem-based learning approach.

11. Learning to be a community-oriented physician is best achieved through a community-based learning approach.

12. Medical education is a life-time learning process.

13. All physicians should have competency in self-directed learning. 


Vision and Mission 

We, the Board of Trustees and Faculty of the ROJoson Medical and Health Administration School, envision and aim to produce graduates who: 

1. Will solve the health problems of the city and nearby provinces as a priority over other communities.

2. Will be able to solve the health problems of a community other than that of the city and nearby provinces.

3. Will be able to pass the Philippine Board of Medicine examination.

4. Are competent (effective, efficient, and humane) in the practice of their medical profession.

5. Are self-directed physicians in their continuing medical education.

6. Will be effective and efficient administrators of a health care unit and health care programs.

7. Will be able to conduct health researches.

8. Will be able to be medical teachers.


Program Outcomes (What will a medical student be able to do after finishing an MD program -Required by CHED):

1-Demonstrate clinical competence

2-Communicate effectively

3-Lead and manage health care teams

4-Engage in research activities

5-Collaborate with interprofessional teams

6-Utilize systems-based approach to healthcare

7-Engage in continuing personal and professional development

8-Adhere to ethical, professional and legal standards

9-Demonstrate nationalism, internationalism and dedication to service

10-Practice the principles of social accountability

Program Outcomes with Operational Definitions (CHED)

1-Demonstrate clinical competence = Competently manage clinical conditions of all patients in various settings.

2-Communicate effectively = Convey information in written and oral formats, across all types of audiences, venues, and media in a manner that can be easily understood.

3- Lead and manage health care teams = Initiate planning, organizing, implementation and evaluation of programs and health facilities.  Provide clear direction, inspiration and motivation to the healthcare team / community.

4- Engage in research activities = Utilize current research evidence in decision making as practitioner, educator or researcher.  Participate in research activities.

5- Collaborate with interprofessional teams = Effectively work in teams in managing patients, institutions, projects and similar situations.

6-Utilize systems-based approach in healthcare = Utilize systems-based approach in actual delivery of care. Network with relevant partners in solving general health problems.

7-Engage in continuing personal and professional development = Update oneself through a variety of venues for personal and professional growth to ensure quality healthcare and patient safety.

8-Adhere to ethical, professional, and legal standards = Adhere to national and international codes of conduct and legal standards that govern the profession.

9-Demonstrate nationalism, internationalism and dedication to service = Demonstrate love of one’s national heritage, respect for other cultures and commitment to service.

10-Practice the principles of social accountability = Adhere to the principles of relevance, equity, quality and cost effectiveness in the delivery of healthcare to patients, families and communities.



At the end of a 4-year course, the graduate should be able to:

(dual degree course shall be discussed separately)



1. Solve the health problems of the city and nearby provinces.

2. Pass the Philippine Board of Medicine examination.

3. Diagnose in an effective, efficient, and humane manner the health problems of a patient and a community.

4. Conduct diagnostic procedures in an effective, efficient, and humane manner in the investigations of a patient and a community.

5. Treat effectively, efficiently, and humanely the health problems of a patient and a community.

6. Educate properly patients and the community regarding recognition, causation, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of diseases and health problems.

7. Conduct health researches.

8. Manage effectively and efficiently a health care unit and health care programs.

9. Teach effective, efficient, and humane medicine to future medical students.

10. Do proper medical recording.


CHED 1-Demonstrate clinical competence = Competently manage clinical conditions of all patients in various settings.

CHED 3-Lead and manage health care teams = Initiate planning, organizing, implementation and evaluation of programs and health facilities.  Provide clear direction, inspiration and motivation to the healthcare team / community.

CHED 4- Engage in research activities = Utilize current research evidence in decision making as practitioner, educator or researcher.  Participate in research activities.

CHED 5- Collaborate with interprofessional teams = Effectively work in teams in managing patients, institutions, projects and similar situations.

CHED 6-Utilize systems-based approach in healthcare = Utilize systems-based approach in actual delivery of care. Network with relevant partners in solving general health problems.



1. Perform gentle, safe, and accurate physical examinations of patients.

2. Perform accurately basic life support procedures.

3. Perform properly invasive diagnostic procedures.

4. Perform properly life-saving surgical procedures.

5. Administer parenteral medications.

6. Write proper and legible prescriptions.

7. Perform properly an obstetrical vaginal delivery.

8. Communicate properly with patients, community leaders, and colleagues.

9. Present properly in medical conferences.

10. Construct proper audio-visual aids.


CHED 2-Communicate effectively = Convey information in written and oral formats, across all types of audiences, venues, and media in a manner that can be easily understood.



1. Assume responsibility for the solution of the health problems in a community where he/she resides or is assigned to.

2. Initiate projects that will help solve the health problems in the community where he/she resides.

3. Utilize effectively and efficiently whatever scarce resources that are available to solve the health problems of the community.

4. Utilize primary health care approaches in the solution of the health problems in the community.

5. Accept his/her limitations in the practice of the medical profession.

6. Continually strive for excellence in medical education, research, and service.

7. Set example of an effective, efficient, and humane physician; a physician-administrator; a physician-researcher; and a physician-educator.

8. Show respect for human life and the human being (patient).

9. Show respect to colleagues in the medical profession.

10. Show respect to authority.


CHED 7-Engage in continuing personal and professional development = Update oneself through a variety of venues for personal and professional growth to ensure quality healthcare and patient safety.

CHED 8-Adhere to ethical, professional, and legal standards = Adhere to national and international codes of conduct and legal standards that govern the profession.

CHED 9-Demonstrate nationalism, internationalism and dedication to service = Demonstrate love of one’s national heritage, respect for other cultures and commitment to service.

CHED 10-Practice the principles of social accountability = Adhere to the principles of relevance, equity, quality and cost effectiveness in the delivery of healthcare to patients, families and communities.



* Determined by the instructional objectives.

* Determined by CHED minimum requirements on curricular contents

* SEE LIST OF COURSES AND MODULES (NOTE: contents based instructional objectives and CHED minimum requirements on curricular contents will be integrated into the courses and modules.)


CHED Minimum Curricular Contents Requirements


Human Anatomy including Gross, Microscopic and Developmental Anatomy

Human Physiology

Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Basic Nutrition

Pharmacology and Therapeutics including Alternative Medicine

Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology

Internal Medicine including Geriatrics and Dermatology

General and Clinical Pathology and Oncology

Obstetrics and Gynecology including Women’s Health

Pediatrics and Nutrition including child protection

General Surgery and its divisions including Anesthesiology and Pain Management




Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Basic and Clinical Neurosciences

Family and Community Medicine including Public Health and Preventive Medicine and Health Economics

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

History and Perspectives in Medicine

Research, Evidence-based Medicine and Medical Informatics

Legal Medicine, Medical Jurisprudence and Forensic Medicine

Radiology and other diagnostic imaging


CHED Minimum Integrated Topics

Bioethics, Professionalism and Good Clinical Practice

Consultation Skills, Physical Diagnosis


Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Leadership and Management

Interprofessional Education








MS – Medical School

AC - An assigned community in the city and nearby provinces

H – Hospital

EL-SS – Elective-Special Study





*External – institution aside from the MHAS 




Curriculum Map 

The curriculum map contains the program outcomes (1-10) and the different courses per year level according to the degree of breadth and depth that these courses contribute to achieving the program outcomes.


I–introduced - basic concepts are merely introduced (program outcomes are merely introduced in the course)

P–practiced - the concepts & principles are presented with applications (program outcomes are not just introduced but practiced in the course)

D–demonstrated – I + P + with skills acquisition (program outcomes are practiced and demonstrated)

Program Outcomes (as required by CHED together with those listed under Instructional Objectives):

1-Demonstrate clinical competence

2-Communicate effectively

3-Lead and manage health care teams

4-Engage in research activities

5-Collaborate with interprofessional teams

6-Utilize systems-based approach to healthcare

7-Engage in continuing personal and professional development

8-Adhere to ethical, professional and legal standards

9-Demonstrate nationalism, internationalism and dedication to service

10-Practice the principles of social accountability


Curriculum Map of ROJMHAS

Year Level I – 1st Semester  - all 10 program outcomes are introduced and practiced.

Year Level I – 2nd Semester up to Year Level IV -2nd Semester – all 10 program outcomes are practiced and demonstrated.





Outcome-based learning

Competency-based learning

Community-based learning

Problem-based learning


Group discussions


Independent studies


Demonstration and return demonstration

Simulated learning

Actual/direct patient contact/learning

Actual/direct community contact/learning





Self-instructional programs





CHED’s minimum requirements for learning resources will be conformed to.




CHED’s minimum requirements for qualifications and trainings of the dean and faculty will be conformed to. 

A Medical Education Unit shall be established.









The minimum requirements for evaluation of students of CHED will be conformed to.    


Dual Degree Programs 

The duration of the medical curriculum is 5 years inclusive of internship if a student wants a dual degree of MD with special course like diploma and master in Emergency Medicine, Hospital Services Administration, Public Health and Health Profession Education. 

The medical curriculum under the 4-year program will be the same as that in the 5-year program except that the student has to decide from the very start what special skills or study he / she wants to pursue for a second degree.  The elective-special study sessions will be used for the special study course.

A student can apply for a diploma or master in emergency medicine, hospital services administration; health program administration; public health; and health profession education.

The students under the dual-course program will have a comprehensive examination and a thesis as the ultimate requirements for graduation.  They can do it while undergoing a rotating internship in a hospital.

The 5-year curricular schedule and places of learning will be as follows:





MS – Medical School

AC - An assigned community in the city and nearby provinces

H – Hospital

EL-SS – Elective-Special Study



The list and schedule of courses on the 5th Year will be as follows:


