
Working Paper

Populists in power (with L. Doerr, N. Potrafke). (Working paper)

Online versus offline: Which networks spur protests? (with N. Potrafke). (Working paper) (DFG grant 400857762)

Elite Persistence and Policy Persistence: Re-Installed Mayors from Weimar Germany (with R. Nitschke). (Working paper)

Sports Clubs and Populism: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from German Cities (with M. Foertsch). (Working paper) (DFG grant 400857762)

Public Infrastructure and Regional Resilience: Evidence from the 1918 Spanish Flu in Germany (with M. Foertsch). (Working Paper)


Party Politics in Austria: From Proporz to Populism?, CESifo Economic Studies, forthcoming.

Activated History: The Case of the Turkish Sieges of Vienna (with C. Ochsner), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 16 (3), 2024, 76-112 (Journal article, Updated working paper version | Earlier working paper version | Selected media coverage: Spiegel online).

Forced migration, staying minorities, and new societies: Evidence from ethnic cleansing in Czechoslovakia (with J. Grossmann, Š. Jurajda), American Journal of Political Science, 68 (2), 2024, 751-766 (Journal article, Working paper, DFG grant 400857762).

Decentralization and Trust in Government: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Ukraine (with H. Arends, T. Brik, B. Herrmann), Journal of Comparative Economics, 51 (4), 2023, 1356-1365. (Journal article, VoxEU).

The German Local Population Database (GPOP), 1871 to 2019, Journal of Economics and Statistics (Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik), 243 (3-4), 2023, 415–430. (Journal article, Dataset, Working paper).

Taxation under direct democracy (with S. Geschwind), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 200, 2022, 536-554 (Journal article, Ökonomenstimme, Austaxpolicy, Working paper.)

Ineffective fiscal rules? The effect of public sector accounting standards on budgets, efficiency, and accountability (with F. Dorn, S. Gaebler), Public Choice 186 (3-4), 2021, 387-412. (Journal article, Working paper)

Are Doctors Better Health Ministers? (with A. Pilny), American Journal of Health Economics 6 (4), 2020, 498-532. (Journal article, Working paper | Selected media coverage: FAZ, Ökonomenstimme)

Migrating extremists (with C. Ochsner), The Economic Journal 130 (628), 2020, 1135-1172. (Journal article, Earlier working paper version | Selected media coverage: The Times,, Deutschlandfunk Nova, Badische Zeitung, Der Standard, ORF Science, WZ, Die Presse)

Electoral externalities in federations – Evidence from German opinion polls (with X. Frei, S. Langer, R. Lehmann), Kyklos, 73 (2), 2020, 227–252. (Journal article, Earlier working paper version)

The urban-rural gap in healthcare infrastructure: Does government ideology matter? (with N. Potrafke), Regional Studies, 54 (3), 2020, 340-351. (Journal article, Working paper)

Compulsory voting and voter turnout: Empirical evidence from Austria (with S. Gaebler, N. Potrafke), Regional Science and Urban Economics 81, 2020, 103499. (Journal article, Working Paper, Earlier working paper version)

Opening hours of polling stations and voter turnout: Evidence from a natural experiment (with N. Potrafke), The Review of International Organizations, 15 (1), 2020, 133-163. (Journal article, Working paper, Earlier working paper version)

Do direct elections matter? – Quasi-experimental evidence from Germany (with S. Gaebler), International Tax and Public Finance, 26 (6), 2019, 1416-1445. (Journal article, Working paper)

Merging county administrations – Cross-national evidence of fiscal and political effects (with S. Blesse), Local Government Studies 45 (5), 2019, 611-631. (Journal article, Working paper)

A banana republic? The effects of inconsistencies in the counting of votes on voting behavior (with N. Potrafke), Public Choice 178 (1-2), 2019, 231-265. (Journal article, Working paper, Earlier working paper version)

Hospital policy and productivity – Evidence from German states (with A. Karmann), Health Economics 26 (12), 2017, 1548-1565. (Journal article, Working paper)

The causal effect of wrong-hand drive vehicles on road safety, Economics of Transportation 11-12, 2017, 15-22. (Journal article, Working paper)

The political economy of fiscal supervision and budget deficits: Evidence from Germany, Fiscal Studies 38 (4), 2017, 641-666. (Journal article, Working paper, Earlier working paper version)

Do mergers of large local governments reduce expenditures? Evidence from Germany using the synthetic control method, European Journal of Political Economy 50, 2017, 22-36. (Journal article, Working paper, Earlier working paper version)

Peer-reviewed (German language)

Einfluss der Moorflächen auf die Besiedlung Niedersachsens zwischen 1821 und 2018 (with L. Roesel), Telma 50, 29-44. (Journal article)

Was bringen kommunale Gebietsreformen? Kausale Evidenz zu Hoffnungen, Risiken und alternativen Instrumenten (with S. Blesse), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 18 (4), 2017, 307-324. (Journal article, Working paper, Earlier working paper version | Selected media coverage: ZDF, MDR, RBB, FAZ, FAZ, Die Zeit, Die Zeit online, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Le Monde diplomatique, Ökonomenstimme, Vox Ukraine | Hearings in state parliaments: Brandenburg, Saxony, Thuringia)

Produktivitätsmotor Gesundheitswirtschaft: Finanziert sich der medizinisch-technische Fortschritt selbst? (with A. Karmann, M. Schneider), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 17 (1), 2016, 54-67. (Journal article)

Policy contributions (German language, selection)

Chronischer Investitionsmangel – eine deutsche Krankheit (with J. Wolffson), Wirtschaftsdienst 102 (7), 2022, 445-449. (Journal article)

15 000 Kilometer Bahnstrecken weniger als vor 70 Jahren in Deutschland – Ost und West gleichermaßen betroffen, ifo Dresden berichtet 28 (4), 2021, 3-6. (Journal article | Süddeutsche Zeitung, MDR, Berliner Morgenpost)

Kaum mehr als ein Strohfeuer – Evaluationsstudien zu Abwrackprämien im Überblick (with C. Leisinger), ifo Dresden berichtet 27 (3), 2020, 25-27. (Journal article | Selected media coverage: Süddeutsche Zeitung, SWR, Capital, Die Zeit)

Städte quellen über, das Land dünnt sich aus: Anteil der Landbevölkerung auf niedrigstem Stand seit 1871 (with T. Weishaupt), ifo Dresden berichtet 27 (2), 2020, 4-6. (Journal article | Selected media coverage: Deutschlandfunk Nova, FAZ)

Die Wucht der deutschen Teilung wird völlig unterschätzt, ifo Dresden berichtet 27 (3), 2019, 23-25. (Journal article | Selected media coverage: The Times, Bloomberg, Spiegel Online, FAZ, Deutsche Welle)

I have published more than 70 further policy papers in German language.