ROJ Breast Wellness Program for Organizations and Companies

ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Program for Organizations and Companies

Reynaldo O. Joson, MD, MHA, MHPEd, MSc Surg

April 17, 2012; June 4, 2012

What is the ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Program?

ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Program consists of projects and activities whose goal is to promote breast wellness of patient-clients and community-clients (through company- and organization-clients).

The program can be of two kinds depending on the target clients: 1) breast wellness program for patient-clients consulting at the ROJoson Medical Clinic and 2) breast wellness program for community-clients (company- and organization-clients) of ROJoson Medical Clinic.

Furthermore, the program can be subdivided into two: 1) breast wellness restoration program targeting patient-clients with symptoms and with an established abnormality or disorder and 2) breast wellness promotion and maintenance program targeting patient-clients who have recovered from a breast disorder, those who have undue fear or anxiety of a breast disorder even if it is not present, and those who are interested in the prevention of breast disorders.

What is the ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Program for Organizations and Companies?

ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Program for Organizations and Companies consists of projects and activities designed for female employees of companies and female members of organizations whose goal is to promote breast wellness. This is ROJoson Medical Clinic’s or ROJoson’s realistic service to the community.

Why a Breast Wellness Program for Organizations and Companies (BWPFOC)?

There is a need for an honest-to-goodness breast wellness program for the Philippine community. There is either a few or none at all. What is an honest-to-goodness breast wellness program for the Philippine community? One that is honest and good, one in which diagnostic procedures are not driven by financial motives but by a rational cost-effective process. One that is holistic that will promote total person’s breast wellness.

As mentioned above, BWPFOC is a realistic way of ROJoson Medical Clinic’s service to the community. It does not have the capacity to service the entire Manila, more so, the entire Metro Manila.

BWPFOC is envisioned to be a more effective strategy to reduce the breast wellness problem in the community than just using mass media and bombarding it with commercial advertisements on the use of breast diagnostic procedures, particularly mammography and ultrasound of the breast.

In the BWPFOC, it will be easier to implement a group program than in the larger community. It will also be easier to track and measure the outcomes of the activities of the breast wellness program.

Which organizations and companies to be accepted to BWPFOC?

Any organizations and companies that are concerned with the occupational health of their female members and staff, particularly, on their breast health, and interested in ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Program for Organizations and Companies will be entertained. Decision for acceptance into the program will rest on Dr. Reynaldo O. Joson.

What are the output and impact targets of Breast Wellness Program for Organizations and Companies (BWPFOC)?

Outputs and Impact Targeted for BWPFOC:

1. Great number of subscribers to BWPFOC

Indicator: 750 in three years (June 2012 to May 2015) with at least 30% of subscribers satisfactorily following the ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Regimen (orientation and education; breast wellness self-assessment; breast self-examination; and breast specialist’s check-up, advices, and coaching). The subscribers who satisfactorily follow the ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Regimen will be called “fully-committed subscribers” vs the “partially-committed subscribers.”

i. Orientation and education – attended a formal orientation conducted by ROJ; attended a formal educational presentation conducted by ROJ on ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Regimen; formally and voluntarily subscribed to ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Regimen

ii. Breast wellness self-assessment – accomplishing the ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Self-assessment form at least 3 times at planned intervals determined by ROJ; passing marks – no breast cancerophobia; 100% grade on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Breast Wellness.

iii. Breast self-examination – regularly being performed at planned intervals, monthly, once every 2 months, or at least once every 3 months; coached by ROJ on how to do BSE; how to detect a dominant breast mass; how to recognize common breast conditions and diseases

iv. Breast specialist’s check-up, advices and coaching – at least 2 check-ups in a year with ROJoson at planned intervals and followed ROJoson’s advices and coaching.

2. Early detection of breast cancer for those who will unfortunately develop breast cancer

Indicator: not more than 10% of the fully-committed subscribers to BWPFOC who followed the ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Regimen and who unfortunately develop breast cancer will have their breast cancer discovered in Stage III [specific targets: size of primary breast tumor is not more than 3 cm (2 fingerbreadths) and Stage II]

3. Promotion of mental well-being on breast health

    1. Indicator 1: At least 80% of the fully-committed subscribers obtain satisfactory marks in the Breast Wellness Self-assessment (BWSA) within 2 years

    2. Indicator 2: At least 80% of the fully-committed subscribers maintain their satisfactory marks in the Breast Wellness Self-assessment (BWSA) for at least 2 years

What are the specific projects and activities of ROJoson’s Breast Wellness Program for Organizations and Companies?

Lecture on breast wellness by Dr. ROJoson in accepted organizations and companies

Breast wellness self-assessment (mental assessment) by subscribers – baseline and post-education

Physical examination of the breast and coaching by Dr. ROJoson

Tracking of outcomes on early detection of breast cancer and mental wellness on breast health


Initial organizations and companies:


